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daily win percentages

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Deleted User
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17:46 Mon 29 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it would be a good idea to have a daily win percentage on your stats. That way you can see what sort of day, playing wise, your opponant is having.

Sorry if this has been suggested before, what do people think ?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:50 Mon 29 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Very useful idea I think.

Also to be used to assess your own daily performance
Deleted User
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17:51 Mon 29 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I like this idea. Also be good to see the average amount of games that someone has played per day.
Posts: 1,325
18:11 Mon 29 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
This really sounds like a great idea, i agree with this
Deleted User
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18:14 Mon 29 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Plus it will be a good challenge to try and get as high a win percentage for that day as possible

Obviously that's what you'd try and do anyway, but if there was a statistic for it, it'd be much better.
Deleted User
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18:22 Mon 29 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
in fact before i opened this, I thought it would be a suggestion for a Percentage Table like we have for ranks.

I think that would be a fantastic idea.

Of course, someone could just play one game and have 100% - so you would need a minimum amount of games played to feature on the table - say 10 games.

And then you could break that down again into individual game types - of course you would have to play 10 of that game type to feature on that individual table.
Deleted User
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14:49 Tue 30 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah but theres a flaw. Very good players could just play very low ranked players to achieve this stat.
Deleted User
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15:03 Tue 30 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
damee said:
Ah but theres a flaw. Very good players could just play very low ranked players to achieve this stat.

Agreed, it would produce cheating and many other things what arent allowed on this game.
Posts: 31,220
16:09 Tue 30 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmmm, technically it wouldn't be cheating, but yeah, people would manipulate theyr rank on such a table by deliberately targetting low ranked players.
Deleted User
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07:16 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Does it really matter though if someone wants to play a low ranker to get a good win percentage. People do it already so i dont think it would make a difference to a daily percentage.
Deleted User
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08:09 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Ah but at the moment the percentage aint in a table. Plus the ranking system stops there being an advantage for people playing low ranked players.

So yes, it does matter as its not a true reflection and people would just do that to get to the top.
Posts: 10,415
09:47 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
Hmmm, technically it wouldn't be cheating, but yeah, people would manipulate theyr rank on such a table by deliberately targetting low ranked players.

People manipulate every possible thing on here lol!
Plenty of people with great win %'s who have never played a soul higher than the 600's.
Plenty of people who have loads of tourny wins who never enter the busy ones,. just the ones with nobody in.
Plenty of people who have hit number one on the rank tables by playing low ranks, myself included, Though I did it the other way as well xP

I think this is a great idea, at the end of the day, people still lose to people they think are easy sometimes, this way you can see whos having a really good day or a really bad day! lol

Nice stuff Ang, cant remember seeing this before either, an original idea is a famous thing here

Still prefer doubles though
Deleted User
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10:31 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I like this idea a few things tho, would it be reset everyday yes? Where abouts would you fit it on the profile?
Posts: 4,762
10:48 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it is a good idea, it could fit on the overall section on bottom of your profile page.
Deleted User
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12:19 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
damee said:
Ah but at the moment the percentage aint in a table. Plus the ranking system stops there being an advantage for people playing low ranked players.

So yes, it does matter as its not a true reflection and people would just do that to get to the top.

I didnt mention a table, just another stat on your profile. Nothing at all to do with ranks either.

All i was meaning is so you can see what kind of day people are having playing wise.

We all know the people who play low rankers to get a good win percentage, some people do it for that reason and others play them because they are mates. So yes i know you wont always see a good % and think "ooooooo he's on fire" but for the majority of people that will be the case.
Deleted User
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12:48 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
It might take the glory away from players such as: Onua, Damee, Killer_1.

This is because, it might be a new invention and people would be concentrating so much on the percentages rather than the ranks.

Before you know it, people would be reseting scores, people wouldnt be entering tournaments as they may get knocked out etc.

It is is a great idea, however many consequences will have to be dealt with because of this suggestion.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:03 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
do it i think its a good idea

u_r_a_loser said:

people wouldnt be entering tournaments as they may get knocked out

if this is true i might get my 1st tourney win
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:09 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
007jb1 said:
do it i think its a good idea

u_r_a_loser said:

people wouldnt be entering tournaments as they may get knocked out

if this is true i might get my 1st tourney win

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:37 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
u_r_a_loser said:
It might take the glory away from players such as: Onua, Damee, Killer_1.

This is because, it might be a new invention and people would be concentrating so much on the percentages rather than the ranks.

Before you know it, people would be reseting scores, people wouldnt be entering tournaments as they may get knocked out etc.

It is is a great idea, however many consequences will have to be dealt with because of this suggestion.

How will it take the glory away from top players? This is nothing to do with ranks. And as for people resetting, that would be pointless resetting your whole stats just to get a good daily win percentage when it will be reset the next day anyway. I cant see it being such a big thing that people wont want to enter tournements just incase they "get knocked out etc."
Posts: 31,220
13:54 Wed 1 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
u_r_a_loser said:
people wouldnt be entering tournaments as they may get knocked out etc.

When you play in the hope of improving your rank, you can play weaker players with small gain or you can play better players with larger gain but a better chance of losing. That's why, in ranked games, some people play weaker players and some play better ones, while still others mix it up a bit.

Now, when you play in a tournament, there's always a good chance you will play poorer players in the earlier rounds, and if you lose, there's no additional penalty. If you play in a tournament, you play to win it, and either you win it or a maximum of one player will outscore you. Plus, a tournament win is much more prestigious and has a much longer lasting record (i.e. forever) than the record of having the highest percentage of wins in 24 hours. So no, I don't think people will play less tournaments if this comes in.

In fact, if they aim to win the tournament and don't care about some win percentage table, then their win percentage will increase anyway. And if they lose 3-0 in some round, that's the most damage they can suffer, but they might have counteracted that in advance by some good wins in earlier rounds.

u_r_a_loser said:
It might take the glory away from players such as: Onua, Damee, Killer_1.

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daily win percentages

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