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Posts: 444
05:26 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I have a general query / grievance.

I know players have to earn ranking points, the more points you get your status changes, moderate, adept, professional etc.

My grievance is ... how can a player be professional in 9 ball and 8 ball, but when it comes to straight they start at newbie?

Due to their abilities in 9 ball and 8 ball ( which uses same balls and same type of table) should that reflect in them not starting at newbie?
Posts: 1,630
05:33 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I wouldn't really agree that because you're on the same table, that you would have the same talent across the games.

Straight, Killer, 9 ball and 8 ball are completely different games which take different skill, techniques etc. So to me it wouldn't really make sense to start on a higher score/status reflecting their rank in other game types.

Plus, if you really are that good at all of them, it won't take long for you to lose your newbie status anyway.
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05:34 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Doesn't matter how good or bad you are, you will lose newbie status as the same rate. (100 games)
Posts: 444
05:35 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
but its deceiving when you think your playing a newbie when in reality your much better than a newbie
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05:43 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
But they are newbie until they played 100 games!
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05:44 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Well when they enter a room, just click on their picture at the top, and look at their stats, then decide if you want to play them.
Posts: 444
05:49 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i will play anyone , i love taking ranking pts off the big guns, when it happens, not very often.
Posts: 5,373
13:26 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
welshie said:
Due to their abilities in 9 ball and 8 ball ( which uses same balls and same type of table) should that reflect in them not starting at newbie?

Yes it should.

Have a look at the thread I made a while ago in the same topic:
Posts: 8,940
13:32 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
welshie said:
but its deceiving when you think your playing a newbie when in reality your much better than a newbie

I think you misunderstand the term "newbie" - it has nothing at all to do with ability, it is just a reflection of the number of games played.
Posts: 5,373
14:26 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I think what he's really trying to say is that it is confusing that they should have as low rank as you have when starting to play a new game type.

At least that's the case in my view - skills in 8 or 9 ball clearly benefits the player in other game types too - even across different tables - something that should be reflected in the ranking system, one way or another.
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16:41 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
However with them being a newbie you lose less to them at that rank than you previously would so that has been taken into consideration, its exactly the same with people using more than one user.

However i think straight is a completely different game as in us8 you are focussing on 7 balls primarily and then only one after they have been potted, in straight at any one time there could be 15 balls to focus on.

To constantly pot, get position pot get position pot and get position isn't as easy for some as it is for others so would be at a lower rank than their us8 ranks.

One way i think we can prevent this in the long run is to take away the right to reset stats as then we would have less "fake newbies" and limit the number of accounts per i.p to 1.

Once there is one account on the i.p another should not be able to be created and under no circumstances (unless by admin for cheating etc) should anyone be reset,
Posts: 1,630
17:36 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mich said:
Once there is one account on the i.p another should not be able to be created

The thing is many IP addresses are shared, and also this would be unfair to people living in a house where multiple people play on funkypool.
Posts: 64
17:41 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
yes am my bro plays as well on his computer most off the time there a few ppl on here with brothers that play as well so cant limit it to an ammount
Posts: 8,940
17:52 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mich said:
One way i think we can prevent this in the long run is to take away the right to reset stats as then we would have less "fake newbies" and limit the number of accounts per i.p to 1.

Even if we could do that (we can't, due to IP sharing and dynamism) that still doesn;t stop someone deactivating their account and creating a new one, just how it used to be before the reset feature was introduced. (which is quite recently, remember)

I used to be against recreating (as it was called before) but I realised it was a very naieve and blinkered viewpoint, as many people enjoyed playing to see how quickly, or in how few games, they could get to a given rank etc.

Those are perfectly legitimate ways to enjoy the games. With the introduction of the newbie modification to eliminate any possibility of such players adversely affecting the ranks of those who like to play for the table positions, everything levels out nicely
Posts: 5,373
18:40 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
spinner said:
Those are perfectly legitimate ways to enjoy the games.

It is, as of now, but that doesn't mean it has to be

But a moot point as long as we lack technical means to implement it.
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20:17 Mon 22 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mich said:
Once there is one account on the i.p another should not be able to be created

Could you just enforce that those that do use multiple accounts have it recorded on their profiles that they are also 'this and that'?
Posts: 5,373
18:57 Tue 23 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Not really... How would you tell two different people playing from the same IP apart from one person playing from one IP on two accounts?
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03:55 Wed 24 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
Not really... How would you tell two different people playing from the same IP apart from one person playing from one IP on two accounts?

That is a very good question jan

As take me i originally before i moved had 4 accounts 1 for me 1 for bf and me 2 bros had accounts i mean u can claraly see that were all diff by looking at out stats but how would u determine it.

i now just have me an the bf :)
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