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Dedications Thread 6!

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12:13 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Dedicate perfect uk speed to:

topdogs!, james, andy, adam, mich, jon, kev, crazzy, cal, rob, killer_1, lady, ex, aliq, matt, cloone, paula, chris, jo, walker, dave, ang, princess, steve, ant, str8, col, buddy, mike, lfc, dgen, al, lee, keith, dan147, viper, sharky, cuequeen, ab, lewis, ste, pete, weirdo, ul_son, chaos, berbatov, craig, youngjeezy, bak2biscuits, potty, onua, angel, anaconda, mystery, robbean, warney, jim, enemy, kirk, damee, ste_efc, emma, sporting, emma, dan, fastboy, sted, kiba1, chloe, smart, tuttu, stew, yorkshire, trish, tozzie, carl, accuracy, keoghz, damee and zero.

and obscurity the sporting and unlucky finalist
Deleted User
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12:16 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
wd me ol pal
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12:56 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ul_son said:
Well done Berb, ever since you schooled me in the clans you've gone from strength to strength

haha true

cheers for all the well dones from people too

and to everyone who dedi'd myself

Edited at 18:03 Wed 22/07/09 (BST)
Deleted User
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13:01 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Well Done Alex!
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15:21 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
7UK runouts and 3US8 runouts today to xnutritionx, oh and to mich for showing me his break on UK, trust me, you can't beat it.
Deleted User
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16:05 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator

sorry for certain reasons i had to remove this post

Edited by forum moderator adidas, at 21:38 Wed 22/07/09 (BST)
Posts: 2,683
16:57 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
alexander said:
Dedicate perfect uk speed to:

topdogs!, james, andy, adam, mich, jon, kev, crazzy, cal, rob, killer_1, lady, ex, aliq, matt, cloone, paula, chris, jo, walker, dave, ang, princess, steve, ant, str8, col, buddy, mike, lfc, dgen, al, lee, keith, dan147, viper, sharky, cuequeen, ab, lewis, ste, pete, weirdo, ul_son, chaos, berbatov, craig, youngjeezy, bak2biscuits, potty, onua, angel, anaconda, mystery, robbean, warney, jim, enemy, kirk, damee, ste_efc, emma, sporting, emma, dan, fastboy, sted, kiba1, chloe, smart, tuttu, stew, yorkshire, trish, tozzie, carl, accuracy, keoghz, damee and zero.

and obscurity the sporting and unlucky finalist

Well done al
Deleted User
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17:01 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I dedicate losing 8UK final 3-2 to enyone who wants it lol
Posts: 423
17:08 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol, unlucky mate.
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18:16 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
keoghz said:
ANNOUNCEMENT: 9 Ball - keoghz potted the 9 ball on a golden break!

To Steph

Well done my lil lovely u

antlew said:
dedi 10th straight to joker ul finalist 41 - 3 and
joker also for support throught
yorkshire wiggy and m2j3m4 for grats
all nutters
adidas sporting tozzie

Thats my boy well done hun ill be around tomoz to beat u in tournys haha
Posts: 2,683
22:58 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Your my boo steph
Deleted User
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01:49 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
well done everyone
Deleted User
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03:48 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks _gerard_, WD all
Posts: 38,214
04:33 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
alexander said:
Dedicate perfect uk speed to:

topdogs!, james, andy, adam, mich, jon, kev, crazzy, cal, rob, killer_1, lady, ex, aliq, matt, cloone, paula, chris, jo, walker, dave, ang, princess, steve, ant, str8, col, buddy, mike, lfc, dgen, al, lee, keith, dan147, viper, sharky, cuequeen, ab, lewis, ste, pete, weirdo, ul_son, chaos, berbatov, craig, youngjeezy, bak2biscuits, potty, onua, angel, anaconda, mystery, robbean, warney, jim, enemy, kirk, damee, ste_efc, emma, sporting, emma, dan, fastboy, sted, kiba1, chloe, smart, tuttu, stew, yorkshire, trish, tozzie, carl, accuracy, keoghz, damee and zero.

and obscurity the sporting and unlucky finalist

Well done Alex, and ty for the mention

Edited at 10:20 Thu 23/07/09 (BST)

Edited at 10:21 Thu 23/07/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:11 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Dedicate my first half decent straight run of 35 to:

topdogs!, james, andy, adam, mich, jon, kev, crazzy, cal, rob, killer_1, lady, ex, aliq, matt, cloone, paula, chris, jo, walker, dave, ang, princess, steve, ant, str8, col, buddy, mike, lfc, dgen, al, lee, keith, dan147, viper, sharky, cuequeen, ab, lewis, ste, pete, weirdo, ul_son, chaos, berbatov, craig, youngjeezy, bak2biscuits, potty, onua, angel, anaconda, mystery, robbean, warney, jim, enemy, kirk, damee, ste_efc, emma, sporting, emma, dan, fastboy, sted, kiba1, chloe, smart, tuttu, stew, obscurity, yorkshire, trish, tozzie, carl, accuracy, keoghz, damee and zero.

annoying miss on penultimate ball of rack but its a start
Deleted User
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05:15 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Wd mate!!
Posts: 38,214
05:21 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
justsumgirl said:
And again...

alexander said:
Dedicate perfect uk speed to:

topdogs!, james, andy, adam, mich, jon, kev, crazzy, cal, rob, killer_1, lady, ex, aliq, matt, cloone, paula, chris, jo, walker, dave, ang, princess, steve, ant, str8, col, buddy, mike, lfc, dgen, al, lee, keith, dan147, viper, sharky, cuequeen, ab, lewis, ste, pete, weirdo, ul_son, chaos, berbatov, craig, youngjeezy, bak2biscuits, potty, onua, angel, anaconda, mystery, robbean, warney, jim, enemy, kirk, damee, ste_efc, emma, sporting, emma, dan, fastboy, sted, kiba1, chloe, smart, tuttu, stew, yorkshire, trish, tozzie, carl, accuracy, keoghz, damee and zero.

and obscurity the sporting and unlucky finalist

Well done Alex, and ty for the mention

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:43 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
lol thank you's

Do you reckon ive the biggest dedi?
Deleted User
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05:49 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Pffft its not the biggest dedi that impresses the ladies is it though alex lol Wd mate
Deleted User
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05:59 Thu 23 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
size isnt everything mich

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