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14:26 Mon 1 Jun 09 (BST)
Hi Guys,
I would like to introduce
This site will hopefully change the way leagues run here on funkypool. It will also help members with the running of their leagues.
It was set up to run youngjeezy's and dobbzee's funkychampionship league over on funkysnooker. But it is capable of running multiple leagues with multiple divisions, As you can see there is a few leagues currently running on the site. Alex's speed pool ladder is the 1st pool league running on the site.
Here are some features:
- Instant Auto Updated league table
- Display of upcoming fixtures and past results
- Win Percentage Statistic
- Table can be sorted by different statistics
- Fofeits ( -1 point for forfeited member)
- Multiple Divisions
- Multiple Leagues (eg. Different leagues for each game type)
- FULL admin control for league owner
- Option to have league moderators.
- Players can be made inactive (keeps league running smoothly)
- Show Fixtures/Results for a player.
- Show player history
- Friendly matches can be set up.
- Unlimited Players
The admin side of things, give league runners simple and easy control of their league. Once the result is added the table will automatically update. It couldnt be any easier. Each league owner will get their own username and password. Plus if you require additional members to help add results etc (league moderators). They can be set up too.
I would like to introduce
This site will hopefully change the way leagues run here on funkypool. It will also help members with the running of their leagues.
It was set up to run youngjeezy's and dobbzee's funkychampionship league over on funkysnooker. But it is capable of running multiple leagues with multiple divisions, As you can see there is a few leagues currently running on the site. Alex's speed pool ladder is the 1st pool league running on the site.
Here are some features:
- Instant Auto Updated league table
- Display of upcoming fixtures and past results
- Win Percentage Statistic
- Table can be sorted by different statistics
- Fofeits ( -1 point for forfeited member)
- Multiple Divisions
- Multiple Leagues (eg. Different leagues for each game type)
- FULL admin control for league owner
- Option to have league moderators.
- Players can be made inactive (keeps league running smoothly)
- Show Fixtures/Results for a player.
- Show player history
- Friendly matches can be set up.
- Unlimited Players
The admin side of things, give league runners simple and easy control of their league. Once the result is added the table will automatically update. It couldnt be any easier. Each league owner will get their own username and password. Plus if you require additional members to help add results etc (league moderators). They can be set up too.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
14:26 Mon 1 Jun 09 (BST)
If you would like your league set up on the site, just get in contact with me. I am over on funkysnooker mainly. So for a quicker response mail me on that side. Same username.
You will get full control over it, and your players will be able to see a nicely presented league table.
Feel free to ask any questions...
Because the way the site works there is some limitations:
- Wins are set as 3 points (cannot be changed)
- Draws are set as 1 point (cannot be changed)
- Only one person can forfeit a game. (Forfeits are optional, so a forfeit can be recorded as a friendly match with no player recieving points)
If you would like to try before you want to use the site.
Go to admin management and enter these login details
Pasword: demo
You will see all current leagues. scroll down to demo league.. you will be able to add players etc to this league.
Edited at 19:30 Mon 1/06/09 (BST)
You will get full control over it, and your players will be able to see a nicely presented league table.
Feel free to ask any questions...
Because the way the site works there is some limitations:
- Wins are set as 3 points (cannot be changed)
- Draws are set as 1 point (cannot be changed)
- Only one person can forfeit a game. (Forfeits are optional, so a forfeit can be recorded as a friendly match with no player recieving points)
If you would like to try before you want to use the site.
Go to admin management and enter these login details
Pasword: demo
You will see all current leagues. scroll down to demo league.. you will be able to add players etc to this league.
Edited at 19:30 Mon 1/06/09 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:33 Mon 1 Jun 09 (BST)
I forgot to add:
The demo password can be changed. I ask for no one to change it. If it gets changed then i'll just remove the demo league completely. So you will ruin it for others.
Your league will never get deleted unless you request me to remove it. Even when its finished. I will keep it on the site for reference.
The demo password can be changed. I ask for no one to change it. If it gets changed then i'll just remove the demo league completely. So you will ruin it for others.
Your league will never get deleted unless you request me to remove it. Even when its finished. I will keep it on the site for reference.
Deleted User
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14:57 Mon 1 Jun 09 (BST)
It really is pure genious.
Very easy to use and proffesionally made.
Thanks very much mate
Very easy to use and proffesionally made.
Thanks very much mate
Deleted User
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15:05 Mon 1 Jun 09 (BST)
I definatly agree, i understud all of it!
alexander said:
It really is pure genious.
Very easy to use and proffesionally made.
Thanks very much mate
Very easy to use and proffesionally made.
Thanks very much mate
I definatly agree, i understud all of it!
Deleted User
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21:14 Mon 1 Jun 09 (BST)
Agreed, as ive said on another thread, good stuff lfc, makes it easier for league owners could possibly be implemented on both clan leagues for snooker and pool
Deleted User
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07:46 Tue 2 Jun 09 (BST)
Can easily run clan leagues. It currently runs leagues for two clans on snooker. Heroes and thunder hawx. But would be able to run the clan v clan leagues. Instead of adding players. You would just add teams. Then in the comment section post each individual result...
So the result would look like this:
Home Player: Clan A
Score: 1-0
Away Player: Clan B
Comment: Player A of Clan A Beat Player A of Clan B
It has been on snooker
hightops said:
Agreed, as ive said on another thread, good stuff lfc, makes it easier for league owners could possibly be implemented on both clan leagues for snooker and pool
Can easily run clan leagues. It currently runs leagues for two clans on snooker. Heroes and thunder hawx. But would be able to run the clan v clan leagues. Instead of adding players. You would just add teams. Then in the comment section post each individual result...
So the result would look like this:
Home Player: Clan A
Score: 1-0
Away Player: Clan B
Comment: Player A of Clan A Beat Player A of Clan B
alexander said:
Mods stickify please!
It has been on snooker
Deleted User
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17:16 Tue 2 Jun 09 (BST)
Hey guys,
For those who dont play snooker. We dont have golden breaks or 7ballings etc. We have high breaks called half cents and cents.
Some leagues over on snooker give a bonus point if a player gets a half 2 points for a cent. I am currently in the middle of implementing this bonus point system into the site. (wont be added til next week).
As i am not really much of a pooler. I dont know how the leagues are run over here. Would pool require a bonus system for golden breaks etc?
It will be an optional feature. So leagues who that wih not to have a bonus point system dont need to have one.
There is currently only one pool league on the site. But with the succesful running of alexs speed pool league, i am sure there will be more intrest . Plus adding small features like this. Gives it a bit more variety in leagues.
Other future updates will be:
- Seperate the pool leagues from the snooker leagues.
If you have ideas, Please suggest. The worst that will happen is i will say no
For those who dont play snooker. We dont have golden breaks or 7ballings etc. We have high breaks called half cents and cents.
Some leagues over on snooker give a bonus point if a player gets a half 2 points for a cent. I am currently in the middle of implementing this bonus point system into the site. (wont be added til next week).
As i am not really much of a pooler. I dont know how the leagues are run over here. Would pool require a bonus system for golden breaks etc?
It will be an optional feature. So leagues who that wih not to have a bonus point system dont need to have one.
There is currently only one pool league on the site. But with the succesful running of alexs speed pool league, i am sure there will be more intrest . Plus adding small features like this. Gives it a bit more variety in leagues.
Other future updates will be:
- Seperate the pool leagues from the snooker leagues.
If you have ideas, Please suggest. The worst that will happen is i will say no
Deleted User
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02:51 Wed 3 Jun 09 (BST)
Sounds great,
It actually doesnt normally happen with the bonus point on pool.
Simply because runouts/goldens dont come as frequently over here. But if its optional it would be a nice addition possibly because its rarer on pool 2 points may be better?
Some ideas though
1. Implementing a season cup possibly a random draw that lets players play in it from all divisions.
2. An optional "play off" system like in football.
3. Customising not sure if this is on but where you can do things like say how many get promoted/relegated and basic rule changes.
It actually doesnt normally happen with the bonus point on pool.
Simply because runouts/goldens dont come as frequently over here. But if its optional it would be a nice addition possibly because its rarer on pool 2 points may be better?
Some ideas though
1. Implementing a season cup possibly a random draw that lets players play in it from all divisions.
2. An optional "play off" system like in football.
3. Customising not sure if this is on but where you can do things like say how many get promoted/relegated and basic rule changes.
02:58 Wed 3 Jun 09 (BST)
maybe 2 points for golden break and 1 point for runout and 7 ballings since golden breaks are harder than 7 ballings and runouts.
Phil the way pool works is you have first to 4 9 ball, first to 3 in UK and US (clan games mainly), expect for alexs league which is 1 frame of each UK and US.
and as above, good work Phil
Phil the way pool works is you have first to 4 9 ball, first to 3 in UK and US (clan games mainly), expect for alexs league which is 1 frame of each UK and US.
and as above, good work Phil
Deleted User
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05:50 Wed 3 Jun 09 (BST)
I figured out a solution. Just need to code it
There will be a option to add bonus points when adding scores.There will be a option to change how many bonus points are given. The only problem i will come across is the table.It wont look very good if a pool league has a table which displays half cents and cents and vice versa.
So, i am thinking of running two sites but on the same site if that makes sense. On the main page, have a section for funkypool leagues and a section for funkysnooker leagues. This way. i should be able to make the tables more specific for that game type. (halfs and cents show on snooker tables) (goldens and runs show on pool).
That will be in a future update probably so alex, just keep your league running as it is for now.
Regarding your ideas alex.
Tournaments are completely different than a league. So it would have to be a complete rewrite to add this in. It may be possible in the future.
There is a playoff option when you select 'beat' or 'lost to' as well as exhibition. These were for friendly matches and do not affect the table but show up in results. The idea was to display the result saying it was a playoff game and exhibition for exhibition games. But i think i may just remove these options. You can always add a playoff division. Add the players to that division and then run a minileague for the playoffs for now.
Custimising is hopefully my next task... Being able to change the point system for each league etc.
Edited at 10:52 Wed 3/06/09 (BST)
There will be a option to add bonus points when adding scores.There will be a option to change how many bonus points are given. The only problem i will come across is the table.It wont look very good if a pool league has a table which displays half cents and cents and vice versa.
So, i am thinking of running two sites but on the same site if that makes sense. On the main page, have a section for funkypool leagues and a section for funkysnooker leagues. This way. i should be able to make the tables more specific for that game type. (halfs and cents show on snooker tables) (goldens and runs show on pool).
That will be in a future update probably so alex, just keep your league running as it is for now.
Regarding your ideas alex.
Tournaments are completely different than a league. So it would have to be a complete rewrite to add this in. It may be possible in the future.
There is a playoff option when you select 'beat' or 'lost to' as well as exhibition. These were for friendly matches and do not affect the table but show up in results. The idea was to display the result saying it was a playoff game and exhibition for exhibition games. But i think i may just remove these options. You can always add a playoff division. Add the players to that division and then run a minileague for the playoffs for now.
Custimising is hopefully my next task... Being able to change the point system for each league etc.
Edited at 10:52 Wed 3/06/09 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:13 Wed 3 Jun 09 (BST)
dgeneratio - I strongly argue that runouts are far harder to get than golden breaks requiring more skill. Especially in 8ball games the exception is 9ball where its equally as likely to get golden and runout.
And thats not right at all about "how it usually works on pool" everyones tournament is different and different game types just like on snooker. Your speaking only from the clan league there.
Lfc_Lad - Fair enough I dont understand coding but I see what your saying regarding tournamenets.
Thats great about the playoffs will be using that as it was original plan.
Customisation will be good said before and say it again there is maximum potential here the improvements are endless!
Please stickify this mods!
And thats not right at all about "how it usually works on pool" everyones tournament is different and different game types just like on snooker. Your speaking only from the clan league there.
Lfc_Lad - Fair enough I dont understand coding but I see what your saying regarding tournamenets.
Thats great about the playoffs will be using that as it was original plan.
Customisation will be good said before and say it again there is maximum potential here the improvements are endless!
Please stickify this mods!
Deleted User
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07:15 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)
Please stickify this mods!
not listening
put a few hours in last night. doing bits and pieces. Hopefully will be a big update to the site next week. (IF the internet gets installed)
Funkyleagues is now host to two more pool leagues:
- berbatov's league
- Blueys marathon and speed tournaments
Both leagues, you will find in the pool events forum.
The new update, will include:
- the bonus system.
- Fix players History. Currently, it shows all players who are assigned to a game type. So in every league if they have a player assigned to 8UK. Then that players history will show all wins etc for players assigned to that game type accross all leagues.
Edited at 12:26 Thu 4/06/09 (BST)
alexander said:
Please stickify this mods!
not listening
put a few hours in last night. doing bits and pieces. Hopefully will be a big update to the site next week. (IF the internet gets installed)
Funkyleagues is now host to two more pool leagues:
- berbatov's league
- Blueys marathon and speed tournaments
Both leagues, you will find in the pool events forum.
The new update, will include:
- the bonus system.
- Fix players History. Currently, it shows all players who are assigned to a game type. So in every league if they have a player assigned to 8UK. Then that players history will show all wins etc for players assigned to that game type accross all leagues.
Edited at 12:26 Thu 4/06/09 (BST)
Deleted User
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11:10 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)
Sound mate
They will stickify it if not I will keep bumping it everyday for the rest of my funky career.
Like the update!
They will stickify it if not I will keep bumping it everyday for the rest of my funky career.
Like the update!
Deleted User
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02:39 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)
ahh theres a small issue lfc
On admin management when you go to add a player and select what game type there in for it comes up with the games in amongst aload of random usernames used throughout the site.
Edited at 07:43 Fri 5/06/09 (BST)
On admin management when you go to add a player and select what game type there in for it comes up with the games in amongst aload of random usernames used throughout the site.
Edited at 07:43 Fri 5/06/09 (BST)
Deleted User
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04:40 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)
Oh. That could be a problem
Im gonna scrap the game types anyway mate. It was only so i could see how many players played each game.
It will be changed to either snooker or pool. Makes it more simple and less hassle.
I'll look into that problem to see what it is first mate. Cheers for pointing it out.
Removing blue bears league from the site because he deactivated...
Edited at 09:57 Fri 5/06/09 (BST)
Berbatov, didnt assign a game type, so each time he added a player, It created a gametype with that players name. I have made these 'Game types' inactive so now it only shows the ones it meant to show.
Wasnt a bug. phew!
Edited at 10:02 Fri 5/06/09 (BST)
Im gonna scrap the game types anyway mate. It was only so i could see how many players played each game.
It will be changed to either snooker or pool. Makes it more simple and less hassle.
I'll look into that problem to see what it is first mate. Cheers for pointing it out.
Removing blue bears league from the site because he deactivated...
Edited at 09:57 Fri 5/06/09 (BST)
lfc_lad said:
Oh. That could be a problem
Berbatov, didnt assign a game type, so each time he added a player, It created a gametype with that players name. I have made these 'Game types' inactive so now it only shows the ones it meant to show.
Wasnt a bug. phew!
Edited at 10:02 Fri 5/06/09 (BST)
Deleted User
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06:51 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)
I have changed all the game types now.
There is two options either FunkyPool or FunkySnooker. Obviously. If you add any new players or start a new league make sure you put your players into Funkypool. I hae changed all players for all leagues, so you dont need to edit them. Its for future reference.
If you dont, you will end up creating loads of new 'game types' and wont look very good for the site. (creating new game types will be disabled in update). Note, I will know who it is if they do it on purpose
The site will now display every player assigned to funkypool, in a big table. This is handy for comparing accross all leagues. And to check up on how your friends are doing in another league. If you dont display in this table. Speak to the league runner. They might of put you in the funkysnooker table by mistake.
To get this table, Click on the players name in your league, and then go to history.
I clicked on alex in his league. This is the table.
There is two options either FunkyPool or FunkySnooker. Obviously. If you add any new players or start a new league make sure you put your players into Funkypool. I hae changed all players for all leagues, so you dont need to edit them. Its for future reference.
If you dont, you will end up creating loads of new 'game types' and wont look very good for the site. (creating new game types will be disabled in update). Note, I will know who it is if they do it on purpose
The site will now display every player assigned to funkypool, in a big table. This is handy for comparing accross all leagues. And to check up on how your friends are doing in another league. If you dont display in this table. Speak to the league runner. They might of put you in the funkysnooker table by mistake.
To get this table, Click on the players name in your league, and then go to history.
I clicked on alex in his league. This is the table.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
09:19 Sun 7 Jun 09 (BST)
There will be a BIG update this week to the site. It will happen around midweek, probably tuesday night.
There will be a fixture generator. You can input the players names or just specify the amount of players in the league. It will then display the fixtures for you. Dead simple. It is also capable of calculating fixtures for odd numbers (meaning a bye for one fixture each week). Each player will play equal amounts of home and away. And it will split the fixtures halfway for leagues that dont require home and away fixtures.
The other big change is the bonus points. At the start of the week, i had options for number of golden breaks, number of runouts etc.. and the same for snooker bonus's... I have decided simple is usually better. So now the two options will be home bonus points and away bonus points. Depending on how many bonus points a player recieves enter the amount into the box. this number will add onto their points score. Having the system run this way means it can be used for many leagues that offer bonus points for different things.
There is also a few minor bits and pieces.
There will be a BIG update this week to the site. It will happen around midweek, probably tuesday night.
There will be a fixture generator. You can input the players names or just specify the amount of players in the league. It will then display the fixtures for you. Dead simple. It is also capable of calculating fixtures for odd numbers (meaning a bye for one fixture each week). Each player will play equal amounts of home and away. And it will split the fixtures halfway for leagues that dont require home and away fixtures.
The other big change is the bonus points. At the start of the week, i had options for number of golden breaks, number of runouts etc.. and the same for snooker bonus's... I have decided simple is usually better. So now the two options will be home bonus points and away bonus points. Depending on how many bonus points a player recieves enter the amount into the box. this number will add onto their points score. Having the system run this way means it can be used for many leagues that offer bonus points for different things.
There is also a few minor bits and pieces.
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FunkyLeagues - League Management
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