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Wipeout - League Champions (Old Thread)

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Posts: 8,149
11:57 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
top dogs vs wipeout:
alxima vs foddy:

9 ball US 2:3
8 ball UK 2:3
8 ball US 3:2

overall score : 7:8 to foddy

very well played foddy
Posts: 8,149
12:01 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
[U][B]clan league[/U]

Wipeout 67 (+20pts bonus) vs 53 Top dogs

4ph3x 7 vs 8 yorkshirepro
andyw1 4 vs 11 punish3rr
chalky_no1 7 vs 8 garyf
vestan_pance 9 vs 6 scotty_6
syd_barrett 5 vs 10 joker86
alxima 7 vs 8 foddy
alexander 8 vs 7 pro_potter
revinax 6 vs 9 dazpolz

[U]Wipeout 73 (+20pts bonus) vs 47 Mvp[/U]

foddy 8 vs 7 horse10000
garyf 10 vs 5 hightops
punish3rr 10 vs 5 g_shot
kizzlefizzle 8 vs 7 _jaded
dazpolz 10 vs 5 ab_rfc
yorkshirepro 8 vs 7 ex_champ
ukpoolking 10 vs 5 egotistical
scotty_6 9 vs 6 adidas

Deadline: Sunday 9th August

well done guys on getting weeks 1 and 2 done, excellent start guys.. well done.

clan league/cup website:
Posts: 8,149
12:05 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
[U][B]clan cup 1st round[/U]

wipeout 49 vs 36 top pool aces

yorkshirepro 6 vs 9 no_talking
joker86 9 vs 6 jon_l
dazpolz 9 vs 6 kingape
ukpoolking 11 vs 4 u_s_a_rule
ste_c07 12 vs 3 greyhound
scotty_6 2 vs 8 lena_rus

[U]clan cup 2nd round[/U]

wipeout vs the fellowship[/B]

(fixtures released soon)
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13:05 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you Joker - sorry had to run soon as I finished. Very tough opponent - was more delighted that I avoided 0-15 lol.

Excellent start to the season guys - very impressive.
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14:24 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Great win foddy mate.

Amazing start lads, lets keep it up.
Posts: 8,149
16:10 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
clan cup quarter finals

wipeout vs the fellowship

punish3rr vs zantetsukenz
garyf vs sheep2k9
kizzlefizzle vs smoothy
ste_c07 vs bigmerv1973
pro_potter vs hells_angel
foddy vs sarahh

deadline: friday 14th august

please message your opponent asap to arrange play, it is also a good idea to add your opponent as friend so you will see when they are online.

please post your results in the wipeout thread and the cup news and results thread.


good luck
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16:17 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks scotty mate
Posts: 1,489
20:45 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
come on then lads, lets make it to the semi-final of the clan cup.

we have a great bunch of players here who i know myself can play very well, just focus on the game and get every point possible

also, good luck to you all

gooooo wipeoutttttttt
Posts: 8,149
22:21 Sat 8 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
just won 8ball tourney.

dedicated to all you great bunch of lads at wipeout.

goo wipeout

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07:56 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
good luck to the lads playing in the cup im sure youll get us through to the next round :D

goo wipeouuttt
Posts: 8,149
09:22 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
just to remind you guys...

clan league/sup website :

please look at it reguarly as that is where all the fixtures/results, tables, and cup etc.

i find it alot easier by saving it as a bookmark.

clan cup

now... come on guys lets make a good start in the quarter finals.

clan league

weeks 3 and 4 fixtures will be released tonight 8pm.

wipeout vs flying piglets

wipeout vs double trouble
Posts: 8,149
12:50 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
clan league

Here is the next 2 weeks fixtures:

The Flying Piglets vs. Wipeout

justsumgirl vs ste_c07
sarkybry vs kizzlefizzle
mdj vs punish3rr
j_a_m_e_s_ vs garyf
crazzymadman vs scotty_6
rogan vs joker86
jooodles vs pro_potter
katie_bug vs yorkshirepro

Double Trouble vs. Wipeout

onua0767 vs foddy
killer_1 vs dazpolz
cool_dude vs punish3rr
billmore vs kizzlefizzle
cheesymangav vs ste_c07
jerry vs garyf
psyco05 vs yorkshirepro
techno vs ukpoolking

Deadline: Sunday 23rd August

clan cup quarter final

wipeout vs the fellowship

punish3rr vs zantetsukenz
garyf vs sheep2k9
kizzlefizzle vs smoothy
ste_c07 vs bigmerv1973
pro_potter vs hells_angel
foddy vs sarahh

deadline: friday 14th august

Same format applies

Please message your opponent ASAP to arrange a time to play your game, failure to do so will most likely result in wipeout losing that game by default.
It is always a good idea to add your opponent as a friend so you will see when he/she logs in.

When you have completed your game please post your result on the wipeout thread and the official clan results thread.

The clan league website is where all the fixtures, results, tables ect is at so please occasionally check it :

Good luck all

Edited at 17:53 Sun 9/08/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:48 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
gl to everyone in there clan matches

goo wipeouuttt
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:40 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
wot about yorkshire.......
9 ball final
2-0 down.......wins 3 in a row

very well played v gd win
Posts: 1,489
17:55 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
why do i always get hard people

haha, anyway come on wipeout, lets also win weeks 3 and 4
Posts: 8,149
17:56 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hey you lol,

i think people should release foddy has the hardest lol

Posts: 8,149
17:57 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
clan cup

The Fellowship vs Wipeout

bigmerv1973 vs ste_c07

9ball - 0-5
8us - 2-3
8uk - 4-1

Overall: 6-9 ste
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:15 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Wipeout vs The Flying piglets

pro_potter vs jooodles

9ball - 3-2 joodles

8ball us - 3-2 pro_potter

8ball uk - 4-1 pro potter

ggs jooodles ul
Posts: 1,489
18:28 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
9-6 pro_potter

wd mate
Posts: 1,489
18:29 Sun 9 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
clan league

Here is the next 2 weeks fixtures:

The Flying Piglets 6 vs 9 Wipeout

justsumgirl vs ste_c07
sarkybry vs kizzlefizzle
mdj vs punish3rr
j_a_m_e_s_ vs garyf
crazzymadman vs scotty_6
rogan vs joker86
jooodles 6 vs 9 pro_potter
katie_bug vs yorkshirepro

Double Trouble vs. Wipeout

onua0767 vs foddy
killer_1 vs dazpolz
cool_dude vs punish3rr
billmore vs kizzlefizzle
cheesymangav vs ste_c07
jerry vs garyf
psyco05 vs yorkshirepro
techno vs ukpoolking

Deadline: Sunday 23rd August

clan cup quarter final

wipeout 9 vs 6 the fellowship

punish3rr vs zantetsukenz
garyf vs sheep2k9
kizzlefizzle vs smoothy
ste_c07 9 vs 6 bigmerv1973
pro_potter vs hells_angel
foddy vs sarahh

deadline: friday 14th august

Same format applies

Please message your opponent ASAP to arrange a time to play your game, failure to do so will most likely result in wipeout losing that game by default.
It is always a good idea to add your opponent as a friend so you will see when he/she logs in.

When you have completed your game please post your result on the wipeout thread and the official clan results thread.

The clan league website is where all the fixtures, results, tables ect is at so please occasionally check it :

Good luck all

Edited at 17:53 Sun 9/08/09 (BST)

Edited at 23:35 Sun 9/08/09 (BST)
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Wipeout - League Champions (Old Thread)

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