Opinions on shot timeout, random shot or automatic foul?
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09:06 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)
Watch me lol. One is allowed, the other isn't.
I know what you're trying to say; seen from the server side, there's is no technical difference. This is correct, but it is also irrelevant. Since we CAN distinguish whether a human has taken the shot vs. the client software, we should. In one case you have fulfilled the requirement to take your shot before the time expires - in the other you have not, and deserve a foul.
Anyway, lets just agree to disagree. We've both said all there is to say about this by now I think, so lets let others have their say as well
chris said:
Since you obviously cannot enforce that, and a shot played by my mate instead of me is not a foul, then if I choose to let someone else play the shots on my behalf or if I choose to let the pc play a random on my behalf is my choice. You just cant say one is allowed and one isnt.
Watch me lol. One is allowed, the other isn't.
I know what you're trying to say; seen from the server side, there's is no technical difference. This is correct, but it is also irrelevant. Since we CAN distinguish whether a human has taken the shot vs. the client software, we should. In one case you have fulfilled the requirement to take your shot before the time expires - in the other you have not, and deserve a foul.
Anyway, lets just agree to disagree. We've both said all there is to say about this by now I think, so lets let others have their say as well
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09:15 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)
Watch me lol. One is allowed, the other isn't.
Full marks for trying to get the final word ..
....but actually I think you will find they are both allowed
I'm sure anyone else that wants to post will do lol
thats what diversity means - equality and fairness to all
janmb said:
Watch me lol. One is allowed, the other isn't.
Full marks for trying to get the final word ..
....but actually I think you will find they are both allowed
I'm sure anyone else that wants to post will do lol
thats what diversity means - equality and fairness to all
09:29 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)
Well that's precisely what Nick is questioning by this thread.
chris said:
....but actually I think you will find they are both allowed
Well that's precisely what Nick is questioning by this thread.
14:10 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)
Not taking your shot within the allotted time IS a foul.
Not at the moment, as we are playing to normal pool rules.
Lets not forget the random shot is already a penalty. How often do you think the random shot is EXACTLY, in every way, the same shot the player would have played had they taken the shot?
Even in the very rare circumstance when the random shot *appears* to have gone in someones favour, the chances are it has destroyed thier gameplan and has negative effects for the rest of the frame.
This is far from a wild suggestion, it is absolutely perfect and removes all possible frustrations for those who feel hard done by.
janmb said:
spinner said:
Awarding a foul when no foul has been commited can never be right no matter how you look at it.
Not taking your shot within the allotted time IS a foul.
Not at the moment, as we are playing to normal pool rules.
Lets not forget the random shot is already a penalty. How often do you think the random shot is EXACTLY, in every way, the same shot the player would have played had they taken the shot?
Even in the very rare circumstance when the random shot *appears* to have gone in someones favour, the chances are it has destroyed thier gameplan and has negative effects for the rest of the frame.
chris said:
how about this for a wild alternative suggestion
the random shot stays - however it doesnt get announced as such. That way the game continues and the opponent would never know for sure whether it was a random or not. What you dont know cant hurt you
the random shot stays - however it doesnt get announced as such. That way the game continues and the opponent would never know for sure whether it was a random or not. What you dont know cant hurt you
This is far from a wild suggestion, it is absolutely perfect and removes all possible frustrations for those who feel hard done by.
15:04 Sun 17 May 09 (BST)
The problem is that a random shot *can* benefit the timeout player at the expense of the opponent(s). There is nothing that could ever defend that.
The only way to ensure a timed out player never gets the upper hand as a consequence is to grant an automatic foul.
This would change absolutely nothing, since there will be no doubt what so ever about which are random shots and which are not, even if they aren't announced. I already rarely look down to check if it's a random or not as it is - it's simply not necessary in order to know.
We are starting to repeat ourselves anyway, we've always disagreed on the principles behind this type of debate, you have in general a much more amiable and casual view on this game than I do so lets just agree to disagree
Edited at 20:07 Sun 17/05/09 (BST)
spinner said:
Lets not forget the random shot is already a penalty. How often do you think the random shot is EXACTLY, in every way, the same shot the player would have played had they taken the shot?
Even in the very rare circumstance when the random shot *appears* to have gone in someones favour, the chances are it has destroyed thier gameplan and has negative effects for the rest of the frame.
Even in the very rare circumstance when the random shot *appears* to have gone in someones favour, the chances are it has destroyed thier gameplan and has negative effects for the rest of the frame.
The problem is that a random shot *can* benefit the timeout player at the expense of the opponent(s). There is nothing that could ever defend that.
The only way to ensure a timed out player never gets the upper hand as a consequence is to grant an automatic foul.
spinner said:
This is far from a wild suggestion, it is absolutely perfect and removes all possible frustrations for those who feel hard done by.
This would change absolutely nothing, since there will be no doubt what so ever about which are random shots and which are not, even if they aren't announced. I already rarely look down to check if it's a random or not as it is - it's simply not necessary in order to know.
We are starting to repeat ourselves anyway, we've always disagreed on the principles behind this type of debate, you have in general a much more amiable and casual view on this game than I do so lets just agree to disagree
Edited at 20:07 Sun 17/05/09 (BST)
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09:35 Fri 22 May 09 (BST)
The random shots are very annoying, especially when it makes an amazing shots.
Grrr they are annoying.
Grrr they are annoying.
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03:07 Sat 23 May 09 (BST)
Replacing the random shot generator?
What will happen to Steve and Jim?
What will happen to Steve and Jim?
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05:42 Sat 23 May 09 (BST)
Spinner, I know what your saying however;
If that event is true (we can only take robbean's word) that should never happen. Where's that disavantage to the offending player
robbean said:
I played someone in 9ball speed tournment 4th round he was on 9ball and got a random shot limit but the random shot limit made him pot the 9 thats perfectic random shots should just pot the white into a pocket because thats well unfair also another thing when you to balls in straight it should count as 2points other members on this site i played againest agree
If that event is true (we can only take robbean's word) that should never happen. Where's that disavantage to the offending player
06:52 Sat 23 May 09 (BST)
Problem is that some seem to think running out of time isn't a fault on the part of that player at all...
But certainly it is even less so a fault on the part of the other player, right? The only remotely fair solution is to give the other player ball-in-hand and be done with it.
You could obviously have simply let the ball stay and hand over the table, but that would been exploited to the moon and back.
ace75 said:
Where's that disavantage to the offending player
Problem is that some seem to think running out of time isn't a fault on the part of that player at all...
But certainly it is even less so a fault on the part of the other player, right? The only remotely fair solution is to give the other player ball-in-hand and be done with it.
You could obviously have simply let the ball stay and hand over the table, but that would been exploited to the moon and back.
10:25 Sat 23 May 09 (BST)
The disadvantage to the other player is that they didnt get to take the shot themselves, therefore the chances of it turning out to be a win or to their advantage at all are very slim.
Saying a random shot should never have a positive outcome is like saying flukes should never happen
I can't see any possible problem with handing the table over and letting the ball stay. After all, if the opposing player doesnt want to play from there, they simply return the favour. If the initial player still doesn't respond, they will forfiet the game on the 3rd timeout.
However, that would all be very clinical and boring, and the random shot is quick and fun!
No contest there IMO
Lets not forget - the "random shot grump" occurs usually in about 3-4 monthly timescales, and thats only one player moaning about one shot out of the hundreds playing thousands of games consisting of hundreds of thousands of shots!
Everyone else seems happy enough
Also note that many who support the idea are looking for a way of gaining an advantage, rather than suggesting a fair alterative...
Edited at 15:30 Sat 23/05/09 (BST)
Saying a random shot should never have a positive outcome is like saying flukes should never happen
I can't see any possible problem with handing the table over and letting the ball stay. After all, if the opposing player doesnt want to play from there, they simply return the favour. If the initial player still doesn't respond, they will forfiet the game on the 3rd timeout.
However, that would all be very clinical and boring, and the random shot is quick and fun!
No contest there IMO
Lets not forget - the "random shot grump" occurs usually in about 3-4 monthly timescales, and thats only one player moaning about one shot out of the hundreds playing thousands of games consisting of hundreds of thousands of shots!
Everyone else seems happy enough
Also note that many who support the idea are looking for a way of gaining an advantage, rather than suggesting a fair alterative...
Edited at 15:30 Sat 23/05/09 (BST)
11:46 Sat 23 May 09 (BST)
True enough, since the one starting it will be the one timing out first. That is an absolute requirement for that not to be a problem though.
But back on track... Dave, you do a whole lot to defend the random shot and counter any arguments regarding its flaws... So a simple question: Why!?
I can agree that all the problems associated with random shots are wildly exaggerated and virtually irrelevant, but to turn this around: Random shot holds no advantages worth keeping either... It's in no way faster than an automatic foul, and it's not guaranteed to favor the player who deserves it.
So in short, instead of defending why random shots aren't so bad, lets turn it around and have you elaborate why they are a better solution than an automatic foul (or handing over the table) instead...
Edited at 16:50 Sat 23/05/09 (BST)
spinner said:
I can't see any possible problem with handing the table over and letting the ball stay. After all, if the opposing player doesnt want to play from there, they simply return the favour. If the initial player still doesn't respond, they will forfiet the game on the 3rd timeout.
True enough, since the one starting it will be the one timing out first. That is an absolute requirement for that not to be a problem though.
But back on track... Dave, you do a whole lot to defend the random shot and counter any arguments regarding its flaws... So a simple question: Why!?
I can agree that all the problems associated with random shots are wildly exaggerated and virtually irrelevant, but to turn this around: Random shot holds no advantages worth keeping either... It's in no way faster than an automatic foul, and it's not guaranteed to favor the player who deserves it.
So in short, instead of defending why random shots aren't so bad, lets turn it around and have you elaborate why they are a better solution than an automatic foul (or handing over the table) instead...
Edited at 16:50 Sat 23/05/09 (BST)
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16:19 Sat 23 May 09 (BST)
Anyway, lets just agree to disagree. We've both said all there is to say about this by now I think, so lets let others have their say as well
Perhaps spinner read that above and thinks whats the point!!
janmb said:
Anyway, lets just agree to disagree. We've both said all there is to say about this by now I think, so lets let others have their say as well
Perhaps spinner read that above and thinks whats the point!!
14:33 Wed 27 May 09 (BST)
Because in all the years and all the threads about it I have yet to see a fairer or more logical solution suggested.
Yes, I have lent my support for alternatives, like a couple suggested here, but they would all be a step back.
I really do think the ultimate solution is the simple removal of the announcement. In that way, no matter how much you may suspect due to timings etc, you can never conclusively "blame the random shot" for anything.
janmb said:
But back on track... Dave, you do a whole lot to defend the random shot and counter any arguments regarding its flaws... So a simple question: Why!?
Because in all the years and all the threads about it I have yet to see a fairer or more logical solution suggested.
Yes, I have lent my support for alternatives, like a couple suggested here, but they would all be a step back.
I really do think the ultimate solution is the simple removal of the announcement. In that way, no matter how much you may suspect due to timings etc, you can never conclusively "blame the random shot" for anything.
15:20 Wed 27 May 09 (BST)
Trying to ask again:
What is good about the random shot?
Is this a matter of choosing the lesser evil, or do you actually think random shots are fair? In the latter case, I would very much like to try to understand why...
What is good about the random shot?
Is this a matter of choosing the lesser evil, or do you actually think random shots are fair? In the latter case, I would very much like to try to understand why...
15:35 Wed 27 May 09 (BST)
Good points :
Bad Points :
Once in a blue moon cause a forum rant from someone who doesn't realise the irony of complaining about being beaten by a random shot.. (actually, that can be a good point too depending how entertaining the thread is)
janmb said:
Trying to ask again:
What is good about the random shot?
Is this a matter of choosing the lesser evil, or do you actually think random shots are fair? In the latter case, I would very much like to try to understand why...
What is good about the random shot?
Is this a matter of choosing the lesser evil, or do you actually think random shots are fair? In the latter case, I would very much like to try to understand why...
Good points :
Bad Points :
Once in a blue moon cause a forum rant from someone who doesn't realise the irony of complaining about being beaten by a random shot.. (actually, that can be a good point too depending how entertaining the thread is)
15:41 Wed 27 May 09 (BST)
Innovative and entertaining I can easily understand and agree on.
Fair on the other hand.... that one requires some elaboration I'm afraid. Same goes for the logic bit
Rules or not, making a (manual) shot within the time limit IS the sole responsibility of the active player. I really hope you don't disagree on that one. We don't need to call it a foul, we don't need to talk about rules at all, but it's still their responsibility. It certainly can't be anyone else's! Therefore, the consequences should always be in the favor of the other players - at the expense of the player who failed to make his shot in time (regardless of reason)
Fair on the other hand.... that one requires some elaboration I'm afraid. Same goes for the logic bit
Rules or not, making a (manual) shot within the time limit IS the sole responsibility of the active player. I really hope you don't disagree on that one. We don't need to call it a foul, we don't need to talk about rules at all, but it's still their responsibility. It certainly can't be anyone else's! Therefore, the consequences should always be in the favor of the other players - at the expense of the player who failed to make his shot in time (regardless of reason)
15:49 Wed 27 May 09 (BST)
To use a similar setup for table handover with ball in hand:
Good points:
100% Fair - always and without exception
Fast (not big deal when compared to random shots, but still a bonus)
Logical (far more so than the random nature of the current system)
Bad points:
None that I can see. It never ever fails to place the consequences where they belong, and never ever fails to move the game along in a smooth way.
It also never impacts game build-up and strategy - whereas the random shot often helps a newbie without them even realizing (not just potting, but other shots they should have chosen too, like breaking open a pack at the right time, potting an opponent ball blocking a corner you need early rather than late, etc etc. There's a lot more ways a random shot may reward the slow player in than simply potting their own balls)
Good points:
100% Fair - always and without exception
Fast (not big deal when compared to random shots, but still a bonus)
Logical (far more so than the random nature of the current system)
Bad points:
None that I can see. It never ever fails to place the consequences where they belong, and never ever fails to move the game along in a smooth way.
It also never impacts game build-up and strategy - whereas the random shot often helps a newbie without them even realizing (not just potting, but other shots they should have chosen too, like breaking open a pack at the right time, potting an opponent ball blocking a corner you need early rather than late, etc etc. There's a lot more ways a random shot may reward the slow player in than simply potting their own balls)
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16:10 Wed 27 May 09 (BST)
I will letting the pc play the shot on your behalf is as valid an option if you cant do it yourself as getting someone else to play the shot on your behalf.
Twice in straight league games now I have played whilst 'on call' fielding phone calls. I have risked letting the random play the shot on my behalf on the off chance it might play one in my favour (as it happens it didnt) but having A chance was better than having NO chance!
The point is I had the option of letting the random play the shot - and options are always good.
As far as the opponent is concerned what possible complaint can they have with me exercising that option - its likely to work in their favour anyway.
The only complaint is the fact that a ball or a snooker or a safety may have been fluked. But the same people that moan about that would also moan if the same fluke had been played by the player manually!!
janmb said:
Rules or not, making a (manual) shot within the time limit IS the sole responsibility of the active player. I really hope you don't disagree on that one.
I will letting the pc play the shot on your behalf is as valid an option if you cant do it yourself as getting someone else to play the shot on your behalf.
Twice in straight league games now I have played whilst 'on call' fielding phone calls. I have risked letting the random play the shot on my behalf on the off chance it might play one in my favour (as it happens it didnt) but having A chance was better than having NO chance!
The point is I had the option of letting the random play the shot - and options are always good.
As far as the opponent is concerned what possible complaint can they have with me exercising that option - its likely to work in their favour anyway.
The only complaint is the fact that a ball or a snooker or a safety may have been fluked. But the same people that moan about that would also moan if the same fluke had been played by the player manually!!
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Opinions on shot timeout, random shot or automatic foul?
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