Rules for disconnected users during clan games
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16:09 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
This is a place mainly for the league hosts to elaborate on their rules for disconnected users during clan matches.
Feel free to debate this, but keep it constructive and civil please.
Feel free to debate this, but keep it constructive and civil please.
16:19 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
I've seen a few cases of this happening and in fairness the opponents have replayed the game, I think if the player disconnected was about to lose fair enough claim it as its deserved, If I had 3 balls on the table and my opponent had 4 balls and white ball in hand after I fouled and he got disconnected I would rather replay than claim a game where my opponent had the advantage, I know people say if it was a tourney or rank you would lose but its not, its a clan league, its a team event where all games are supposed to be friendly.
Edited at 21:29 Tue 5/05/09 (BST)
Edited at 21:29 Tue 5/05/09 (BST)
16:25 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
only problem with that is where as one person might say they had the advantage there opponent might and then there is no1 to decide who deserves the win so it should be a replayed match
16:25 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
I agree Al, but I think we can't leave this entirely in the hands of good sportsmanship. At the very least there should be a set of guidelines as to how such cases should play out in the different scenarios in my opinion.
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16:27 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
look fairs fair you take the frame,its rules for everyother game type so why change it to cater the needs of some in a clan?and ur bit about if the player was about to lose really doesnt change things.
16:27 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
True enough, but we can't have a rule stating there should always be a replayed frame either - since that would been exploited by losing players all the time.
line6 said:
only problem with that is where as one person might say they had the advantage there opponent might and then there is no1 to decide who deserves the win so it should be a replayed match
True enough, but we can't have a rule stating there should always be a replayed frame either - since that would been exploited by losing players all the time.
16:27 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
If players are gonna claim these games there should be a rule put in place for clan leagues that a disconnection forfeits the game, would save lots of arguing and stop players getting a bad name for claiming, take away the option of replaying
Edited at 21:29 Tue 5/05/09 (BST)
Edited at 21:29 Tue 5/05/09 (BST)
16:28 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
i dont see how you can have different scenarios though because you cant just give someone a game beacuase they said they had an advantage
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16:30 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
though the scenario which brought this up..the player who disconected had the my opinion he should still lose
16:32 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
probably the best way but then there are players that just do have internet that loses connection alot like myself and it seems abit unfair for them to be losing clan matches because of there internet if they was about to win
ab_rfc said:
If players are gonna claim these games there should be a rule put in place for clan leagues that a disconnection forfeits the game, would save lots of arguing and stop players getting a bad name for claiming, take away the option of replaying
Edited at 21:29 Tue 5/05/09 (BST)
Edited at 21:29 Tue 5/05/09 (BST)
probably the best way but then there are players that just do have internet that loses connection alot like myself and it seems abit unfair for them to be losing clan matches because of there internet if they was about to win
16:33 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
That's probably the only rule possible for this problem, if we want a solid, non-debatable way of handling all such case.
The player left in the game would obviously still be able to grant a replay should he/she choose to, but that would be 100% a voluntary matter - the default would be forfeit.
ab_rfc said:
If players are gonna claim these games there should be a rule put in place for clan leagues that a disconnection forfeits the game, would save lots of arguing and stop players getting a bad name for claiming, take away the option of replaying
That's probably the only rule possible for this problem, if we want a solid, non-debatable way of handling all such case.
The player left in the game would obviously still be able to grant a replay should he/she choose to, but that would be 100% a voluntary matter - the default would be forfeit.
16:34 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
Of course you *can*. The question is if you should be required to. The answer to that is pretty obviously no though (because you lack a referee to make any ruling on this)
line6 said:
i dont see how you can have different scenarios though because you cant just give someone a game beacuase they said they had an advantage
Of course you *can*. The question is if you should be required to. The answer to that is pretty obviously no though (because you lack a referee to make any ruling on this)
16:36 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
yeh thats fair enough but while some players are willing to replay people will always argue and disagree, as I said in my last post "take away the option to replay", a disconnection forfeits the frame, this would stop people arguing and also stop players getting a bad name
love_it said:
though the scenario which brought this up..the player who disconected had the my opinion he should still lose
yeh thats fair enough but while some players are willing to replay people will always argue and disagree, as I said in my last post "take away the option to replay", a disconnection forfeits the frame, this would stop people arguing and also stop players getting a bad name
16:39 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
probably the best way but then there are players that just do have internet that loses connection alot like myself and it seems abit unfair for them to be losing clan matches because of there internet if they was about to win
thats why we are having this debate, the player lost connection, now your saying its unfair to lose that way, you need to make up your mind, unfair or deserve to lose lol
line6 said:
ab_rfc said:
If players are gonna claim these games there should be a rule put in place for clan leagues that a disconnection forfeits the game, would save lots of arguing and stop players getting a bad name for claiming, take away the option of replaying
Edited at 21:29 Tue 5/05/09 (BST)
Edited at 21:29 Tue 5/05/09 (BST)
probably the best way but then there are players that just do have internet that loses connection alot like myself and it seems abit unfair for them to be losing clan matches because of there internet if they was about to win
thats why we are having this debate, the player lost connection, now your saying its unfair to lose that way, you need to make up your mind, unfair or deserve to lose lol
16:45 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
why not get somebody from a different clan to watch the match? be referee and can decide if the person that lost connection deserved to win or not and its there call
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16:49 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
I can think of a few people with these problems through no fault of their own who will probably have to cease playing clan games due to this rule if it comes into force...
Usually the ball in hand will come as a result of a random shot due said disconnection and nobody is guarenteed a clearance..dont care how MVP you are
Verdict: Frame replayed
End of discussion whingers!
ab_rfc said:
a disconnection forfeits the frame
I can think of a few people with these problems through no fault of their own who will probably have to cease playing clan games due to this rule if it comes into force...
Usually the ball in hand will come as a result of a random shot due said disconnection and nobody is guarenteed a clearance..dont care how MVP you are
Verdict: Frame replayed
End of discussion whingers!
17:00 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
I disagree ive been disconnected in a clan game and i know some of our clan has also and we havent said anything and took it as a loss.
Frame should be given to top dogs, just because you say he is goin to clear doesn't mean he will. Also if he doesn't want to finish the games the top dogs clan should have the win for that match.
Frame should be given to top dogs, just because you say he is goin to clear doesn't mean he will. Also if he doesn't want to finish the games the top dogs clan should have the win for that match.
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17:03 Tue 5 May 09 (BST)
No its simple if u get disconnected and logged out u replay we hav never any disputes that i am aware of in regards to this this is meant to be fun not to penalise people for dodgy connections.
So u replay the current frame.
lman had this problem with bazzacu last night he got logged out and like a true sportsman lman sed we will replay it wasnt his fault.
So u replay the current frame.
lman had this problem with bazzacu last night he got logged out and like a true sportsman lman sed we will replay it wasnt his fault.
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Rules for disconnected users during clan games
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