The Food Game 5

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19:17 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Toffee Crisp
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19:17 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Waht makes me think you're lying.. umm the fact you're so thin perhaps?.. no way could anyone go on consuming 0% healthy stuff and still look like you < therefore, you must be telling little lies here! Ahh that's the spirit! you have some belief at least! ahh you'll find out when you're trapped trying the toasted vegemite! not yet! exactly! and that's an easy problem to fix!

Deleted User
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19:27 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha that comes from good genes, I really do eat terribly but get away with it :$:P Guess I'm living proof that someone can! Well I have to, or I'm subjecting myself to a new form of torture for nothing! Oh... any idea when that is? I don't think I can cope with so many surprises at the same time! Haha might be just a little harder than you think...

Deleted User
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19:45 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha ooh well i guess you're a lucky triangle and not so much of a healthy triangle! Hmm i guess you are.. unless this was a bit of a lie so you're not really living proof?xx Haha oh right, so without the belief it would be torture? no the attitude you should have for your vegemit! Hmm i'm thinking Sunday seems like a convenient day for you to find out and try itHaha no it's not!.. or at least i'm going to keep telling myself it's not..*crossses her fingers in hope*

Deleted User
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19:53 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha I know, not sure how long I'll be able to keep riding my luck either... Ok so maybe a teeny weeny bit of a lie - I do play the football which helps counteract the junk I eat Yes, I mean you've tried too much vegemite - torture is the perfect word to describe that! I know it isn't, but until my mind is changed that's the attitude I'll have! Haha Sundays seeming like a day full of surprises now, let's hope they're all good ones! xx Haha well you telling yourself will make all the difference, it'll be a piece of cake!

Iced Coffee
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19:59 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Really? surely if it's in your genes you never have to worry about it stopping, would you? Haha that soccer doesn't count - not with how much time you spend on the sidelines injuredxx. Haha oh boo! how are you supposed to enjoy the vegemite if you keep thinking so negatively towards it?! :O. Haha how about if i threaten you with pain.. still the atittude you have? It does?! here i was thinking this would only be the second one.. that depends doesn't it?.. how nice i feel like making themxx. You think?! not just being sarcastic are you? i don't want false hope here.. or do?Posted Image

Deleted User
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20:08 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha you never know, don't particularly want to risk getting bigger, I might not be able to stop! I've been spending less time injured the last few weeks thank you very much, getting plenty of actually running away from the ball time now! I don't know, but only the vegemite-spreader can stop me thinking so negatively... Yep, I'm not sure even you hurting me is a torturous as eating vegemite! xx Well that's 2 more surprises than most Sundays, plus there's the Crows winning in Melbourne making it 3 Oh, no chance of them being good surprises then! xx Of course not, you're good at spotting when I'm really being sarcastic! well the false hope might make manage to really make it easier, and you can always getitng me back if it doesn't... Posted Image

Tarte Tatin
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20:49 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
So what? you need to chnage your lifestyle now because you don't want to risk your genes failing you?Posted Image Haha oh right, but isn't that only luck? i mean you're bound to injure yourself sooner or late right?xx Hmm what about if the vegemite spreader forces you into stopping the negaitve thinking?.. Haha that's it! while you have this attitude you're going to be tortured to eat it by the spoonful! Pfft! that's not really a surprise if you're excpecting it to happen!.. although you will be surprised when you're wrong about that winxx. Haha hey! i sometimes feel like being nice and making things nice for you! *shifties*Posted Image. That's true, but you could try to be sarcastic but it not working as well for you?..Haha ooh good point! now i look forward to that!

Deleted User
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21:00 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep exactly, don't want to end up with a spare tyre in my mid-twenties because I took my genes for granted! Oh no, I have a patented injury-avoidance system in place now, I call it the Exercise your muscles a little so they're ready for action? method! Well then I will no longer think negatively about vegemite! :O Noooo! anything but that! There's no torture worse than that! But I'm not, I'm hoping it'll happen but that's different! Haha right, good thing I barrack for both teams then! Oh really? these times just happen to be when I'm not around, right? xx Maybe, though I thought I was past that stage and back to being successfully sarcastic! Haha you would, probably get me back even if the flase hope is right!

Deleted User
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21:37 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha oh right, think it'll be easy to change everything?Posted ImageHaha wow! sounds good and seems effective, although what if you injure yourself another way? like sliding? or diving?xx. Woo! that sounds like the perfect result!.. haha no? i'm sure i coudl think of worse tortures for you!.. or have you having the spoonfuls of vegemit wheile experienceing another torture simulataneously! ah right, no belief with the hope? haha you can't barrack for both teams! that ruins the watching of it!Posted ImageHaha yes! exactly!.. erm i mean.. no.. times when you are aroudnd to experience themPosted Image(A). Oh sometimes, you're a bit hit and miss with it still - but it is getting better - back to it's former glory almost! haha yep! now i just want to do that and now worry about any other result!Posted Image

Deleted User
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23:30 Thu 4 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Well maybe if I work on a little bit at a time whilst my genes are still being nice, I might be able to? Haha well diving isn't an issue for me, and I'll just be careful to avoid the muddy patches of the pitch! Oh yes, couldn't think of anything better than that really(!) :O Nooo, surely not even you could be so mean as to combine tortures?! Nope not really, Bombers have been playing well this season, for a change No it doesn't, means I can appreciate when both teams play well! ...Plus I'm always able to be biased against the ref! Haha I think you might just have been telling the truth the first time... Haha thanks, I'm surprised you've allowed it to make such a comeback, feel sorry for it? Oh great(!) Shouldn't you worry about other results, you know, just in case? Posted Image

Deleted User
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02:21 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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04:22 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Egg Fried Rice
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05:37 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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06:12 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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07:13 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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08:12 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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09:48 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
sponge cake
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10:32 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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19:43 Fri 5 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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The Food Game 5

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