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New Idea for Clan League - Thoughts Please

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Posts: 9,926
20:01 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
There has been a lot of discussion regarding the 2 division set up for next season in the clan league.
Please do not say that i am only typing this as i am not happy about being in division 2. I am more than happy to be in division 2 if that is what has been decided.
I have played in all 3 seasons and potty and mmt have done a great job, i dont think anyone thought when this was started that 3 seasons on we would be looking forward to season 4 and it would have grown as it has.
I think a lot of people have forgotten that this is funkypool and it is meant to be fun, win lose or draw.
The clan league competition was set up so that the best clan would win each season and for 3 seasons that has been the case. Next season it is possible that the best clan may not win the season as we are all aware that there are some very strong teams in division 2. Will the clan who win it be happy knowing they won but may not have if they played all teams. I for one would not be, if you want to win the clan league you should do it by beating all so you are the best.
The format i suggest which is adaptable regardless how many more teams join the league is as follows:- there are 13 teams this year, so do a draw and create 2 leagues (1 with 7 and the other with 6), play a complete set of fixtures against all teams in your league. The top team in league 1 play the runners up from league 2 and winners of league 2 the runners up from league 1.
Posts: 9,926
20:02 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
The 2 teams that win these games would then play off to decide who wins the overall season.
This way ensures that the best clan wins the season unlike what may happen this season.

Thoughts please.
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20:12 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I really like this idea, it gives a chance from div 1 and div 2 to play each other!
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20:19 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
When untouchables (for example) end up in division 2 because of the draw? its just gona end up with them bein in exactly the same position but worse as theyv been around since the beginning? And we would end up in a vicious circle. The way steph and adam have organised it is probably the fairest way.

(Sorry lads but we all know how competitive you are no offence ment! )
Posts: 881
20:23 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
The words sour grapes springs to mind. If the people in this clan league want to chop and change clans season-in, season-out and expect to be favoured over other well established clans it is just plain wrong. Looking at your team this season it is by far the best IMO, however the team is made up of a bunch of renegades who are going to desert your clan real was funny to read one member of your team (of individuals) had already lost interest knowing they were in the second division.

Just play your games, get your wins and stop moaning. You'll be surprised once you find some competition down there, look at the Untouchables, they should have strolled this season with their players yet didn't.
Posts: 9,926
20:27 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
pr1ncess said:
When untouchables (for example) end up in division 2 because of the draw? its just gona end up with them bein in exactly the same position but worse as theyv been around since the beginning?

(Sorry lads but we all know how competitive you are no offence ment! )

It is purely 2 leagues to split numbers of clan teams. The leagues would change each season depending on the draw. It is purely a formula that allows any team to win overall.

P.S. The untouchables may have been formed before. They only came back in last season, so no they haven't been there since the start, they were a new clan last season.
Posts: 9,926
20:30 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
walker666 said:
The words sour grapes springs to mind. If the people in this clan league want to chop and change clans season-in, season-out and expect to be favoured over other well established clans it is just plain wrong. Looking at your team this season it is by far the best IMO, however the team is made up of a bunch of renegades who are going to desert your clan real was funny to read one member of your team (of individuals) had already lost interest knowing they were in the second division.

Just play your games, get your wins and stop moaning. You'll be surprised once you find some competition down there, look at the Untouchables, they should have strolled this season with their players yet didn't.

I already said at the top of thread i am happy in division 2, and this was a thread to see other peoples thoughts as to what may improve the clan leagues, please do not use the thread to massage your ego.
Posts: 2,800
20:38 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
this all just seems another excuse to get you into the top division.

find it quiet amusing how you talk about someone elses ego when you all constantly keep talking about how your going to walk the league, well if thats the case you can... the season after this
Posts: 9,926
20:47 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
cool_dude said:
this all just seems another excuse to get you into the top division.

find it quiet amusing how you talk about someone elses ego when you all constantly keep talking about how your going to walk the league, well if thats the case you can... the season after this

This is purely a suggestion to create a format that any team can win overall, as i have now said 3 times i am happy in division 2 next season. If you can find any post where i have said i will walk any league , please let me know as i think you are mistaken, i am not and never will be that type of person. I have purely done it as i believe if you want to be the best team and take any honour from winning you want to know that you have beaten all teams. Would man united take any satisfaction of winning the premiership if liverpool, chelsea and arsenal got put in the championship as it suited the leagues, i think not.
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20:54 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
top idea - like a finals format!!
Posts: 7,940
20:59 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I am sure this thread wasn't created so people can debate whos the best and who should be in what Division, I agree with the way it has been done, if they want 2 Divisions the new clans should be in Division 2, horse10000 has simply made a suggestion on a new format that would mean the best clan would win, I quite like the idea but some might not, would be nice if people would keep to topic and just give their thoughts on what looks like a champions league type format, would be nice to hear what the league organisers think.

Edited at 02:17 Wed 15/04/09 (BST)
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21:06 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i think the cup will be a this type of thing competition so it wont matter about the divisions.

Division 1 looks to be a 2 horse race again so i reckon the cup will be very competitive and the top teams can have a go against each other despite division.

the cup will be VERY competitive.
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22:00 Tue 14 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
walker666 said:
However the team is made up of a bunch of renegades who are going to desert your clan real was funny to read one member of your team (of individuals) had already lost interest knowing they were in the second division.

Every clan could win either division...luck of the draw
Posts: 5,373
02:47 Wed 15 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Not a bad idea horse, then again I think the current setup is just fine too...

New teams having to work their way up makes sense to me, and it's not like the season takes that long anyway.
Posts: 10,415
04:33 Wed 15 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Interesting discussion

As most people, including Keith, seem to agree, new teams starting in DIvision Two is the only way that makes sense.......although Untouchables were a "new clan" last season, there were less teams and so only one division, so it is of moo point whether we were new or not

The biggest problem we have seen this season has come at the end of the final week when people have failed to play their games, mainly becuase they know they are playing for a new clan next season or there is nothing left to play for this season.

I'm not sure if Keith spoke to Chris before coming up with this idea, but its vaguely similar to an idea put to me in message last night, one which I put forward for consideration here.......I'd say if a majority want it included then it will be, if they don't, it won't be

At the end of the season the top team in each division play each other in a play off and this runs down the league so 2nd play 2nd, 3rd play 3rd, 4th play 4th and so on.

From a league running perspective, I would hope that this would encourage people to play their matches in the last week to help determine their final placing and who they play in the end of season play offs.

As pointed out to me, this would enable some competition between the two divisions, probably reducing the need for the Cup mentioned before.
Posts: 10,415
04:34 Wed 15 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
From this one off week of games we would get a Play Off table of all teams, the top teams filling 1st and 2nd in it, the runners up filling 3rd and 4th, 3rd filling 5th and on and so on, you get the picture.

Thoughts on that welcome, we will listen to the majoirty I'm sure.........*passes over to Steph for a comment on that*
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05:51 Wed 15 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
lol putting a spanner in the works i dont mind being in division 2.

I prefer the cup tbh
Posts: 7,940
12:55 Wed 15 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I like the idea of play-offs, am I right in thinking we would have Division champions and play-offs to get overall champions, I dont see the point in binning the cup because of one extra week for play-offs, both might work, my only concern about the cup is the amount of extra fixtures it could create, especially when the reason for Division 2 was too many fixtures.
Deleted User
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13:27 Wed 15 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i like the idea of 2 divs, it means theres summit for us to play for, getting promoted!!! the cup idea is the way to show u are the best clan out of both divs.
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New Idea for Clan League - Thoughts Please

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