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Posts: 9,926
19:09 Sat 15 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
cool_dude said:
on the top fixture can gingey replace onua as he is no longer around?

No problem at all, i have spoken to gingey and will get it played in the next couple of nights.
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04:50 Sun 16 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hightops said:
Confused as to why you feel the need to post that joker when as you can clearly see we are ontop of everything :S

Topsy hes asked to do weekly updates as sum teams dont do it and just so hes on top of all he does evey team even if they have posted themselves :)

Or he might just be stalking u :)
Posts: 7,940
13:41 Sun 16 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
Double Trouble 31 - 44 MVP

psyco05 5 - 10 _jaded
killer_1 10 - 5 hightops
justforplay 7 - 8 _niall_
cheesymangav 5 - 10 ex_champ
jerry 4 - 11 damee
cool_dude v ab_rfc
techno v g_shot
gingey v horse10000

Untouchables 35 - 40 MVP

ul_son 11 - 4 horse10000
pr1ncess 3 - 12 g_shot
__anaconda__ 4 - 11 ab_rfc
janmb 9 - 6 _niall_
walker666 8-7 ex_champ
ste_efc v _marc_
mich v damee
top_dog v hightops

doing well guys, lets get all these games played pls, if nothing is arranged, please message your opponents again and post in their thread, remember to keep messages incase of defaults.

Deadline for these games is next Sunday

Good Luck Guys
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06:43 Mon 17 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  

damee v mich

4-1 to damee on each game

damee 12-3 mich

Never seen such bad luck on here, no matter what he did, luck struck him down.
Posts: 7,940
09:01 Mon 17 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
well done damee, excellent result
Posts: 26
09:19 Mon 17 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hey , you need a player ?
Posts: 7,940
17:16 Mon 17 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Double Trouble 31 - 44 MVP

psyco05 5 - 10 _jaded
killer_1 10 - 5 hightops
justforplay 7 - 8 _niall_
cheesymangav 5 - 10 ex_champ
jerry 4 - 11 damee
cool_dude v ab_rfc
techno v g_shot
gingey v horse10000

Untouchables 38 - 52 MVP

ul_son 11 - 4 horse10000
pr1ncess 3 - 12 g_shot
__anaconda__ 4 - 11 ab_rfc
janmb 9 - 6 _niall_
walker666 8-7 ex_champ
mich 3 - 12 damee
ste_efc v _marc_
top_dog v hightops

doing well guys, lets get all these games played pls, if nothing is arranged, please message your opponents again and post in their thread, remember to keep messages incase of defaults.

Deadline for these games is Sunday

Good Luck Guys
Posts: 9,926
19:50 Mon 17 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  

horse10000 2 - 3 gingey (sub for onua0767) @ US8
horse10000 3 - 2 gingey (sub for onua0767) @ US9
horse10000 2 - 3 gingey (sub for onua0767) @ UK8

Overall = horse10000 7 - 8 gingey

Very close game all the way

great result damee
Posts: 9,926
19:51 Mon 17 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Double Trouble 39 - 51 MVP

psyco05 5 - 10 _jaded
killer_1 10 - 5 hightops
justforplay 7 - 8 _niall_
cheesymangav 5 - 10 ex_champ
jerry 4 - 11 damee
gingey 8 - 7 horse10000
cool_dude v ab_rfc
techno v g_shot

Untouchables 38 - 52 MVP

ul_son 11 - 4 horse10000
pr1ncess 3 - 12 g_shot
__anaconda__ 4 - 11 ab_rfc
janmb 9 - 6 _niall_
walker666 8-7 ex_champ
mich 3 - 12 damee
ste_efc v _marc_
top_dog v hightops

doing well guys, lets get all these games played pls, if nothing is arranged, please message your opponents again and post in their thread, remember to keep messages incase of defaults.

Deadline for these games is Sunday

Good Luck All

Edited at 01:02 Tue 18/08/09 (BST)
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15:58 Tue 18 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Come on MVP were having a better round of fixtures than the first lot, we can come back
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16:07 Tue 18 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Myself and mike should get our games played tomorrow night, i'll be online around half 9 maybe earlier as i'm working
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17:29 Tue 18 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm hopefully going to play tomorrow too, i'll be online in the morning, he's usually online at that time!

+ i have no work to so yeah I should get it done.

Posts: 7,940
22:59 Tue 18 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  

9ball thriller1 5-0 ste_efc
8ball thriller1 0-5 ste_efc
uk8 thriller1 3-2 ste_efc

thriller1 8 - 7 ste_efc

well done Kev

Posts: 7,940
23:03 Tue 18 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Double Trouble 39 - 51 MVP

psyco05 5 - 10 _jaded
killer_1 10 - 5 hightops
justforplay 7 - 8 _niall_
cheesymangav 5 - 10 ex_champ
jerry 4 - 11 damee
gingey 8 - 7 horse10000
cool_dude v ab_rfc
techno v g_shot

Untouchables 45 - 60 MVP

ul_son 11 - 4 horse10000
pr1ncess 3 - 12 g_shot
__anaconda__ 4 - 11 ab_rfc
janmb 9 - 6 _niall_
walker666 8-7 ex_champ
mich 3 - 12 damee
ste_efc 7 - 8 thriller1 (sub for _marc_
top_dog v hightops

doing well guys, lets get all these games played pls, if nothing is arranged, please message your opponents again and post in their thread, remember to keep messages incase of defaults.

Deadline for these games is Sunday

Good Luck All

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07:00 Wed 19 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hightops said:
Myself and mike should get our games played tomorrow night, i'll be online around half 9 maybe earlier as i'm working

No work today, im out until about 6ish so the game shouldn't be a problem.

top_dog Last Login: 19:38 Sun 16/08/09

Well done guys GL to those still to play!

Edited at 12:03 Wed 19/08/09 (BST)
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10:32 Wed 19 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  

g_shot vs techno

us8 2-3
us9 4-1
uk8 2-3

8-7 overall to G!

was a toughyyyy, I had some terrible luck in us8
Posts: 9,926
12:50 Wed 19 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Double Trouble 46 - 59 MVP

psyco05 5 - 10 _jaded
killer_1 10 - 5 hightops
justforplay 7 - 8 _niall_
cheesymangav 5 - 10 ex_champ
jerry 4 - 11 damee
gingey 8 - 7 horse10000
techno 7- 8 g_shot
cool_dude v ab_rfc

Untouchables 45 - 60 MVP

ul_son 11 - 4 horse10000
pr1ncess 3 - 12 g_shot
__anaconda__ 4 - 11 ab_rfc
janmb 9 - 6 _niall_
walker666 8-7 ex_champ
mich 3 - 12 damee
ste_efc 7 - 8 thriller1 (sub for _marc_)
top_dog v hightops

Deadline for these games is Sunday

Good Luck All

Well done kev and g
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17:05 Wed 19 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Looks very good for us this time, well done everyone
Deleted User
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04:43 Thu 20 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Mike logged in around 4 yesterday afternoon, i couldn't get on until later, when i did walker suggested i messaged him on snooks as he was browsing so i did though he may have already logged out before recieving the message.
Posts: 8,149
06:17 Thu 20 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  

[U][I]week 3[/I][/U]

double trouble 46 vs 59 mvp[/B]

cool_dude vs ab_rfc

[U][I][B]week 4[/I][/U]

untouchables 45 vs 60 mvp[/B]

top_dog vs hightops

deadline: [B]sunday 23rd august[/B]
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MVP (Most Valuable Poolers) - League Champions

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