UK Considering tracking Social Networking Traffic

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Posts: 8,938
18:41 Fri 27 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Quite an interesting, if only for its openness, discussion recently in the commons regarding the extent to which the UK will follow the EU Directive on Data Retention, with the suggestion of extending it beyond the already recorded email/mobile data, to social networking sites.

ZD Net has a good article outlining things here :

However the most worrying thing to me is that some of the ministers appear to be becoming more enlightened as to the technical side of things, albiet in a primitive way. Refer to Column 4 of the House of Commons Fourth Delegated Legislation Committee meeting minutes (linked in the above article) to see what I mean.

Of course, the fine print in almost all ISP contracts will mean this is virtually already happening, and it's no great secret, just surprising to see it discussed so openly.
Posts: 4,447
02:21 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree to the use of tracking where facebook users come from and go to if it is suspicious, but to actually look at personal details is going a bit too far in my opinion.

I haven't read 1984, but it sounds like this is getting "Big Brother-ish"

EDIT: Yes people enter their information on profiles for the world to see, but these could always be fake
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UK Considering tracking Social Networking Traffic

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