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Champions elect - North England clan chat

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04:33 Mon 6 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
walker666 said:
crazzymadman said:
Week Three

Ireland vs North England

lost 2-0 colio @ Straight
berbatov_9 v _kgb797_ @ Straight
sporting v crazzymadman @ US games
smithbit 3-5 walker666 @ US games
_niall_ 3-0 pool__bird @ UK 8 ball

sexysinco v alone699 @ UK 8 ball

Good luck all

Any news on the other games? I understand alone has organised a couple of times with his opponent but no luck . The other people should be easy to find to organise a game.

The deadline is tomorrow, SATURDAY 4TH APRIL AT 7 PM. Good luck people.
Posts: 881
04:40 Mon 6 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Week Three

Ireland v North England

lost 2-0 colio @ Straight
berbatov_9 v _kgb797_ @ Straight
sporting v crazzymadman @ US games
smithbit 3-5 walker666 @ US games
_niall_ 3-0 pool__bird @ UK 8 ball

sexysinco v alone699 @ UK 8 ball

Yeah cheers for the update colin, forgot to do that last week. I think the other 3 unplayed games will go our way in the pools panel, as we have all made a big effort to get these games completed on time. So unofficially I think we win 23-12 by MMT's scoring system . Well done people

We have a bye this coming week so everyone can relax and put their feet up....
Posts: 881
12:31 Mon 6 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Final Week Three Result

Ireland 17-19 North England (I think)

lost 2-0 colio @ Straight
berbatov_9 0-2 _kgb797_ @ Straight
sporting 4-4 crazzymadman @ US games
smithbit 3-5 walker666 @ US games
_niall_ 3-0 pool__bird @ UK 8 ball
sexysinco 1-3 alone699 @ UK 8 ball

Don't be jealous of our glorious late defaults looooooosers. This once again proves who the greater side is, no offense but I'm surprised the Irish lads could muster as many points as they managed. And we are completely home-grown an all, no foreigners in our squad. I'm surprised lost didnt sign the Portuguese playmaker bastilha in as well as sporting.

See how stupid ya can sound when you're immature

(In reference to losts premier chat rant )
Posts: 881
13:17 Mon 20 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Right the final fixtures are in....

Week 5

Northern England vs Australia

colio v keoghz (Straight)
_kgb797_ v aflumpire (Straight)
crazzymadman v pyriel (US games)
walker666 v _chaos_ (US games)
pool__bird v potpotpot (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v nick_111 (UK 8 ball)

Week 6

Northern England vs Southern England

colio v dark_angel (Straight)
_kgb797_ v bradtatum (Straight)
crazzymadman v funky_dave (US games)
walker666 6-1 pete_brown (US games)
pool__bird 3-1 alexander (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v hightops (UK 8 ball)

Week 7

Northern England vs Central England

colio v warney (Straight)
_kgb797_ v madmiketyson (Straight)
crazzymadman v lman (US games)
walker666 v nickh87 (US games)
pool__bird v __mnm__ (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v iamtheworst (UK 8 ball)

Well done birdy for the great start.

The people in italics may well get replaced. I've messaged everyone individually if this is the case as we need to wait for replacements. On the subject of replacements, due to alone699's reduced time on the game we have signed pr1ncess in to replace him. She will prove a great addition to the side Welcome to the champs girl

Cheers Josh for all your efforts.

Edited at 22:08 Mon 20/04/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:19 Mon 20 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
My be willing to be a replacement
Posts: 881
13:33 Mon 20 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Mich, welcome back man and congrats on your recent achievements .

I'd love you to be a replacement, but unfortunately our clan is fairly reliable, there was only josh that was coming online less frequently, and I already had emma in mind as a replacement. But things change so who knows....There's a few free spots in other clans, who knows you may be eligible to play for Central England as a replacement for nickh87 and we could be doing battle on the US tables soon
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:36 Mon 20 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmmm why not ill play for anyone!
Posts: 881
20:27 Mon 20 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Week 5

Northern England vs Australia

colio v keoghz (Straight)
_kgb797_ v aflumpire (Straight)
crazzymadman v str8shooter (US games)
walker666 v _chaos_ (US games)
pool__bird v sharkshooter (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v nick_111 (UK 8 ball)

Right then, amendments from the previous post....

potpotpot has been replaced by sharkshooter.
pyriel has been replaced by str8shooter.

I'll message this stuff as well. *sigh*

All the best, x
Posts: 881
20:23 Thu 23 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Week 5

Northern England 1-8 Australia

colio v keoghz (Straight)
_kgb797_ v aflumpire (Straight)
crazzymadman v str8shooter (US games)
walker666 v _chaos_ (US games)
pool__bird 0-3 sharkshooter (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess 1-3 nick_111 (UK 8 ball)

Week 6

Northern England 11-2 Southern England

colio v dark_angel (Straight)
_kgb797_ v bradtatum (Straight)
crazzymadman v funky_dave (US games)
walker666 6-1 pete_brown (US games)
pool__bird 3-1 alexander (UK 8 ball)

pr1ncess v hightops (UK 8 ball)

Week 7

Northern England 4-0 Central England

colio v warney (Straight)
_kgb797_ v madmiketyson (Straight)
crazzymadman v lman (US games)
walker666 v nickh87 (US games)
pool__bird 3-0 __mnm__ (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v iamtheworst (UK 8 ball)

A few guys haven't played a game yet. Try and get the games sorted soon. Cheers
Posts: 9,456
23:35 Sat 25 Apr 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Come on the North lets get these games played!! Do i need to stalk you all!!

Posts: 881
12:43 Fri 1 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Week 5

Northern England 8-8 Australia

colio v keoghz (Straight)
_kgb797_ v aflumpire (Straight)
crazzymadman v str8shooter (US games)
walker666 6-0 _chaos_ (US games)
pool__bird 0-3 sharkshooter (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess 1-3 nick_111 (UK 8 ball)

Week 6

Northern England 16-2 Southern England

colio 2-0 dark_angel (Straight)
_kgb797_ v bradtatum (Straight)
crazzymadman v funky_dave (US games)
walker666 6-1 pete_brown (US games)
pool__bird 3-1 alexander (UK 8 ball)

pr1ncess v hightops (UK 8 ball)

Week 7

Northern England 4-0 Central England

colio v warney (Straight)
_kgb797_ v madmiketyson (Straight)
crazzymadman v lman (US games)
walker666 v nickh87 (US games)
pool__bird 3-0 __mnm__ (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v iamtheworst (UK 8 ball)

Really unsure whether anyone is taking this seriously anymore. The deadline for games to be completed is Sunday night so I've reminded all my players of the need to sort the games out.

Colio is on the ball, struggling to play keoghz and warney since they don't accept PM's. I guess a specified time needs to be set up over the weekend.

Crazzy will be on alot over the weekend and shouldn't have many problems finding his opponents.

Pr1ncess too will be less busy as she's off work so should be able to sort her matches out.

Kgb hasn't logged on for a few days so not sure whats happening with him.
Posts: 881
12:44 Fri 1 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Iamtheworst never responds to my messages so I have no opponent for my week 7 game.
Posts: 9,456
10:53 Sun 3 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Week 5

Northern England 8-8 Australia

colio v keoghz (Straight)
_kgb797_ v aflumpire (Straight)
crazzymadman v str8shooter (US games)
walker666 6-0 _chaos_ (US games)
pool__bird 0-3 sharkshooter (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess 1-3 nick_111 (UK 8 ball)

Week 6

Northern England 16-2 Southern England

colio 2-0 dark_angel (Straight)
_kgb797_ v bradtatum (Straight)
crazzymadman v funky_dave (US games)
walker666 6-1 pete_brown (US games)
pool__bird 3-1 alexander (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v hightops (UK 8 ball)

Week 7

Northern England 4-0 Central England

colio v warney (Straight)
_kgb797_ v madmiketyson (Straight)
crazzymadman v lman (US games)
walker666 v nickh87 (US games)
pool__bird 3-0 __mnm__ (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v iamtheworst (UK 8 ball)

Come on you lazy lot
Posts: 881
19:51 Sun 3 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
Week 5

Northern England 13-10 Australia

colio 2-1 keoghz (Straight)
_kgb797_ v aflumpire (Straight)
crazzymadman v str8shooter (US games)

walker666 6-0 _chaos_ (US games)
pool__bird 0-3 sharkshooter (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess 1-3 nick_111 (UK 8 ball)

Week 6

Northern England 21-7 Southern England

colio 2-0 dark_angel (Straight)
_kgb797_ v bradtatum (Straight)
crazzymadman 5-5 funky_dave (US games)
walker666 6-1 pete_brown (US games)
pool__bird 3-1 alexander (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v hightops (UK 8 ball)

Week 7

Northern England 6-0 Central England

colio 1-0 warney (Straight)
_kgb797_ v madmiketyson (Straight)
crazzymadman v lman (US games)
walker666 v ? (US games)

pool__bird 3-0 __mnm__ (UK 8 ball)
pr1ncess v iamtheworst (UK 8 ball)

Deadline is today (i.e. Monday at midnight). Please try and play the games.

Edited at 01:43 Mon 4/05/09 (BST)
Posts: 9,456
10:27 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
North games

Crazzy 5 - funky_dave 5

Crazzy 1 - str8shooter 6

Come on try and get these games played

Not seen much of Iman

Posts: 881
11:35 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done crazzy mate

Colio also beat warney 2-1 which isn't updated on my above post because I can't edit it no more. Nice one colin.

Which all means...

We're 17-14 down against Australia, with kgb v flumpy to go.

We're 21-7 up against Southern England with pr1ncess desperately trying to play hightops

We're 9-2 up against Central England with a bunch of defaults to go our way.

Well done everyone that's made the effort

Disclaimer: These combined point totals may be wrong as I'm not fully sure of MMT's point scoring system
Posts: 9,456
20:16 Tue 12 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Whats the crack now Captain! Is this still going if so let me know and ill stalk the players
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Champions elect - North England clan chat

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