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Official discussion on how we all (mods and users alike) would like this forum to work

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Posts: 5,373
13:39 Tue 3 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
alone699 said:
So the 2/10 that dont, maybe mods of this area can maybe message them or speak when there online. I know you guys do alot. Or you say you do. But do a little bit more

I hear you, but before we can really mod the forum (directly or on a per user basis) we need to sort out precisely what we want this forum to be - which is what this thread is for
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13:43 Tue 3 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
But the main four that you did at the top a week ago i thought if people new how to use this forum would solve the problem! that was perfect IMO.

So if we the users who knoe how to, why sort anything out with it?
Posts: 5,373
13:43 Tue 3 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
madmiketyson said:
Jan- Im sorry you feel that way, I dont mean it to come across like that at all!
My suggestion isnt to scrap this section or make a two tiered system in any way. Simply put, its to keep this forum for everybody on the site to post general clan news, recruitment threads, new clans and so on.
To then create an additional forum that is strictly for clan results, clan updates that people need to see asap (ie, a change to the rules), clan tables and own clan news threads.

I guess it doesnt need to be private, it just needs to be differently moderated in some peoples opinions.

Then we are in perfect agreement - that's precisely the model I have in mind as the best solution too.

If we made a strictly "Run clans and leagues here" forum, that forum would simply have a few relevant stickies and a totally tyrannical moderation scheme... Shouldn't need anything more than that. It would be easy to moderate too, as long as all threads were stickies anyways.

Then, the other/current forum could be more laid-back and we could hopefully avoid some of the bickering that has taken place in the past, where users get crap for making new threads all the time.

If there are no objections, I'll ask Nick to make one for us.
Posts: 10,415
13:53 Tue 3 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sounds awesome to me Jan, hope it comes in asap.
Posts: 5,373
13:57 Tue 3 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it would make it a lot easier for everyone involved to understand what info goes where anyways...

The forum names and rules should go a long way in terms of clarifying things
Posts: 1,630
13:59 Tue 3 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Couldn't agree more on this one, the idea of a separate forum is probably the best way forward.

I've always believed that clans would never be at a decent level without the official support from funkypool. But I guess since the old league run by madmike was so successful, and the one currently still going proves that it doesn't completely..

But yeah, great Idea there adam/jan
Posts: 5,373
14:07 Tue 3 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah stueyy, integrated support for leagues and clans would clearly been the best solution of all. I'm sure we'll see it happen some day, but it's quite a lot of work to implement something like that, and with a single developer behind this whole site, it's not realistic or fair to expect that anytime very soon. Anyways, lets skip that discussion for now and keep this based on what we have
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Official discussion on how we all (mods and users alike) would like this forum to work

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