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01:16 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
You're not going to forget I said that, are you?
Deleted User
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01:26 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
Haha not a chance!.. i was wondering if you'd notice and maybe link them together, and well done you finally picked up on something subtle!.. now i just have to wait for it Mwuhaha!
Deleted User
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01:29 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
Haha oh goody, I'd better make sure I pack my juggling balls then haha right, don't you think it's more likely that you just weren't subtle? This is me we're talking about
Deleted User
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01:36 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
You better! maybe if you practise enough you might be able to juggle other things? maybe some bowling pins or stick on fire! But i thought it was very subtle, i mean we were just talking about clowns, how could it not be subtle if i mention juggling?(A).. so you've improved on your subtlty detection!
Deleted User
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01:41 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
Or what? If I don't bring something, I can't juggle! Haha it's just round things at the moment, I never quite got the hang of clubs... Because clowns do other things, and yet you just "happened" to mention the juggling? Either that, or you've gotten worse at subtlety...
Deleted User
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01:56 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
If you don't bring something you can't juggle then you'll just prove to me you're clumsy won't you? Oh well round things will do, either way i'd probably just see you drop them so its all the samexx yeah but that could innocently have been the first thing to pop into my mind that they do!Pfft, definitely not that, i think you've imroved! *shifties*.
Deleted User
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02:01 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
How will that prove to you I'm clumsy? Won't say anything either way! Haha thanks(!) That's only because I'm rusty at the moment, by the time you get to watch I won't drop a ball! Haha right, like anything ever innocently pops into your mind(!) Haha of course I have, silly me!
Deleted User
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02:16 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
Because you said you're not clumsy at all, that you could juggle to prove it, right? Haha whatever you say! i know that's true, you won't even look like you're going to drop something haha what? you have me confused with someone else! i always think innocent things (A) sarcasm there much?..
Deleted User
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02:19 Fri 12 Jun 09 (BST)
Yea, but if I have nothing to juggle it's a bit difficult to prove I'm right! Could be out of my hands why I can't bring them! Not at all, it'll be the most perfect display of juggling you've ever seen! *shifties* haha right, except when it comes me then... Oh no of course not, no sarcasm whatsoever(!)
Edited at 07:22 Fri 12/06/09 (BST)
Edited at 07:22 Fri 12/06/09 (BST)
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