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Players waiting for a clan

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Posts: 19,967
11:19 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cphaynes said:
To be honest 5 adepts are no where near as good as 1 pro, cause theres pro's and theres pro's who are on here alot, dont really care about rank, and can give anyone a run for there money

Dont really think that that is an encouraging post for this thread, for one thing you could lose 1 adept for inactivity and 1 pro, if you've opted for the pro you're out of luck

Adepts will often try harder to get the games done and a lot of pro's go in with the mentallity ''Im good, I dont have to put much effort in against an adept" and they lose

Some people could easily get pro, but they either dont like playing ranked or feel they dont perform as well.

Guys, especially new clans, take the 5 adepts not the 1 pro, the adepts may turn out better in future than that pro

And if you want to hunt good players its the old virtuoso's to look out for as well as old players on new accounts

getting a high pro is nothing on virtuoso
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11:22 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to be put on the list
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11:22 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree totally Zak, but for anyone other than new clans, pro is always better than 5 adepts, and ok i have never hit virt, but close and I would give anyone a run for the money, Hippy vs me in pools champs league 15 - 14
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11:22 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to be put on the list
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11:24 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
[U][B]Players waiting for a clan[/U][/B]:

[MEMBER]uk_hustl3r[/MEMBER]- eligable to play on 11/7/10
[MEMBER]funkypro[/MEMBER] - eligable to play on 8/8/10
[MEMBER]owen_brown9[/MEMBER] - Not eligible to play for the rest of the season, due having play for a clan this season

[U][B]any other player wish to join either put your name down on the list, or just post on this thread[/U]

[B]Thanks on behalf of staff[/B]
Posts: 19,967
11:31 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i didnt see Owen posted as being in crazy 8s on the thread (although i presume it was done somewhere else as it is posted saying he's out of them)

Was he actually in them for the league?

Remember captains of new clans, its best to start small and fill up your clans instead of trying to get better signings which can be few and far between!
Give all the players on the list a chance
Most will be better than their ranks!

also adds more players to clans which is good

And still virtuoso vs good pro, virt is better ask _vip_ lost 13-2 to me including 5-0 9 ball where he has hit 899 (pro) and i've hit 910 (virt)
Posts: 2,198
13:15 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yea Zant, owen did join crazy 8's however premature it was, he was there lol. Don't think Jay even had time to post owen was in before he'd left
Posts: 513
13:21 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  

I am intersted in joing a clan, used to play in clan matches but that was about a year ago. I am pretty good in all three games have pretty good stats. I am happy to play anyone for you to test how good i am.

Thanks a lot,
Posts: 2,198
13:24 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
[U][B]Players waiting for a clan[/U][/B]:

[MEMBER]uk_hustl3r[/MEMBER]- eligable to play on 11/7/10
[MEMBER]funkypro[/MEMBER] - eligable to play on 8/8/10
[MEMBER]owen_brown9[/MEMBER] - Not eligible to play for the rest of the season, due having play for a clan this season

[U][B]any other player wish to join either put your name down on the list, or just post on this thread[/U]

[B]Thanks on behalf of staff[/B]
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13:29 Fri 25 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
cphaynes said:
To be honest 5 adepts are no where near as good as 1 pro, cause theres pro's and theres pro's who are on here alot, dont really care about rank, and can give anyone a run for there money

Dont really think that that is an encouraging post for this thread, for one thing you could lose 1 adept for inactivity and 1 pro, if you've opted for the pro you're out of luck

Adepts will often try harder to get the games done and a lot of pro's go in with the mentallity ''Im good, I dont have to put much effort in against an adept" and they lose

Some people could easily get pro, but they either dont like playing ranked or feel they dont perform as well.

Guys, especially new clans, take the 5 adepts not the 1 pro, the adepts may turn out better in future than that pro

And if you want to hunt good players its the old virtuoso's to look out for as well as old players on new accounts

getting a high pro is nothing on virtuoso

That's exactly how I meant it, cheers Zante for explaining it clearer and more elaborately. Sometimes quantity can be better than quality, at the end of the day, if you cant get your virtuoso to play any games whatsoever, but your adept loses 10-5, at least its better having 5 points than zero.
Plus, an adept player will pick up experience off the better players, just watch them blossom, it's immense.

Good luck being on the list guys, I'd have all you beautiful people

Posts: 1,000
08:47 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 2,198
09:28 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ty elliott [:)]

[U][B]Players waiting for a clan[/U][/B]:

[MEMBER]uk_hustl3r[/MEMBER]- eligable to play on 11/7/10
[MEMBER]funkypro[/MEMBER] - eligable to play on 8/8/10
[MEMBER]owen_brown9[/MEMBER] - Not eligible to play for the rest of the season, due having play for a clan this season

[U][B]any other player wish to join either put your name down on the list, or just post on this thread[/U]

[B]Thanks on behalf of staff[/B]
Posts: 1,000
10:35 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
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10:37 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
could i be put on this list please
Posts: 2,198
10:51 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
finally owen is off the list [:)]

[U][B]Players waiting for a clan[/U][/B]:

[MEMBER]uk_hustl3r[/MEMBER]- eligable to play on 11/7/10
[MEMBER]funkypro[/MEMBER] - eligable to play on 8/8/10

[U][B]any other player wish to join either put your name down on the list, or just post on this thread[/U]

[B]Thanks on behalf of staff[/B]

[i]Edited at 17:52 Sun 27/06/10 (BST)[/i]
Posts: 1,000
10:56 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
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12:46 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
kaza said:

I am intersted in joing a clan, used to play in clan matches but that was about a year ago. I am pretty good in all three games have pretty good stats. I am happy to play anyone for you to test how good i am.

Thanks a lot,

Add to list pls kev
Posts: 2,198
12:53 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
oops sorry, must've removed his name by mistake when I took owen off
Posts: 1,000
13:04 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
kaza has been offered to join unbeatables i think
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13:46 Sun 27 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
elliott1234 said:
kaza has been offered to join unbeatables i think

Once he joins a clan he needs to post here untill then hes a free agent mate


i msg kaza too :P
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Players waiting for a clan

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