Official Clan Results (Old Thread)
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18:29 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)
wipeout vs mvp
ukpoolking vs egotistical
8ballus: 4-1
9ball: 4-1
8balluk: 2-3
overall : 10-5 ukpoolking
ukpoolking vs egotistical
8ballus: 4-1
9ball: 4-1
8balluk: 2-3
overall : 10-5 ukpoolking
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21:24 Thu 6 Aug 09 (BST)
UT vs DT
son vs cool_dude
UK 3-2
9 2-3
US 3-2
son vs cool_dude
UK 3-2
9 2-3
US 3-2
21:25 Thu 6 Aug 09 (BST)
DT vs UT
cool_dude vs ul_son
8balluk 2-3
9ball 3-2
8ballus 2-3
overall: 7-8 ul_son
ggs mate enjoyed them
cool_dude vs ul_son
8balluk 2-3
9ball 3-2
8ballus 2-3
overall: 7-8 ul_son
ggs mate enjoyed them
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21:27 Thu 6 Aug 09 (BST)
lol Good craic slagging off a certain fortuatous 8UK marathon tourney winner who crammed the room with groupies to put his opponent off in the final but for the purposes of censorship will remain annonomous ggs Mark
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10:54 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
Well considering i won the uk marathon past 2 nights that means me, yes i had people there but they were quiet and respectful, if either of you as im unsure who has the problem please speak up as if ul_son is saying im some sort of cheat (i dont know if you are) or cool_dude, thats the mark of a sore loser as i played well and anyones comments against me are unjust, sorry if your on my side as i have no idea lol.
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10:57 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
I guess if you get beat the best excuse is to call him a cheat now, or lucky, what happened to sportsmanship iv worked hard to get better and many of the top players know this. Apologies if you feel bad about it but i wont stop winning to make you feel better.
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12:40 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 4:1 8ball
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 1:4 9ball
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 4:1 8ballUK
overall 9-6 to lena_rus
wp lena
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 1:4 9ball
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 4:1 8ballUK
overall 9-6 to lena_rus
wp lena
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12:54 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
Syd Barrett (Top Dogs)
Jerry (Double Trouble)
8 ball - 4-1 to Syd
9 ball - 3-2 to Syd
8 ball uk - 3-2 to Syd
Overall 10-5 to Syd
GGS m8
Jerry (Double Trouble)
8 ball - 4-1 to Syd
9 ball - 3-2 to Syd
8 ball uk - 3-2 to Syd
Overall 10-5 to Syd
GGS m8
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13:07 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
lena sub for pool_man90
jon_l said:
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 4:1 8ball
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 1:4 9ball
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 4:1 8ballUK
overall 9-6 to lena_rus
wp lena
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 1:4 9ball
lena_rus vs davidsylvian 4:1 8ballUK
overall 9-6 to lena_rus
wp lena
lena sub for pool_man90
13:30 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
please why are you even posting no one mentioned your name, if you aint gonna post a result on this thread dont clog it up with your pointless posts
kirk__1989 said:
Well considering i won the uk marathon past 2 nights that means me, yes i had people there but they were quiet and respectful, if either of you as im unsure who has the problem please speak up as if ul_son is saying im some sort of cheat (i dont know if you are) or cool_dude, thats the mark of a sore loser as i played well and anyones comments against me are unjust, sorry if your on my side as i have no idea lol.
please why are you even posting no one mentioned your name, if you aint gonna post a result on this thread dont clog it up with your pointless posts
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15:43 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
colio v cuequeen
9 ball 3-2
8 ball 4-1
8 uk 4-1
colio win 11-4
ggs and unlucky in many
9 ball 3-2
8 ball 4-1
8 uk 4-1
colio win 11-4
ggs and unlucky in many
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15:43 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
greyhound vs cuequeen 1/4 us8
greyhound vs cuequeen 5/0 us9
greyhound vs cuequeen 5/0 uk8
overall 11-4 to greyhound
vwp mate nice come back ul cuequeen
greyhound vs cuequeen 5/0 us9
greyhound vs cuequeen 5/0 uk8
overall 11-4 to greyhound
vwp mate nice come back ul cuequeen
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16:16 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
keysersoze vs m_20 2/3 us8
keysersoze vs m_20 2/3 us9
keysersoze vs m_20 4/1 uk8
keysersoze won 8/7
ggs both off u
keysersoze vs m_20 2/3 us9
keysersoze vs m_20 4/1 uk8
keysersoze won 8/7
ggs both off u
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16:20 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
No talking can u pls not post ur clans results i want both players to be posting results ty.
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17:04 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
3004rob v daveygee
8usa - lost 3-2
8uk - lost 4-1
9ball- lost 3-2
total - lost 10-5
Well done mate
8usa - lost 3-2
8uk - lost 4-1
9ball- lost 3-2
total - lost 10-5
Well done mate
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17:05 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
Clan Match vs The fellowship (cup match)
_kingchiz_(8) vs smoothy(7)
Win for the warriors
Gg's smoothy ul
_kingchiz_(8) vs smoothy(7)
Win for the warriors
Gg's smoothy ul
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17:09 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
chiz thats a cup match not clan btw
updated all
updated all
18:11 Fri 7 Aug 09 (BST)
crazzy v ab_rfc
9ball 1-4
8US 2-3
UK 5-0
Total 8-7 Good games ab
9ball 1-4
8US 2-3
UK 5-0
Total 8-7 Good games ab
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Official Clan Results (Old Thread)
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