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Official Clan Results (Old Thread)

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20:47 Sat 23 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Double Trouble vs Crazzy

Princess26 vs Blink182rip

9 ball us 4-0

8 Ball Uk 3-2

8 Ball Us 3-1

Overall 10-3 to Double Trouble.

Good Games, Blink182rip. Thank you!

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04:13 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_mystery v joe_willis

us8 ball 3-1
us9 ball 3-4
uk8 ball 3-1

overall 9-6 mr_mystery
they were good games and a nice lad to play also
Posts: 846
07:31 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Top Dogs Vs School Of Pool

Devilish 9 vs 5 Bricktricity
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07:50 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
princess26 said:
Double Trouble vs Crazzy

Princess26 vs Blink182rip

9 ball us 4-0

8 Ball Uk 3-2

8 Ball Us 3-1

Overall 10-3 to Double Trouble.

Good Games, Blink182rip. Thank you!

Well done P26
Deleted User
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11:57 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
top dogs vs school of pool

wales vs cuester

9 ball 4-0
8 ball uk 3-1
8 ball 3-0

overall 10-1 to top dogs
Deleted User
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12:39 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
princess26 said:
Double Trouble vs Crazzy

Princess26 vs Blink182rip

9 ball us 4-0

8 Ball Uk 3-2

8 Ball Us 3-1

Overall 10-3 to Double Trouble.

Good Games, Blink182rip. Thank you!

good result sis
Deleted User
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15:08 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
adidas { mvp } v rayvan { team gladiator {

9 ball us 4-0
8 ball us 2-3
8 ball uk 3-1

overall 9-4 adidas mvp
Deleted User
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16:23 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
School Of Pool v TopDogs

Bigmerv1973 v Vietboi

9ball 3 v 4

8us 1 v 3

8uk 2 v 3


bigmerv 6 v 10 vietboi

just up against a better player - wp m8 and gl to top dogs in rest of league
Posts: 846
16:24 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Ty m8 - very nice guy and good player aswell
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18:13 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
All updated
Posts: 846
19:11 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Top Dogs Vs School Of Pool

Newcastleutd vs Coolhandct

9 Ball - 4 2 to Coolhandct
8 Ball - 3 1 to Newcastleutd
8 Ball UK - 3 1 to Newcastleutd

Overall - 8 - 6 to Newcastlutd
Deleted User
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19:18 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Top Dogs Vs School Of Pool

Newcastleutd vs Coolhandct

9 Ball - 4 2 to Coolhandct
8 Ball - 3 1 to Newcastleutd
8 Ball UK - 3 1 to Newcastleutd

Overall - 8 - 6 to Newcastlutd

was a really close and enjoyable game til vietboi put me off so i would like a ruling please

was 6 5 up when he made a sarcy comment about me playing slow and pc must be lagging, think this was unfair and put me off

dont think you should be allowed to invite fellow players to watch games

whether i should have let it get to me or not it did and was out of order

if a team mate is invited they should not be making any comments except gl before a game and gg after
Deleted User
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19:19 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
interestingly enough think i played vietboi in cup and similiar thing happened...not any sarcy or unfair statement just lots of messages going accross screen during game....its very off puting
Posts: 846
19:20 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i was in the room at the same time and he didnt put me off
Posts: 46
19:21 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i asked you a simple question are you lagging?
if you want to make a big thing of it then go ahead
Deleted User
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19:27 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i got no issue with you newcastle as it was a good enjoyable match and you are a courteous player but your team m8 spoiled it

its not as if its costing me anything re clan team or me personally as im very average player just felt it was a comment made unfairly designed to put me off to help a team mate and even if not the case dont think team mates should be allowed in games

our clan has been quite unfairly ruled against a few times as it seems the more established clans get benefit of doubt

would be nice to see some fair ruling and also a look at overall structure as just because things have been a certain way doesnt mean it cant be improved upon
Posts: 10,415
19:28 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
coolhandct said:

was a really close and enjoyable game til vietboi put me off so i would like a ruling please

was 6 5 up when he made a sarcy comment about me playing slow and pc must be lagging, think this was unfair and put me off

dont think you should be allowed to invite fellow players to watch games

whether i should have let it get to me or not it did and was out of order

if a team mate is invited they should not be making any comments except gl before a game and gg after

Not sure what kind of ruling you are after here?
The whole point of clans is to get players together in a team and part of being a team is supporting each other.
There is no chance whatsoever of a rule stating that nobody else can be allowed into a clan game room!
If it bothers you to hear any kind of comments whilst playing, then you need to click ignore chat whilst playing.
You wanna try being in one of my game rooms, Ive had 20 people in the room all nattering away during a clan game before, you just have to focus
Posts: 7,324
19:31 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I see where you're coming from coolhand but it happens in virtually every clan game that's played, other clan members are always gonna want to watch. Personally it doesn't bother me if half of the opposing clan are in the game room chatting rubbish (a la my game against walker666 ) but if it did bother me, I'd simply put them on ignore - there's your solution.
Posts: 10,415
19:32 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
coolhandct said:

our clan has been quite unfairly ruled against a few times as it seems the more established clans get benefit of doubt

would be nice to see some fair ruling and also a look at overall structure as just because things have been a certain way doesnt mean it cant be improved upon

Unfairly ruled against how? Unfairness is a state of mind, whats unfair to you, is fair to someone else. I'd love to hear an example where we have "unfairly ruled" against you.
More established clans? These guys started at the same time as you lot. And more established clans get no extra benefits over a new clan, again provide me with an example......

I agree that certain things can be improved on and that is what the suggestions thread is for. I am hoping to implement a couple of changes ahead of next season
Posts: 5,373
00:57 Mon 25 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Please take this discussion to the suggestions thread or elsewhere, this is not the place.

Only results here please.
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Official Clan Results (Old Thread)

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