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Official Clan Results (Old Thread)

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Deleted User
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08:27 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Who gets the win out of me and Ethanson?

I notice he hasn't logged on since Friday - I've also messaged him 3 times since the 28th of April to try and arrange our game, without any reply.......
Deleted User
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08:35 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Only thing I would comment to that is that on the occassions that I did the log-in times, ironically, the two log-in times of you and ethanson were similar, so unsure why you didn't get the played unless he was just browsing
Posts: 30
08:40 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
school of pool v gladiators

bricktricity v pool_crazy
9ball 4_2 me
8ball uk3_1 him


frew it away guys potted black last game wp m8 ggs sorry lads tryed my best
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:05 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Cup Game

Wrexhamlad vs Love_it

9 ball 4-2
8 ball US 2-3
8 ball UK 3-2

Wrexhamlad 9-7 Love_it

Ggs mate ul!
Posts: 846
09:07 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
wrexhamlad said:
Cup Game

Wrexhamlad vs Love_it

9 ball 4-2
8 ball US 2-3
8 ball UK 3-2

Wrexhamlad 9-7 Love_it

Ggs mate ul!

Hustlers Dream Vs Top Dogs
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:43 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Crazzy Clan vs Blackout
pool__bird 10-2 pete_brown

us9 4-2
uk8 3-0
us8 3-0

ggs pete, very unlucky in some of them.
Posts: 846
12:23 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
MVP Vs Top Dogs

Ladysapphire Vs Newcastleutd

9 Ball - 4 2 to Newcastleutd
8 Ball - 3 1 to Newcastleutd
8 Ball UK - 3 1 to Ladysapphire

Overall - 8 - 6 to Newcastleutd

Very good games lady and unlucky
Posts: 5,373
12:31 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Inmates vs MVP
janmb vs damee

8 ball: 1 - 3
9 ball: 4 - 3
8 UK: 0 - 3

Total of 9 - 5 to damee and MVP.

ggs, very well played indeed

PS: Blah to the clans who resort to picking up snooker players in order to win! Ptui!

Sore loser? Me? Never!

Edited at 17:35 Mon 4/05/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:31 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
8 ball US

damee 3-1 janmb

9 ball

damee 3-4 janmb

8 ball UK

damee 3-0 janmb


damee 9-5 janmb

Good games mate, was a lot closer than the final score suggests.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:37 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:50 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Cup match!

DT vs UT
jerry vs ul_son

8 ball US

9 ball

8 ball UK


The were very close games, jerry played very well in UK. pleasure playing you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:52 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
warney said:
Only thing I would comment to that is that on the occassions that I did the log-in times, ironically, the two log-in times of you and ethanson were similar, so unsure why you didn't get the played unless he was just browsing

If he was on, he could have messaged me a reply.

Remember I'm a Moderator and active poster on the forum, so sometimes I'll be browsing for something unrelated to playing in-game.

I see your point. I just feel that I've tried to make every effort to play the games. I even messaged him when he was online to arrange a game for 30 minutes later. By the time I came back he'd gone offline and hadn't messaged me back.

I totally understand we all have other responsibilties. However a quick message to say so, as I did with cuester (which I'm sure he won't mind backing up) doesn't take long to write out!

I don't mind forwarding any messages to Potty and MMT so you can see I've made every attempt to try and play these games.

I also note that your player has been online today a couple of hours ago......

Edited at 17:55 Mon 4/05/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:28 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
John can u do that pls ty
Posts: 5,373
13:49 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
lewisere69 vs. dannyaustin4

8 ball US

lewis 2 - 3 danny

9 ball

lewis 1 - 4 danny

8 ball UK

lewis 2 - 3 danny


lewis 5 - 10 danny
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:59 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
MVP vs Top dogs

hightops vs mach_3

US9 4-3
US8 3-2
UK8 3-0

Overal: 10-5

Ggs mate was a pleasure to play! The games were a lot closer than the scores suggest

Best of luck with the rest
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:07 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
MVP v Top Dogs

Hightops v Mach_3

9 Ball
Hightops 4-3 Mach_3

8 Ball
Hightops 3-2 Mach_3

8 Ball UK
Hightops 3-0 Mach_3

Hightops 10-5 Mach_3

Good games mate and well played. By far the better player and well done.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:21 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 48
14:49 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Blackout v Crazzy

9 Ball
Hourglass 4-2 mr_mystery

8 Ball
Hourglass 3-0 mr_mystery

8 Ball UK
Hourglass 3-1 mr_mystery

Hourglass 10-3 mr_mystery

Mr_mystery had the most rotten of luck, should have been much much closer, very sorry mate

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:11 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hi folks

just played antlew of nutters in cup game

school of pool vrs nutters

coolhandct - antlew 7 7 final score

8ball 3 - 2 win for coolhand
8balluk 3 -1 win for coolhand
9 ball 4 - 1 win for antlew

ggs m8 enjoyed it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:14 Mon 4 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hi folks

just played familyguy0 in clan league match

school of pool vrs team gladiator

coolhandct 10 3 familyguy0


4 - 2 win to coolhandct

8 ball

3 - 0 win to coolhandct

8 ball uk

3 - 1 win to coolhandct

final score

coolhandct 10 - 3 familyguy0

ggs m8 well played

i was 2 0 down at start and sweating a bit
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