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Funkypool vs Funkysnooker (done properly)

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Deleted User
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17:02 Mon 9 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Woooo come on guys/girls
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:23 Mon 9 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Well, it's not posting my image. Oh well. GO POOL!
Posts: 31,220
17:28 Mon 9 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:29 Mon 9 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you. And yes!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:25 Tue 10 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done guys!

Funkypool 21 - 21 Funkysnooker

Pool Games Played: 9
Remaining: 3

Snooker Games played: 6
Remaining: 6

Will do results and fixtures im realy busy this morning look here about 5ish
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:35 Tue 10 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Okay latest update guys


Snooker Matches


egotistical 2-1 quick_pot
crazzymadman 0-2 tinotoon
zero_pulse 0-2 nomercy1986

Overall: Pool 2-5 Snooker


_niall_ 2-1 virtuoso107
alexander 2-1 the_kop

Overall: Pool 4-2 Snooker


bastilha 2-0 mr_magic
smithbit 2-1 damee
madmiketyson 2-0 iamtheworst

Overall: Pool 6-1 Snooker

Pool Matches

8ball uk:

alexander 0-2 fastboysam
egotistical 0-2 quick_pot
smithbit 2-1 virtuoso107

Overall: Pool 2-5 Snooker

8ball us:

madmiketyson 2-1 kaison
_niall_ 2-1 mr_magic
sporting 1-2 n_e_r_d_

Overall: Pool 5-4 Snooker

9ball us:

_mewtwo_ 0-2 damee
horse10000 2-0 iamtheworst
berbatov_9 0-2 tinotoon

Overall: Pool 2-4 Snooker

Fixtures left to play

derpatovski vs fastboysam (arcade snooker)
berbatov_9 vs luckypot (regular snooker)
sporting vs kaison (regular snooker)
horse10000 vs n_e_r_d (Original snooker)

derpatovski vs luckypot (8ball uk)
crazzymadman vs the_kop (8ball us)
bastilha vs nomercy1986 (9ball us)

Which means we have far less games to play than i thought bad maths day lol. Only game im worried about there is luckypot and derpatovski both havent played a game im going to send derp a message. Everybody else keep playing good luck!
Posts: 9,926
16:10 Tue 10 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
n_e_r_d 2 - 0 horse10000

Was 2 very good games and i run him close but he doesnt miss much.

Very well played m8 and best of luck in the rest.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:20 Wed 11 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
nps did well in pool games m8

Funkypool 21-23 Funkysnooker

Lets play these last 6 then guys message your opponents for suiable times
Posts: 230
05:16 Wed 11 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
derpatovski, I'll be able to play either between 1-2 this afternoon, or after 6 tonight... let me know if these work for you.

Posts: 703
06:48 Wed 11 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
still no luck getting derpatovski...he hasnt logged on for a few days....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:23 Wed 11 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes i have noticed sorry snookerians i cant replace him at the moment but if he hasnt played a game by the deadline he will be replaced.

So you know this is what happens to games that havent been played it worked effectively in mmt's clans so i will use it here.

Basically points must still be awarded even if they were not played. This system will work like this.

Player hasnt played 1 game - automatic 2-1 loss and at 1 point loss on other game.

Other games (same amount of games played) - The score then will be dertimined on how often a user has been on will win 2-1.

Baring in mind im not biased ive been on pool and snooker regulary checking whos on and for those i am unsure i wil contact virtuoso107.

Either way no team will come out of it with loads of extra points whats the point in that they didnt play after all
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:15 Wed 11 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
We are now half way through our time games must be completed one week from now or before.

From the 14th - 21st of february you will be in the capable hands of madmiketyson who will be in charge.

Im sending round messages to all users yet to finish both games now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:39 Thu 12 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Keep playing guys!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:50 Thu 12 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
To prevent this from coming to a standstill which is a slight possibility im going to plough on with this match. Basically im going to replace derpatovski at the end of this round of fixtures and he will be replaced by alone699. In the meantime i will be issuing more fixtures now you have over 2 weeks at the most this is just so you dont all get bored. Please note you will only get as many fixtures at this date than the amount of games you have played.

i.e i have played 2 matches so will get 2 fixtures at the moment. Other players will get both there fixtures when they have completed both there games or on the proper date the 18th if they havent been replaced.

I appreciate this is quite confusing please post any questions on this thread and i will answer them quickly.

note 1: The fixtures will be posted below however the 6 remaining games must still try to be played. These will be printed at the bottom of the post.

note 2: The deadline for the first set of fixtures is the 18th and the second set is the 3rd of march.

note 3: although derpatoski is getting replaced it is NOT with immeediate effect he can still play his games he has left. Do not play alone699 he will play from the 18th.

note 4: Due to mmt posting rights being revoked for now he will not be in charge next week crazzy will a successful clan captain thanks mate!

any questions?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:01 Thu 12 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Here are your fixtures then have a while to complete them so you dont all forget about this

Snooker Matches


zero_pulse vs quick_pot


_niall_ vs the_kop
sporting vs virtuoso107


horse10000 vs damee
smithbit vs iamtheworst
madmiketyson vs mr_magic

Pool matches

8ball uk:

egotistical vs fastboysam
alexander vs quick_pot

8ball us:

madmiketyson vs mr_magic
_niall_ vs n_e_r_d
crazzymadman vs kaison

9ball us:

_mewtwo_ vs tinotoon
horse10000 vs damee
bastilha vs iamtheworst
berbatov_9 vs nomercy1986

If you have not both your fixtures and you played both games in your last round this is because your opponent scheduled to play you has not completed both allocated games yet this will be put on from the 18th. Ifyou see any flaws or mistakes please tell me if not these can be officially played.

Edited at 19:13 Thu 12/02/09 (GMT)
Posts: 9,456
14:00 Thu 12 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice Work Alex so far!

Come on pool players get these games played, good luck in each game type. Ill try and remind the snooker players off each games for the week 2

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:32 Fri 13 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker vs Pool Week 2

Tinotoon 0 vs 2 _Mewtwo_ (9ball)

There ya go poolies, made up for the loss to Damee
Posts: 9,456
10:11 Fri 13 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Done Jon nice work
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:25 Fri 13 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes well done mate

Are we all clear with this poolers?

Funkypool 23-23 Funkysnooker

Games remaining after round 1 - 6
Games played in Round 2 - 1
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:46 Fri 13 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
_niall_ let meknow when you're going to be on mate, im on all the time, sad life i have
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Funkypool vs Funkysnooker (done properly)

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