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speed straight tournaments

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Posts: 31,220
16:42 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
... a tourney to remain logged into the gae window regardless of inactivity. This might fix it. And if they're away from the their computer and they miss their invite, then they're open to being logged off as normal.
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22:35 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
but what if there is say 20 people in the chat room, not in the tournament??

wait the 22 minutes, or 34 minutes like the tournament deadline is??
Posts: 31,220
13:52 Fri 9 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fraid so... It's the same if you get a regular bye in the later rounds. It's not uncommon for a player to get a bye in the semi-final for whatever reason, either cos a winning quarter-finalist isn't online or because a quarter-final ended DQ-DQ (which happened me once about 23 months ago!). In this instance, the semi-finalist with the bye has no option but to hang around. And after playing whatever amount of games to get that far, that's always a better option than having to play for your place in the final!!! I think we can all agree on that one.

The 20 people in the chat room can, emmm, chat, or they can play games, or they can just practice. Or they can do that I do, look at other games involving good players who will play well, or crap players who will play crap and maybe get DQ-DQ, thus increasing the chance for me to get a bye in the next round.
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12:20 Sat 31 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I entered the straight tournament at 17:00, its now 18:20 and i still havent played a game. lol

Posts: 31,220
09:54 Sun 1 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
And you made it all the way to the final
Posts: 67
11:13 Sun 1 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
A way to speed up the straight tourneys is race to 20, Pot the black and get 2 points instead of 1, when pocket the white don't get any points deducted but the other player can move the ball anywhere, able to pot of the break and finally, allowed to pot more than 1 ball in a shot
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11:34 Sun 1 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
toey_101 said:
A way to speed up the straight tourneys is race to 20, Pot the black and get 2 points instead of 1, when pocket the white don't get any points deducted but the other player can move the ball anywhere, able to pot of the break and finally, allowed to pot more than 1 ball in a shot

All of these probably would speed up the tournaments, but in my opinion it would be changing the game too much, so it's almost a completely different game.
Posts: 67
11:37 Sun 1 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
rogan said:
toey_101 said:
A way to speed up the straight tourneys is race to 20, Pot the black and get 2 points instead of 1, when pocket the white don't get any points deducted but the other player can move the ball anywhere, able to pot of the break and finally, allowed to pot more than 1 ball in a shot

All of these probably would speed up the tournaments, but in my opinion it would be changing the game too much, so it's almost a completely different game.

Just make this the rule off the game only in tourneys, but in ranked games or friendlys, keep the rules the same( eg. race to 35, unable to pot of break etc.)
Posts: 391
01:04 Fri 6 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I ''won'' (if you can really call it that) my second straight tournament as a result of a bye in the final due to both of the other semi finalists being disqualified due to running out of time.

I know they all count so to speak, but thats a crap way to win a tournament.

I personally think that 10 seconds is the right amount of time for this tournament, or how about sticking another couple in there as speedies?

It's a popular game, and i think it's getting left out, and no-one wants it suffering an inferiority complex do they?
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01:08 Fri 6 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
15 second shot limit would work fine....

if 5 seconds is cut off each shot, then it takes only 12 shots to save a minute.

if you add all of those minutes up, it saves a long time for each game, which cuts down each round which cuts down the tournament.....

I dont like the idea of just 10 second shots in straight - its too long. 15 seconds is a reasonable compromise in my opinion
Posts: 31,220
12:16 Fri 6 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
15 seconds will lead to more misses, possible increasing the time. I dunno, it's controversial, but the two players who dot DQ'ed: what did they do ifferently in that game to get DQ'ed that they didn't do in earlier games?

The other solution is, obviously, increase the time limit for the completion of the round, maybe particularly in the semi-finals.
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09:53 Sat 7 Feb 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
EDIT: Doesn't matter
Posts: 31,220
21:02 Mon 6 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
We all know that you get logged out after a while of inactivity.

Sorry to do the unspeakable and drag up an old thread, but I wasn't going to make a new one... and the subject matter became topical (or should have) last week. The tournament was and a run of players getting byes and then getting DQ'ed in the next round, only for the "winner" to suffer the same fate in the next round, endured in every round up to and including the final:

Selected results:

Round 1: miffa BYE
Round 2: miffa DQ-BYE gavg0860 (didn't turn up)
Round 3: gavg0860 DQ-BYE aflumpire (didn't turn up)
Quarter-final: keysersoze BYE-DQ aflumpire (not logged in)
Semi-final: lowman BYE-DQ keysersoze (not logged in)
Final: newcastleutd BYE-DQ lowman (not logged in)

For the record, the tournament winner here got no byes in the five rounds before the final.

Just thought I'd add this to the thread as it's an extreme example (which actually happened) of the stuff described earlier on
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:10 Mon 6 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Wow Cloone, interesting find.
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speed straight tournaments

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