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Posts: 9,456
20:14 Tue 6 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Clan, if you read this team for week one below, you will see i have dropped myself and birdy for week one to welcome dukesy and wiggs to games. Please welcome them to the clan and games. The team will now be entered into a draw and then games will be done. I will send you all games for the the week once given by potty or yoda.

I will be changing the team each week!!! this is based on performance in games so good luck in each game.!

Crazzymadman - Captain (Sub For Week 1)
Pool_bird - Co Pilot (Sub For Week 1)
1. Cuequeen
2. Ab_rfc
3. Horse10000
4. Funky_dave
5. Dukesy
6. Wiggs


Posts: 9,926
17:14 Wed 7 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
Hi Clan, if you read this team for week one below, you will see i have dropped myself and birdy for week one to welcome dukesy and wiggs to games. Please welcome them to the clan and games. The team will now be entered into a draw and then games will be done. I will send you all games for the the week once given by potty or yoda.

I will be changing the team each week!!! this is based on performance in games so good luck in each game.!

Crazzymadman - Captain (Sub For Week 1)
Pool_bird - Co Pilot (Sub For Week 1)
1. Cuequeen
2. Ab_rfc
3. Horse10000
4. Funky_dave
5. Dukesy
6. Wiggs


Welcome to the team dukesy & wiggs.

Go crazzy clan

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:08 Wed 7 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
im looking for a clan crazzy, if you need a reserve or another player i would love to join
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:43 Wed 7 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
adidas said:
im looking for a clan crazzy, if you need a reserve or another player i would love to join

you missed out on ours by a matter of hours - but we are happy with our selection anyway
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:44 Wed 7 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:

Pool_bird - Co Pilot (Sub For Week 1)

i believe its now known as first officer
Posts: 9,456
19:31 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
adidas said:
im looking for a clan crazzy, if you need a reserve or another player i would love to join

Please welcome Adidas to the crazzy clan

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:56 Fri 9 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
adidas said:
im looking for a clan crazzy, if you need a reserve or another player i would love to join

Please welcome Adidas to the crazzy clan

thank you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:33 Fri 9 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
whoo whoo welcome aboard kev gl in your games xx
Posts: 9,456
18:25 Fri 9 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

Games to be played for week 1

8BallUS first of 3 games
8BallUK first of 3 games
9Ball first to 4 games
Crazzy Clan For Week 1

Crazzy Team

1. Crazzymadman - Captain
2. Adidas
3. Ab_rfc
4. Horse10000
5. Funky_dave
6. Dukesy

7. pool_bird - Sub (co pilot)
8. Cuequeen - Sub

Sorry for the ones that dont get a game this week, its a big team and with limited amount off spaces, But we are a clan so good luck all.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:51 Sun 11 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok here are the fixtures to be played by 19th january at lunchtime uk time 12pm.

Please send ur clan there fixture via message they must then msg there opponent to say a rough time they will be on if u do not message ur opponent it wil be at ur own risk if you opponent then gets a default win if they have msg u.

Also there will be a new web once yoda is bk online.

Div 1

Nutters v crazzy

poolmaster79 v horse10000
_summer_ v dukesy
bazzacu v ab_rfc
shaunbing v funky_dave
antlew v adidas
niall v crazzymadman

convicts v pool army

kaza v ul_son
ukpoolking v sporting
__mnm__ v colio
sm_rat v zodiac
playerx v its_chilly
untouchable v hightops

warriors v bye

Good luck to all

Edited at 23:54 Sun 11/01/09 (GMT)
Posts: 7,940
13:56 Mon 12 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't know whats going on, pool_bird has deactivated and I got this message from crazzymadman.

I will be dropping out the clan mate, ive added cueqeen to the team and wiggs as the other sub, hope you or one off the others can take over.
Good luck with it all mate, might see you sometime in the future, pass on my best the rest off the gang

cuequeen can you take crazzymadmans place this week and play niall from nutters clan,
looks like we need to pick a new captain and vice captain
I've sent crazzy a message to get back to me.
Posts: 7,940
15:13 Mon 12 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazzy clan V nutters

9ball ab_rfc 4 - 0 bazzacu
8ball ab_rfc 3 - 0 bazzacu
8uk ab_rfc 3 - 1 bazzacu

result - ab_rfc 10 - 1 bazzacu
Posts: 7,940
05:45 Tue 13 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Crazzy clan
1. Addict_ - Captain
2. Ab_rfc - Vice Captain
3. Horse10000
4. Adidas
5. Cuequeen
6. Funky_dave
7. Dukesy
8. wiggs

Week One Fixtures - Div 1
Nutters v crazzy

horse10000 V poolmaster79
dukesy V _summer_
ab_rfc 10 - 1 bazzacu
funky_dave V shaunbing
adidas V antlew
cuequeen V niall

addict_ - Sub
Wiggs - sub

fixtures to be played by Sunday 19th January at lunchtime uk time 12pm.
Post results in clan results and crazzy thread please

Edited at 15:13 Tue 13/01/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:45 Wed 14 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
funky_dave v shaunbing

0 - 4 9ball
3 - 2 8ball
3 - 1 8balluk

6 - 7 shaun

dave wasnt playing his best !!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:47 Thu 15 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
adidas v antlew

2- 4 9ball
2- 3 8ball
3- 1 uk.

7 - 8 antlew..

sorry everyone, started well then went pear shaped untill i won uk
Posts: 7,940
12:49 Thu 15 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Week One Fixtures - Div 1
Nutters v crazzy

horse10000 V poolmaster79
dukesy V _summer_
ab_rfc 10 - 1 bazzacu
funky_dave 6 - 7 shaunbing
adidas 7 - 8 antlew
cuequeen V niall

addict_ - Sub
Wiggs - sub

crazzy 23 - 16 nutters
Posts: 7,940
15:19 Thu 15 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
If your not available to play next week can you post here by Friday 5pm
Posts: 7,940
05:30 Fri 16 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Week One Fixtures - Div 1
Nutters v crazzy

horse10000 V poolmaster79
dukesy V _summer_
cuequeen V niall

please push to get these games played by Sunday 19th January at lunchtime uk time 12pm.

try sending another message and post in nutters thread, cant do much more than that.

Edited at 11:32 Fri 16/01/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:33 Fri 16 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cuequeen n niall playing tomoz and same with dukesy and summer aswell.

Poolmaster has sent horse times he will be around on sat but hes now working sat afternoon so sat eve after 7pm.

Sunday times still same horse.
Posts: 7,940
16:57 Fri 16 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Week One Fixtures - Div 1
Nutters v crazzy

horse10000 9 - 4 poolmaster79
dukesy 8 - 3 _summer_
ab_rfc 10 - 1 bazzacu
funky_dave 6 - 7 shaunbing
adidas 7 - 8 antlew
cuequeen V niall
addict_ - Sub

crazzy 40 - 23 nutters

Edited at 00:45 Sat 17/01/09 (GMT)
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