Capital or not
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08:16 Mon 27 Oct 08 (GMT)
Well it could be first letter only.
Edited at 14:30 Mon 27/10/08 (GMT)
Edited at 14:30 Mon 27/10/08 (GMT)
Deleted User
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09:42 Mon 27 Oct 08 (GMT)
I ment only the first letter geeez asin Jonathan istead of jonathan.
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10:25 Mon 27 Oct 08 (GMT)
I just don't see how it's so much of a big deal.
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10:44 Mon 27 Oct 08 (GMT)
Couldnt you change your name to onathan? Then you could use the zero and be 0nathan. It would be less coding, 0nathan.
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12:01 Mon 27 Oct 08 (GMT)
We get n4m35 l1k3 th15 so why not ? lol
rogan said:
Introducing the choice of capitals would mean we'd get people WiTh NaMeS lIkE tHiS, and who wants that really?
We get n4m35 l1k3 th15 so why not ? lol
12:59 Mon 27 Oct 08 (GMT)
Jonathan raises a good point. And although it is an agreeable one, I do not agree.
In principle and in theory, it is sound. In practice, it is irrelevant. Usernames in Funkypool are all lower case, and that's the way it is. Even our omnipotent benefactor, Nick, reverts to nick when playing and posting.
If you want to refer to a user (example: bob____) on the forum, call him/her bob____, Bob____, Bob, Bobby, etc, even "mate". But when it comes to the actual username, you're stuck with a permutation of 3 to 12 characters, each of which can (I think) be an underscore, a digit, or a lower case letter, and at least one of these must be a letter (I have found exceptions to this rule but they seem to be older players).
I'm guessing you probably tried to give yourself a capital J at the start. Then you realised you could not. Did you consider that perhaps it is the same for every other player?
In principle and in theory, it is sound. In practice, it is irrelevant. Usernames in Funkypool are all lower case, and that's the way it is. Even our omnipotent benefactor, Nick, reverts to nick when playing and posting.
If you want to refer to a user (example: bob____) on the forum, call him/her bob____, Bob____, Bob, Bobby, etc, even "mate". But when it comes to the actual username, you're stuck with a permutation of 3 to 12 characters, each of which can (I think) be an underscore, a digit, or a lower case letter, and at least one of these must be a letter (I have found exceptions to this rule but they seem to be older players).
I'm guessing you probably tried to give yourself a capital J at the start. Then you realised you could not. Did you consider that perhaps it is the same for every other player?
15:07 Mon 27 Oct 08 (GMT)
I prefer the all lower case version we have right now - simply because it makes all names have a predictable spelling.
If you were allowed to use uppercase, at the same time we should have names made case insensitive, so Jonathan and jonathan would in fact be interpreted as the same thing.
Having to keep track of who spells names with and without upper case (leading or otherwise) would be a nightmare.
jonathan said:
i was wondering why names arnt aloud capitals at the begining of the name i would prefer my name as Jonathan not jonathan and seen as though names are ment to be spelt with a capital at the begining. what do you think?
is there a reason why anyway?
is there a reason why anyway?
I prefer the all lower case version we have right now - simply because it makes all names have a predictable spelling.
If you were allowed to use uppercase, at the same time we should have names made case insensitive, so Jonathan and jonathan would in fact be interpreted as the same thing.
Having to keep track of who spells names with and without upper case (leading or otherwise) would be a nightmare.
Deleted User
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05:21 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
We get n4m35 l1k3 th15 so why not ? lol
Point taken..
pool_bird said:
rogan said:
Introducing the choice of capitals would mean we'd get people WiTh NaMeS lIkE tHiS, and who wants that really?
We get n4m35 l1k3 th15 so why not ? lol
Point taken..
Deleted User
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05:39 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
We get n4m35 l1k3 th15 so why not ? lol
becasue then its even more confusing.
just let it go, we dont need it - the internet is not for political correctness to put capitals at the start of names, and for that matter, anywhere in a USERNAME which is an allias doesnt need to be nancy fancy!
rogan said:
pool_bird said:
Introducing the choice of capitals would mean we'd get people WiTh NaMeS lIkE tHiS, and who wants that really?
We get n4m35 l1k3 th15 so why not ? lol
becasue then its even more confusing.
just let it go, we dont need it - the internet is not for political correctness to put capitals at the start of names, and for that matter, anywhere in a USERNAME which is an allias doesnt need to be nancy fancy!
Deleted User
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05:51 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
Lol why does it matter wheather you name is straightened out or not?
jonathan said:
no i ment i want my name turned from jonathan to Jonathan and besides it straightens out the name with a capital at the begining, i dunno i just find it annoying how the names arnt capitalised lol.
Lol why does it matter wheather you name is straightened out or not?
Deleted User
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05:54 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
We get n4m35 l1k3 th15 so why not ? lol
Do we??
Agree with Jan!
pool_bird said:
rogan said:
Introducing the choice of capitals would mean we'd get people WiTh NaMeS lIkE tHiS, and who wants that really?
We get n4m35 l1k3 th15 so why not ? lol
Do we??
Agree with Jan!
Deleted User
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05:58 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
DO w3 r331y?
Lol But you cant stop names coming like that unless when you sign up you could have ''congrats that name is avalible''OR ''Sorry that user is invalad''.
Lol But you cant stop names coming like that unless when you sign up you could have ''congrats that name is avalible''OR ''Sorry that user is invalad''.
Deleted User
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08:24 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
This is stupid, it will stay the same, it's not going to change.
08:55 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
With all respect, you are not the one making that call, but yes I agree that it is very unlikely to ever be changed. There are about one billion other changes that are more important to this site.
spinned said:
This is stupid, it will stay the same, it's not going to change.
With all respect, you are not the one making that call, but yes I agree that it is very unlikely to ever be changed. There are about one billion other changes that are more important to this site.
Deleted User
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09:55 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
I agree he Jonathan was just sharing his thoughts and thats fine.
Deleted User
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10:08 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)
Yep that's what this forum is for
pro_i_am said:
I agree he Jonathan was just sharing his thoughts and thats fine.
Yep that's what this forum is for
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Capital or not
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