Differences between FP 14.1 and the game at http://www.easypooltutor.com/article102.html
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15:12 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
Differences between FP 14.1 and the game at http://www.easypooltutor.com/article102.html
6. OPENING BREAK. Starting player must either (1) designate a ball and a pocket into which that ball will be pocketed and accomplish the shot, or (2) cause the cue ball to contact a ball and then a cushion, plus cause two object balls to contact a cushion. Failure to meet at least one of the above requirements is a breaking violation. Offender's score is assessed a two point penalty for each breaking violation. In addition, the opponent has the choice of (1) accepting the table in position, or (2) having the balls reracked and requiring the offending player to repeat the opening break. That choice continues until the opening break is not a breaking violation, or until the opponent accepts the table in position. The three successive fouls rule does not apply to breaking violations.
If the starting player scratches on a legal opening break, he is charged with a foul and assessed a one point penalty, which applies toward the "Successive Fouls Penalties." The incoming player is awarded cue ball in hand behind the head string, with object balls in position.
6. OPENING BREAK. Starting player must either (1) designate a ball and a pocket into which that ball will be pocketed and accomplish the shot, or (2) cause the cue ball to contact a ball and then a cushion, plus cause two object balls to contact a cushion. Failure to meet at least one of the above requirements is a breaking violation. Offender's score is assessed a two point penalty for each breaking violation. In addition, the opponent has the choice of (1) accepting the table in position, or (2) having the balls reracked and requiring the offending player to repeat the opening break. That choice continues until the opening break is not a breaking violation, or until the opponent accepts the table in position. The three successive fouls rule does not apply to breaking violations.
If the starting player scratches on a legal opening break, he is charged with a foul and assessed a one point penalty, which applies toward the "Successive Fouls Penalties." The incoming player is awarded cue ball in hand behind the head string, with object balls in position.
15:14 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
7.1. A legally pocketed ball entitles a shooter to continue at the table until he fails to legally pocket a called ball on a shot. A player may shoot any ball he chooses, but before he shoots, must designate the called ball and called pocket. He need not indicate any detail such as kisses, caroms, combinations, or cushions (all of which are legal). Any additionally pocketed ball(s) on a legal stroke is scored as one point for the shooter.
7.4. A player may call a safety rather than an object ball (for defensive purposes). Safety play is legal, but must comply with all applicable rules. Player's inning ends when a safety is played, and pocketed balls are not scored. Any object ball pocketed on a called safety is spotted.
7.7. When a player has the cue ball in hand behind the head string (as after a scratch) and all object balls are behind the head string, the object ball nearest the head string may be spotted at his request. If two or more balls are an equal distance from the head string, the player may designate which of the equidistant balls he desires to have spotted.
What to do when the 15th ball and/or the cueball are in the rack - FP says cueball in hand, official rules say in the kitchen, plus other differences.
7.1. A legally pocketed ball entitles a shooter to continue at the table until he fails to legally pocket a called ball on a shot. A player may shoot any ball he chooses, but before he shoots, must designate the called ball and called pocket. He need not indicate any detail such as kisses, caroms, combinations, or cushions (all of which are legal). Any additionally pocketed ball(s) on a legal stroke is scored as one point for the shooter.
7.4. A player may call a safety rather than an object ball (for defensive purposes). Safety play is legal, but must comply with all applicable rules. Player's inning ends when a safety is played, and pocketed balls are not scored. Any object ball pocketed on a called safety is spotted.
7.7. When a player has the cue ball in hand behind the head string (as after a scratch) and all object balls are behind the head string, the object ball nearest the head string may be spotted at his request. If two or more balls are an equal distance from the head string, the player may designate which of the equidistant balls he desires to have spotted.
What to do when the 15th ball and/or the cueball are in the rack - FP says cueball in hand, official rules say in the kitchen, plus other differences.
15:15 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
Why are you over at a rival cloone haha
Edit: theres little chance of our pool balls jumping off the table now cloone..
Edited at 20:20 Sun 19/10/08 (BST)
Edit: theres little chance of our pool balls jumping off the table now cloone..
Edited at 20:20 Sun 19/10/08 (BST)
15:16 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
10. CUE BALL AFTER JUMPING OFF THE TABLE OR SCRATCH. Incoming player has cue ball in hand behind the head string, unless the provision of Rule of Play 7.2 (rule for balls frozen to cushions), 7.5 (manual interference) or 12 (three fouls) apply to the offender's foul and dictate alternate choices or procedures.
12. (After three fouls) All balls are then reracked and the player committing the infraction is required to break as at the beginning of the game.
10. CUE BALL AFTER JUMPING OFF THE TABLE OR SCRATCH. Incoming player has cue ball in hand behind the head string, unless the provision of Rule of Play 7.2 (rule for balls frozen to cushions), 7.5 (manual interference) or 12 (three fouls) apply to the offender's foul and dictate alternate choices or procedures.
12. (After three fouls) All balls are then reracked and the player committing the infraction is required to break as at the beginning of the game.
15:23 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
Smart bum!!!
keoghz said:
Edit: theres little chance of our pool balls jumping off the table now cloone..
Smart bum!!!
15:31 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
"12. (After three fouls) All balls are then reracked and the player committing the infraction is required to break as at the beginning of the game." is not implemented either.
Next patch will only allow white to be placed in the baulk section.
Next patch will only allow white to be placed in the baulk section.
19:19 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
7.1. A legally pocketed ball entitles a shooter to continue at the table until he fails to legally pocket a called ball on a shot. A player may shoot any ball he chooses, but before he shoots, must designate the called ball and called pocket. He need not indicate any detail such as kisses, caroms, combinations, or cushions (all of which are legal). Any additionally pocketed ball(s) on a legal stroke is scored as one point for the shooter.
I think this is the one rule that need adding to make this game really work. The need to call your pocket and ball gets rid of all hit and hope and makes it pure skill.
I understand it may take a long time to code for nick but even if we have to wait a while i think it would be a great addition.
Would love other peoples thoughts on this.
I think this is the one rule that need adding to make this game really work. The need to call your pocket and ball gets rid of all hit and hope and makes it pure skill.
I understand it may take a long time to code for nick but even if we have to wait a while i think it would be a great addition.
Would love other peoples thoughts on this.
19:26 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
Yes horsey, I understand where you're coming from on this, and I agree, but personally it would break my rhythm constantly nominating balls, scrolling over to pockets etc. and therefore I'd be happy with the system as it is.
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19:34 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
Also, would you be able to change your mind on which pockets/ball you nominated?
I feel that the option to change your mind would have to be added too.
Edited at 00:35 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
I feel that the option to change your mind would have to be added too.
Edited at 00:35 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
19:35 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
Thats the other thing you'd probably run out of time if you only had 20 secs and changed your mind....
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19:39 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
I think that the whole process of nominating is a little too much hassle - even if it is in the proper rules of the game.
19:55 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
simplicity and endless achievement is what makes this game fantastic, and it looks as though it has been a massive hit from the word go...
I believe adding the nomination rule would not only slow down the game, but also make it less enjoyable... hitting and hoping is also fun! As you need the bravery to do it in the first place rather than just playing safe; I think we will see much better results on the game without the ball/pocket nomination functionality.
horse10000 said:
7.1. A legally pocketed ball entitles a shooter to continue at the table until he fails to legally pocket a called ball on a shot. A player may shoot any ball he chooses, but before he shoots, must designate the called ball and called pocket. He need not indicate any detail such as kisses, caroms, combinations, or cushions (all of which are legal). Any additionally pocketed ball(s) on a legal stroke is scored as one point for the shooter.
I think this is the one rule that need adding to make this game really work. The need to call your pocket and ball gets rid of all hit and hope and makes it pure skill.
I understand it may take a long time to code for nick but even if we have to wait a while i think it would be a great addition.
Would love other peoples thoughts on this.
I think this is the one rule that need adding to make this game really work. The need to call your pocket and ball gets rid of all hit and hope and makes it pure skill.
I understand it may take a long time to code for nick but even if we have to wait a while i think it would be a great addition.
Would love other peoples thoughts on this.
simplicity and endless achievement is what makes this game fantastic, and it looks as though it has been a massive hit from the word go...
I believe adding the nomination rule would not only slow down the game, but also make it less enjoyable... hitting and hoping is also fun! As you need the bravery to do it in the first place rather than just playing safe; I think we will see much better results on the game without the ball/pocket nomination functionality.
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20:07 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)
simplicity and endless achievement is what makes this game fantastic, and it looks as though it has been a massive hit from the word go...
I believe adding the nomination rule would not only slow down the game, but also make it less enjoyable... hitting and hoping is also fun! As you need the bravery to do it in the first place rather than just playing safe; I think we will see much better results on the game without the ball/pocket nomination functionality.
In a nut shell
luckypot said:
simplicity and endless achievement is what makes this game fantastic, and it looks as though it has been a massive hit from the word go...
I believe adding the nomination rule would not only slow down the game, but also make it less enjoyable... hitting and hoping is also fun! As you need the bravery to do it in the first place rather than just playing safe; I think we will see much better results on the game without the ball/pocket nomination functionality.
In a nut shell
02:33 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)
I'm swaying to either side on this one, i can see the ups and Downs of what the pocket nomination system would bring..the only bad things are, as mentioned, slowing of game play due to constant nomination,rhythm of the player as mentioned by Dave, the good side for me the luck element, I believe these games should all be a game of skill! Not luck, nomination would be a great addition, i would love to see, If we did get it we'd get used to it, if we didn't get it we'd live without it,
So win win at the end of the day haha
So win win at the end of the day haha
03:18 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)
We should not allow that on FP as long as we dont have any calling of shots.
clooneman said:
Any additionally pocketed ball(s) on a legal stroke is scored as one point for the shooter.
We should not allow that on FP as long as we dont have any calling of shots.
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03:54 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)
Firstly I would like to say that the introduction of straight pool has brought another 'option' to the game and as is often said in these forums 'options are a good thing'.
That said I don't believe it has added that much variety to the overall 'funky' experience in its current format. It's a game that focuses on the easiest aspects of the game and is a little like two player practice. For those reasons alone it needs the addition of the pocket calling and safety nominations to give it identity.
I don't believe the actual process of nominating would be that onerous and I'm guessing the final selections would only lock in once the actual stroke process commenced - as it does now - allowing people to change their mind until that point.
If people don't like that for any of the reasons given in posts above then their option is not to play it that much.
PS Anyone who has been on this site for 18 months or more will know that the variety has been largely lacking since the removal of the Pro tables. If options are a good thing then the Pro tables are the options we need, even if only for a selected number of tournaments rather than them constantly being available. (Completely off thread I know sorry - but needs to brought up as often as possible )
Edited at 09:17 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
That said I don't believe it has added that much variety to the overall 'funky' experience in its current format. It's a game that focuses on the easiest aspects of the game and is a little like two player practice. For those reasons alone it needs the addition of the pocket calling and safety nominations to give it identity.
I don't believe the actual process of nominating would be that onerous and I'm guessing the final selections would only lock in once the actual stroke process commenced - as it does now - allowing people to change their mind until that point.
If people don't like that for any of the reasons given in posts above then their option is not to play it that much.
PS Anyone who has been on this site for 18 months or more will know that the variety has been largely lacking since the removal of the Pro tables. If options are a good thing then the Pro tables are the options we need, even if only for a selected number of tournaments rather than them constantly being available. (Completely off thread I know sorry - but needs to brought up as often as possible )
Edited at 09:17 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
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06:38 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)
Ok this is going to be both on topic and off topic
on topic: I think nominating is a silly thing...would slow it down like everyone says.
Also with the whole idea of a fluke...sometimes you are going to risk smashing into the bunch to play a fluke...if you miss it is pretty much game over...so if people are willing to take the risk I think they should be granted the fluke.
Ok now the off topic bit. I missed out on the pro tables by a short time...I just wondered if anyone had an old screen shot of the tables so I would have a comparison to the new tables.
Thanks and sorry for the brief off topic ness,
on topic: I think nominating is a silly thing...would slow it down like everyone says.
Also with the whole idea of a fluke...sometimes you are going to risk smashing into the bunch to play a fluke...if you miss it is pretty much game over...so if people are willing to take the risk I think they should be granted the fluke.
Ok now the off topic bit. I missed out on the pro tables by a short time...I just wondered if anyone had an old screen shot of the tables so I would have a comparison to the new tables.
Thanks and sorry for the brief off topic ness,
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07:26 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)
I appreciate where you're coming from but I think the point jan, horse and myself are trying to make is that if you are going to bring in a new game then at least try and make it faithful to the original and as different as possible from what is already here.
You can fluke as much as you want in any of the other 4 game types.
One of the few skills needed in straight, in addition to the main one which is potting, is a little bit of control which means you shouldn't need to go thrashing into balls hoping for a fluke and in my opinion you shouldn't be rewarded for doing so. If there's nothing on you need to play an excellent (nominated) safety and try and create the next opening.
As I said before this site needs as much variety in game type as possible not a series of similar exercises.
I don't have anything with the old Pro tables on. They were a tough challenge, but they were in proportion and a lot more realistic. Also a lot less difficult for most players than Original Snooker if you have ever tried that.
Edited at 13:48 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
You can fluke as much as you want in any of the other 4 game types.
One of the few skills needed in straight, in addition to the main one which is potting, is a little bit of control which means you shouldn't need to go thrashing into balls hoping for a fluke and in my opinion you shouldn't be rewarded for doing so. If there's nothing on you need to play an excellent (nominated) safety and try and create the next opening.
As I said before this site needs as much variety in game type as possible not a series of similar exercises.
I don't have anything with the old Pro tables on. They were a tough challenge, but they were in proportion and a lot more realistic. Also a lot less difficult for most players than Original Snooker if you have ever tried that.
Edited at 13:48 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
15:48 Thu 30 Oct 08 (GMT)
"slowing of game play due to constant nomination" - fair enough, although it is a slow game anyway... Or maybe I'm just a slow player! But I agree with everything else.
We should not allow that on FP as long as we dont have any calling of shots.
Emmm... maybe, but if you pot a ball and want to smash a clump of balls in the same shot and one goes in, and the rules say that a ball potted like this counts, then I say bring it in.
keoghz said:
I'm swaying to either side on this one, i can see the ups and Downs of what the pocket nomination system would bring..the only bad things are, as mentioned, slowing of game play due to constant nomination,rhythm of the player as mentioned by Dave, the good side for me the luck element, I believe these games should all be a game of skill! Not luck, nomination would be a great addition, i would love to see, If we did get it we'd get used to it, if we didn't get it we'd live without it,
So win win at the end of the day haha
So win win at the end of the day haha
"slowing of game play due to constant nomination" - fair enough, although it is a slow game anyway... Or maybe I'm just a slow player! But I agree with everything else.
janmb said:
clooneman said:
Any additionally pocketed ball(s) on a legal stroke is scored as one point for the shooter.
We should not allow that on FP as long as we dont have any calling of shots.
Emmm... maybe, but if you pot a ball and want to smash a clump of balls in the same shot and one goes in, and the rules say that a ball potted like this counts, then I say bring it in.
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Differences between FP 14.1 and the game at http://www.easypooltutor.com/article102.html
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