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Killer and Straight pool now used in overall tables

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Posts: 4,751
12:30 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Overall now represents your average across all games, and all your wins and losses, as it should do.
Posts: 5,373
12:37 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Great - love it
Deleted User
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12:43 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 2,683
13:13 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I love it, now it will be that little bit harder to get a good overall now there's 5 disciplines to average
Posts: 881
15:51 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Nooooooooooooooo, i hate it Took me ages to get to number 1 Was planning on sitting on it for a while Why wasn't I consulted with first nick?

Posts: 881
16:09 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I now risk becoming more of a social outcast having to maintain a ranking in 5 seperate game types...

Killer and straight are just a bit of fun in my opinion and have no dedicated world championships or tours associated with them, since any fella off the street could probably win at killer, its so much influenced on who you shoot after. The time to include them in your overall average would have been after the tournaments are introduced at which time I would have become more interested in playing them. That is all

Edited at 21:12 Sun 19/10/08 (BST)
Posts: 4,751
18:21 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
walker666 said:
Killer and straight are just a bit of fun in my opinion and have no dedicated world championships or tours associated with them

Average rank over multiple events does not exist in the real world either, it's just a funkypool score that measures your versatility.

However it's possible that it could use your best 3 for instance.
Posts: 9,456
18:25 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I never play much rank but glad to see that there is much more games for the top players to compete to recieve the top spot and not just the odd few games. Sorry walker i know you worked hard
Posts: 881
18:32 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a couple of observations;

Only 12 professionals overall at minute whereas before there was a handful of people going for virtuoso overall which is a top achievement - can't be a good thing as there is now less to aim for. Impossible to get 900 overall I would suggest.

Looking at the killer rankings at the moment, it seems that a ceiling is reached as low as 830 with only a few above this, which suggests that the ranking system hasn't equilibrated yet in line with 8 ball, 9 ball and 8 uk. This brings down the overall average. So killer specialists are at a disadvantage in the current rankings compared with people in the top 10 of 8 us. Also, you will now see people in the top 50 who are just the most addicted to the game and who have the most time to play the different games, and not necessarily the best recognised players overall.

Oh and cheers crazzy

Edited at 23:34 Sun 19/10/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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18:44 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't like it. It IMO is just a way of getting people to sit in front of their computers for longer which in the long run is going to affect peoples moods because of lack of sleep. It's going to make global obesity worse and it's all your fault nick!
Posts: 881
18:47 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah I haven't spoken to any "real" people in weeks, haven't been out the house, no fresh air, feeling sick all the time... I'll now have to cut my sleep out too to practice....
Deleted User
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19:16 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
In all seriousness nick...would it be possible to have a FP vote on whether we would like it this way or the old way?

On a side note surely there should be some way of including golf into the mix otherwise it is just a pointless game that you may as well scrap.
Posts: 9,926
19:21 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I think nick has got this one spot on. The best overall player on funkypool is the one who has the best average rank over all game types not just a certain 3 like some people want.
Posts: 881
19:28 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yh horse buts its not exactly fair if people are getting 940 on 8 us and can't get over 840 on killer, as it completely skews the overall average

hence the best overall players will be the best on the disciplines where the scoring system is most generous

Edited at 00:29 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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19:32 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Wrong thread.

Edited at 00:33 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
Posts: 881
19:41 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
An alternative way of seeing who the best overall players are is to cumulatively add the players position in the rankings of each game. Then players could be sorted from lowest totals at the top down. This would be more fair than the current skewed ranking point system.
Posts: 9,926
19:47 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
walker666 said:
Yh horse buts its not exactly fair if people are getting 940 on 8 us and can't get over 840 on killer, as it completely skews the overall average

hence the best overall players will be the best on the disciplines where the scoring system is most generous

Edited at 00:29 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)

If a player was to get 945 on killer but couldnt get above 840 on 8 us. Is he a better player than the man that you speak of? He has 5 more points and a better average rank. We all have games that we are better that than others. Who decides what game type makes you the best player.

I personally hate uk and could never get up near the top of the uk table. For other players they can play uk but struggle on the us games. The best overall player is the person who can get to the best level as an average of all game types.

If someone can not play killer or straight or whatever they are not the best player overall as other players have got a better overall grasp of all game types.
Posts: 881
19:55 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry horse, misunderstanding due to my shoddy english. What I'm saying is that due to the way the points won/lost are calculated for killer it has proved to be very difficult to get anywhere near 900, whereas there are loads of players who have reached 900 recently on 8 US . So if there were 2 equally skilled players, one focussed on 8 us and one on killer, then the guy playing 8 us would have a better chance of getting a high ranking.

Thats why I thought the position idea would be a better way of deciding who is "best".
Posts: 881
20:07 Sun 19 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
walker666 said:
Yh horse buts its not exactly fair if people are getting 940 on 8 us and can't get over 840 on killer, as it completely skews the overall average

By people I meant plural, not any one person.

Right to clarify...

Awesome players on 8 us, 8uk, 9 ball - take forward 900 points to overall average.

Awesome players on killer and straight - take forward 830 points to overall average.

So because the rankings for killer and straight haven't equilibrated so that there is distribution of rankings up to and including virtuoso, the overall rankings aren't fair yet.

Therefore at present the guys with the higher overall rankings will be specialising in 8 ball, 9 ball and 8 uk, with killer guys at a disadvantage.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:34 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
walker666 said:
An alternative way of seeing who the best overall players are is to cumulatively add the players position in the rankings of each game. Then players could be sorted from lowest totals at the top down. This would be more fair than the current skewed ranking point system.

That would be nice to see added aswell and the overall ranking.

Good idea
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Killer and Straight pool now used in overall tables

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