jump cue idea in funkypool?
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05:14 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
nick, have any idea for a jump cue in funkypool?
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06:31 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
but then snookering is just taken out of the game...the purists wont like it...its just taking one more skill that you need out of the game (getting out of snookers)
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06:34 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
The trouble with jump-shots and swerve on a game is that they can be easily mastered and made perfect, unlike in real life where even for top pros they are dangerous unpredictable shots. If they came in, nobody would be able to play a safety.
Edited at 11:35 Mon 6/10/08 (BST)
Edited at 11:35 Mon 6/10/08 (BST)
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08:20 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
I agree, it would make the game too easy.
Unless it was isolated to a new game type.
So there would be 8US and 8US with jump shots.
But in my opinion, I don't think it will be added, and I don't think it should be either.
Unless it was isolated to a new game type.
So there would be 8US and 8US with jump shots.
But in my opinion, I don't think it will be added, and I don't think it should be either.
08:27 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
If you add swerve shots we may as well all get our coats cos gerry will be unbeatable
10:07 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
dont worry mmt ill beat him for ya
madmiketyson said:
If you add swerve shots we may as well all get our coats cos gerry will be unbeatable
dont worry mmt ill beat him for ya
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03:40 Tue 7 Oct 08 (BST)
lol..could we like..make it as that we can only use the jump cue only a few times:2,3??
04:39 Tue 7 Oct 08 (BST)
Then whats the point in implementing it to only use it 2 or 3 times?
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04:52 Tue 7 Oct 08 (BST)
nick could make it more intresting 'n' difficult to hit it..
mich_is_back said:
Then whats the point in implementing it to only use it 2 or 3 times?
nick could make it more intresting 'n' difficult to hit it..
04:56 Tue 7 Oct 08 (BST)
It would be easier to hit though! As its already been mentioned, and once mastered which to be honest wont take long for some it will be too easy, as also been mentioned.
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jump cue idea in funkypool?
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