What's Your Favourite Piece Of Technology?
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08:19 Fri 3 Oct 08 (BST)
MP3 player and mobile phone, don't know what i'd do if i never had them.
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09:22 Fri 3 Oct 08 (BST)
I would have a massive good old ghetto blaster strapped to my pannier rack and a load of 20p's for the payphone......if it wasnt for the smaller alternatives
mr_mcquiston said:
MP3 player and mobile phone, don't know what i'd do if i never had them.
I would have a massive good old ghetto blaster strapped to my pannier rack and a load of 20p's for the payphone......if it wasnt for the smaller alternatives
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10:18 Fri 3 Oct 08 (BST)
Technological, and something that is currently on the market, not the elixer of life.
Oh and probably the TV
Edited at 15:21 Fri 3/10/08 (BST)
keoghz said:
Anything medical that will help me when im old
Technological, and something that is currently on the market, not the elixer of life.
Oh and probably the TV
Edited at 15:21 Fri 3/10/08 (BST)
10:54 Fri 3 Oct 08 (BST)
Oh how did i forget the t.v oh and computer and internet and those little mini fridges for my beer
11:33 Fri 3 Oct 08 (BST)
Me Ipod, Me Mobile and Me Lappy!
Oh and the Microwave
Oh and the Microwave
14:37 Fri 3 Oct 08 (BST)
Not so much technology, but obviously technology goes into their making. They're tested for durability, and they have something called benzocaine as an active ingredient for endurance. They've brought us out of the dark ages into the new... and I ain't saying what they are, sorry!
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15:42 Fri 3 Oct 08 (BST)
My MP3 Player, My TV, My computer, and My Cell Phone
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18:45 Fri 3 Oct 08 (BST)
Technological, and something that is currently on the market, not the elixer of life.
I thought it was a fair answer...why stick to the obvious choices?
After all medical technology has proved to be essential.
__ciaran__ said:
keoghz said:
Anything medical that will help me when im old
Technological, and something that is currently on the market, not the elixer of life.
I thought it was a fair answer...why stick to the obvious choices?
After all medical technology has proved to be essential.
03:39 Sat 4 Oct 08 (BST)
That because your from tyrone....electricity hasnt been there yet haha only joking cloone
clooneman said:
Not so much technology, but obviously technology goes into their making. They're tested for durability, and they have something called benzocaine as an active ingredient for endurance. They've brought us out of the dark ages into the new... and I ain't saying what they are, sorry!
That because your from tyrone....electricity hasnt been there yet haha only joking cloone
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18:52 Wed 8 Oct 08 (BST)
Mobile phone that ha walkman mp3 built so i only need 1 lol and tunes to download are cheap so even bigger bonus lol
05:28 Thu 9 Oct 08 (BST)
how did people survive without mobile phones
16:41 Thu 9 Oct 08 (BST)
Good question - I was actually one of those weirdoes who desperately tried to hang on to the old times and refused to get a mobile for years after it became popular... Look at me now - using this site from my iPhone... whatever is the world coming to
Edited at 21:42 Thu 9/10/08 (BST)
madmiketyson said:
how did people survive without mobile phones
Good question - I was actually one of those weirdoes who desperately tried to hang on to the old times and refused to get a mobile for years after it became popular... Look at me now - using this site from my iPhone... whatever is the world coming to
Edited at 21:42 Thu 9/10/08 (BST)
16:55 Thu 9 Oct 08 (BST)
How do you find the iphone jan? IS it any good? I got a n95 8gb at the minute and im gonna get either an iphone or an n96
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