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what actually is a safety ?

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Deleted User
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19:47 Sun 28 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
what actually is a safety shot on killer because i thought it was when u made the person after you miss there shot, i have done this several times and not got a safety point so what actually is a safety shot :D thankyou
Posts: 31,220
20:02 Sun 28 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
From the help page for the rules of killer: "Safeties are achieved when you pot successfully and the player after you does not pot. If the player after you is breaking this does not count in any circumstance." Therefore, if you have missed, the following shot will not count towards your safety count. If you have potted the last ball in a break, ditto, because the next player has all the balls on the table again, and if he/she fails to pot, that's not because of anything you did on the previous shot.

So, looking at one of your recent killer wins, it says Killer Ranked - swindonboi wins! (2 lives, potted 10 of 11, safe 3 of 10). So, you took 11 shots (or turns) and potted on 10 occasions. The one you missed doesn't count; therefore the safe stat is only out of 10, not 11.

Here's another one: swindonboi wins! (2 lives, potted 14 of 16, safe 3 of 13). Only 13 counted because you missed 2 shots (and only potted on 14 turns), and one of those must have been the last ball in the rack. 16 - 2 - 1 = 13.

EDIT: Whoops! And, of course, in each example, the next player failed to pot a ball on three occasions that counted, so that was 3 safeties for you.

Edited at 01:03 Mon 29/09/08 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:12 Sun 28 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
wow that has explained it all thanks
Posts: 10,415
20:14 Sun 28 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
cloon is a genius
Posts: 31,220
19:57 Tue 30 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Why thank you kind sir! And now for my next essay - the global financial crisis.

Wall Street has been at the centre of the US economy for decades, being the heart of its financial --- damn, I have to be at work tomorrow... I'll finish this another time maybe!
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what actually is a safety ?

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