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Three strikes and your forfeit the frame, not the game !!

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Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
Surely this would be much better for everyone involved? The player who is there does not have his/her time wasted because he/she wins a frame while the other player still has time, for example, to take his/her daughter dancing around the corner and get back to finish the match, which he/she was compeltely in control of!

People moan about having to do certain duties while playing funkypool that you cannot escape, so surely there should be a balance, and that balance, in my opinion, is to forfeit the frame not the game!
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
And sorry for the shocking typing error on the thread title, it is meant to say you not your.
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
I must admit I'm a bit indifferent, but basically I don't see why the game should make allowances for people who can't focus on the game when playing.

I have every bit of understanding for people who cannot focus on the game all the time, but frankly, if you can't, then you shouldn't be playing a multi-player game in the first place.
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
i must say that sporting is the most sporting player i have had the pleasure to play on here (excuse the pun) lol in all fairness i was a little dissapointed as i had sat for 2 hours and needed to nip out but i suppose rules are rules and the same applies to everyone but i do agree with sporting that maybe a loss of frame and not loss of match should be in order. and once again i hope that i have the chance to play an excellent and fair player as such as sporting
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16 years ago  [Link]  
janmb said:
I must admit I'm a bit indifferent, but basically I don't see why the game should make allowances for people who can't focus on the game when playing.

I have every bit of understanding for people who cannot focus on the game all the time, but frankly, if you can't, then you shouldn't be playing a multi-player game in the first place.
i see your point but sometimes something unexpected may crop up that you have no control over while playing a multi-player game such as diahroea like time waits for no man
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks for your kind words mr_mystery, I look forward to our future matches also

I also understand your point Jan. But, you don't come on here and say "well I will stay on this game for 3 hours". It works sometimes but life is full of un-expected events. Another one is quite simply a tournament lasting longer than anticipated. So surely there should be a balance? I can't see what is really wrong with just forfeiting the frame not the entire match which is a race to 5, when your going to nip out for 5 minutes because your daughter is relying on you? C'mon, surely you can't argue against that? Just a simple balance, it is a bit over the top the way it is at the moment.

It is no way to win a match, and is completely unfair on your opponent. They also sat there for 2 hours to make that final.

I don't think people can take advantage of this either, because they are still getting punished. But the balance is there, so if it's not their fault, they still have a slight chance.

Ahh, now I'm just repeating myself
Posts: 366
16 years ago  [Link]  
Just remember its only a game
Posts: 31,220
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
sporting said:
I also understand your point Jan. But, you don't come on here and say "well I will stay on this game for 3 hours". It works sometimes but life is full of un-expected events. Another one is quite simply a tournament lasting longer than anticipated. So surely there should be a balance?

Don't get me wrong, I symphathize with those unable to play uninterrupted. I may sound a bit harsh or cynical, but my view is simply that if you have to abandon the game for a while (of whatever length), you should lose for it. Whether that is a frame or a game I don't really care all that much about - what I *do* care about is that intermittent players should never be allowed to hurt the opponent in any way - particularly in terms of wasting time.

In the end, it's a simple matter of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few.
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
_nick87_ said:
Just remember its only a game

Always easier said when you have over a 100 tournament wins under your belt
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  

Thats the one cloone.
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Three strikes and your forfeit the frame, not the game !!

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