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Posts: 10,415
10:39 Sun 14 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
not poached anyone else yet One Trick Poachers?
Posts: 7,324
19:47 Sun 14 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
we dont need anyone else - we have me
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20:00 Sun 14 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
you guys are hilarious looking forward to playing you guys
Posts: 150
20:25 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Team update:

Warpath/Itz_war - Captain
Itz_lamosa - Vice captain

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20:34 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
warpath said:
Team update:

Warpath/Itz_war - Captain
Itz_lamosa - Vice captain

hello teaaaaaammmmmmmmmm....

how are we all? i think we need to cut the dross and get to know each other, get the team bonding going......we are in this together, as a famous pool player once said,

'we play together, we die together, itz clan for life'

we need to look at the ethics and beliefs side of all this, get into arsene wengers mindset......stamp our personality on the game, work towards the same beliefs, build team values....

I am indeed stepping down from the captaincy post, even before the season has started, but dont worry we wont turn into the geordies of the clan league, I will now be vice captain, and warpath (who has also had a big input into the clan) will take over as captain, i hope everyone is ok with that....

as we draw ever closer to the start of our campaign.....i would like to set a few clan targets.....

lets stuff 'the unbearables' bunch, because lets be honest guys the only reason they keep coming in our thread and trying to take the michael is because tjhey are scared.........

come on the itz
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20:36 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
oh yea and the other thing is lets be confident......but we dont wana big ourselves up....cos if the **** hits the fan, we could be in for a merking
Posts: 7,324
20:43 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
We're looking extremely strong now, plus I may have another potentially team-completing member lined up, along with warpath's target(s)

Ohh and I must say our captain is leading a great example by showing his worth in the yank games, and taking time to improve his game in that. Follow his example team!
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20:47 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
_niall_ said:
We're looking extremely strong now, plus I may have another potentially team-completing member lined up, along with warpath's target(s)

Ohh and I must say our captain is leading a great example by showing his worth in the yank games, and taking time to improve his game in that. Follow his example team!

indeed, i shall practice!!

also we should defo all have itz_*name* accounts for clan games, who hasnt got one yet?
Posts: 150
20:55 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
horse, rach, and grace havent got itz accounts yet, but i wont force that upon them if they dont want to, team morale is more important

and yeah for the players in our clan who dotn play the us games, its a good idea to get your eye in, its not as hard as youd expect it to be.

i agree with lamos,a good target for out team is to destroy those unbearables and the way our team is shaping up i dont think it will be a problem.

onwards and upwards for the ITZ!!
Posts: 10,415
20:59 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
you lot are funny

i might bang you in division two for a laugh

saves me the headache of having to emabarrass one of yas anyway
Posts: 150
21:01 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
lol thered be no point in putting us in a low division, itd be like put liverpool in a sunday league

besides you know your excited at the prospect of some real competition
Posts: 10,415
21:02 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan Untouchables
In The Zone
Funky's Finest
Retro Fusion
Funky's Most Hated
Ultimate Alliance

that is our division
Posts: 150
21:03 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
only 1 winner there...
Posts: 10,415
21:04 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
wow id never guess what was in your spolier

i think youll find untouchables win it two seasons in a row
Posts: 150
21:05 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
lololol... unbearables as well as delusional

like i said, theres some real competition in this league this season, and your brickin it!!
Posts: 10,415
21:06 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  

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21:06 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  

all i can feel is fear from your broken camp mmt
Posts: 150
21:08 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
itll be even more broken once smithy completes the transfer

lol the banter is epic from our clans, i dont see any others doing it, theres no passion
Posts: 10,415
21:12 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
youve as much chance of getting smithbit as you have of losing your 'V' plates

the fear you think you smell is actually mich. he is like a skunk and when he smells what is politely know as bull faeces he gives off the scent
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21:12 Mon 15 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
indeed......true rivalry is emerging, could kick off

lol pathy, that would ruin it if/when we beat them, as they could just say they beat themselves with there old players......would be more satisfying otherwise
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