MSN Warning or w/e
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20:56 Thu 28 Aug 08 (BST)
They are pretty harmless unless its an unblockable one, ask mr_mcquiston about those
You just had to..
Platypus nightmares continue..
spinner said:
They are pretty harmless unless its an unblockable one, ask mr_mcquiston about those
You just had to..
Platypus nightmares continue..
Deleted User
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06:41 Fri 29 Aug 08 (BST)
if in doubt
chuck it out
i never add people to my msn unless by mutual agreement and its done at that time
chuck it out
i never add people to my msn unless by mutual agreement and its done at that time
Deleted User
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08:09 Fri 29 Aug 08 (BST)
I once added this girl named paula - still can't get rid of her now. She's on my MSN, my Facebook and has now wormed her way into my funky friends list..........
13:09 Fri 29 Aug 08 (BST)
LMAO! Yano what..Id block her too *Kicks A Stone*
Ive got ppl asking me in pm for Credit Card Details..just to chat LOL
Ive got ppl asking me in pm for Credit Card Details..just to chat LOL
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20:14 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)
justsumgirl i think it was nice you didn't tell everything it said. LOFL
I don't even use MSN
I don't even use MSN
Deleted User
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19:36 Thu 23 Oct 08 (BST)
long link! lol
uhh is that website for any1 under 16? lol
even if it was i wouldn't go on it
just curious
madmiketyson said:
she got it from that advert you have on www.addmetomsnmynameispaulaanditalktoomuch/[email protected]
long link! lol
uhh is that website for any1 under 16? lol
even if it was i wouldn't go on it
just curious
Deleted User
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13:09 Sat 1 Nov 08 (GMT)
Lmao cue, I have some problems with msn it logs me out every 5 mins and says you have signed into another computer?
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MSN Warning or w/e
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