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10 Ball In Funkypool

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Posts: 1,060
17:25 Wed 20 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone Think Funkypool should Bring In 10 ball???????
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17:26 Wed 20 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Is there such a thing ?
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17:31 Wed 20 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Probaly not but its FUNKY pool..

Edited at 22:31 Wed 20/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,060
18:09 Thu 21 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Its Like 9 Ball but Onli With the 10 Far Better game.. Harder more Skill and tatics
Posts: 1,630
09:21 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
:S yeah sounds alot more harder, one extra ball :S

How much difference would it make?

And where would the 10 ball fit on the rack?
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09:24 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Ten-ball is a modern pocket billiards (pool) game. It is a rotation game very similar to nine-ball, but more difficult, using ten balls instead of nine, and with the 10 ball instead of the 9 as the "money ball".

Ten-ball is preferred over nine-ball by some professionals because it is slightly harder to pocket any balls on the break shot with the more crowded rack, opponents cannot win the game by pocketing the 10 ball early (such as on the break or on a combination shot), and performing a string of break-and-runs on successive racks becomes increasingly difficult to achieve (statistically). There is a possibility that ten-ball will eventually eclipse nine-ball as the most popular professional tournament game.

Edited at 14:24 Fri 22/08/08 (BST)
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09:29 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  

The ten balls are racked as a triangle as in the game of eight-ball, with the 1 ball positioned on top of the rack, the 10 ball positioned in the middle of the rack, and the other balls placed in random order, with the apex ball on the foot spot.


Most of the same rules apply as in nine-ball. This means that in order to establish a legal hit, the cue ball must contact the lowest numbered ball first, and subsequently at least one ball must hit any rail, without the cue ball being pocketed. In ten-ball, shots have to be called, which means that the player must call a ball and the pocket in which to make the ball. Note that this does not have to be the lowest numbered ball. The game is won by pocketing the 10-ball on a correctly called shot. An exception to this rule is that pocketing the 10-ball on the break also results in a win.
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09:29 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
If a player pockets the wrong ball, or pockets the nominated ball in the wrong pocket, the ball stays down. The exception is the 10-ball, which gets re spotted on the foot spot. The opponent then has the choice of taking the shot, or handing it back.
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09:35 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think it will make any difference as its 9ball with an extra ball. However... billiards....
Posts: 1,630
09:35 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers mate. The way the guy who posted explained made it sound a waste of time.

Sounds alright actually.
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09:47 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Hightops, if you read it properly it's not just 9ball with an extra ball! Personally i like the sound of the game.
Posts: 4,751
13:34 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I wouldn't mind adding another game, but which are popular?

Wikipedia lists all these:
Nine-ball · Eight-ball · One-pocket · Straight pool · Bank pool · Blackball · Baseball pocket billiards · Bottle pool · Chicago · Cowboy pool · Cribbage pool · Golf pool · Kelly pool · Rotation · Ten-ball · Three-ball
Posts: 1,223
13:44 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
3ball is good fun and quick but on funkypool it will be too easy.

I like the idea of rotation and bank pool aswell.
Deleted User
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13:46 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]

thats bank pool for people who dont know i think this is a great idea.
Posts: 1,630
13:50 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
One pocket sounds good. haven't got the time to read through them all right now lol.

Edited at 18:55 Fri 22/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,223
13:50 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep gets my vote as said

imagine bank pool runouts impossible lol

Edited at 18:51 Fri 22/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,630
13:56 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
_alex19933_ said:
3ball is good fun and quick but on funkypool it will be too easy.

Yeah but would be good for in between tournys and that mate..

Lets say there were no rankings for it? just a game for fun, maybe just a record of wins and losses would be good.

Edited at 18:56 Fri 22/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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13:56 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
_alex19933_ said:
Yep gets my vote as said

imagine bank pool runouts impossible lol

Edited at 18:51 Fri 22/08/08 (BST)

cant runout on bank pool, its first to pot 3 balls
Posts: 1,223
14:01 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh im thinking something different lol
Deleted User
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14:07 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
silly sausage, nick you've got to get bankpool!!!
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10 Ball In Funkypool

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