Killer Points - Final Standings

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Posts: 4,751
10:32 Wed 20 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer - Total Points
The total points achieved by the player.

Pos. Name Games Points
1 ab_rfc 670 10,251
2 rich 421 8,726
3 ex_champ 454 6,823
4 cam07 641 6,339
5 j_a_m_e_s_ 988 6,048
6 janmb 437 6,036
7 _matty_1981_ 449 5,982
8 compo2007 460 5,872
9 ladysapphire 472 5,290
10 jimmie48 578 5,220
11 bastilha 266 4,820
12 warcriminal 596 4,644
13 quadraclops 413 3,944
14 spinner11 387 3,885
15 survivor 366 3,853
16 bubsy 227 3,439
17 kong24 354 3,379
18 cityfan84 234 3,017
19 fishface08 300 2,852
20 __talented__ 143 2,651
21 _mr_wheezy_ 301 2,633
22 wilksgtfc 241 2,606
23 souljah 258 2,513
24 horse10000 202 2,468
25 rachel0712 221 2,421
26 boywunda 293 2,295
27 tong 247 2,238
28 scrawp 359 2,174
29 jancarlo 346 2,172
30 orchy 260 2,152
31 marcos_no1 145 2,103
32 nick 208 2,067
33 killer_1 163 2,033
34 alxima 305 2,021
35 statty 236 1,908
36 kingape 153 1,858
37 davesta 312 1,852
38 geavesie 127 1,832
39 tweedie 223 1,752
40 ozman 172 1,646
41 sheepboy 81 1,643
42 world__champ 271 1,624
43 1ukeldinho 160 1,612
44 1978 138 1,590
45 fullpool 202 1,555
46 xabi_ownhalf 284 1,549
47 jgo3000 95 1,547
48 scallo 592 1,516
49 sharkshooter 156 1,509
50 wotwot 152 1,505

Killer - Points per Game
The points achieved per game played. At least 50 games must be played.

Pos. Name Games Points Average
1 rich 421 8,726 20.7
2 sheepboy 81 1,643 20.3
3 __talented__ 143 2,651 18.5
4 bastilha 266 4,820 18.1
5 evon99 50 897 17.9
6 sharkgeetee 53 922 17.4
7 jgo3000 95 1,547 16.3
8 cue_power 68 1,080 15.9
9 funky_killer 66 1,023 15.5
10 ab_rfc 670 10,251 15.3
11 bubsy 227 3,439 15.2
12 ex_champ 454 6,823 15.0
13 _nick87_ 83 1,216 14.6
14 marcos_no1 145 2,103 14.5
15 geavesie 127 1,832 14.4
16 janmb 437 6,036 13.8
17 _matty_1981_ 449 5,982 13.3
18 poolshark007 62 810 13.1
19 covkid 65 846 13.0
20 cityfan84 234 3,017 12.9
21 compo2007 460 5,872 12.8
22 killer_1 163 2,033 12.5
23 maxo2007 65 802 12.3
24 rofl 69 850 12.3
25 horse10000 202 2,468 12.2
26 jedbarker 53 647 12.2
27 masterz13 74 899 12.2
28 kingape 153 1,858 12.1
29 sorcerer 104 1,226 11.8
30 1978 138 1,590 11.5
31 bnard 65 736 11.3
32 allornothing 59 664 11.2
33 ladysapphire 472 5,290 11.2
34 nawras 66 726 11.0
35 rachel0712 221 2,421 11.0
36 wilksgtfc 241 2,606 10.8
37 survivor 366 3,853 10.5
38 rickoshay 99 1,034 10.4
39 __anaconda__ 52 536 10.3
40 drsiwakov 63 646 10.2
41 mar_t 134 1,366 10.2
42 1ukeldinho 160 1,612 10.1
43 spinner11 387 3,885 10.0
44 nick 208 2,067 9.9
45 wotwot 152 1,505 9.9
46 cam07 641 6,339 9.9
47 ianm10 121 1,188 9.8
48 souljah 258 2,513 9.7
49 sharkshooter 156 1,509 9.7
50 ace75 80 773 9.7

Generated at 12:07 Tue 12 Aug 08 (BST).
Posts: 31,220
14:39 Thu 28 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Where did I finish?
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08:35 Sun 7 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
congrats everyone
Posts: 5,223
11:16 Wed 10 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice one all of ya, wish i could get into the top 50,000 in any game
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Killer Points - Final Standings

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