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Posts: 5
18:18 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi, i was in the chatroom tonight, and not nameing names) people talking in excplit language and for the entire time this was going on 2 hours not 1 mod came online or was online and i dotn know if 1 even came on after I logged out,
Theres so many kids that use this site and that would be in that chat room, i know im in game queries ill get to the point,
Mods have a very inportent job on this site and they do a great job, i just feel if we had a roster or a designated time that a mod would be on so theres always 1 on would be great, Im sorry if this sounds like it shoudve been in complaints but through talking im not the only one that feels this way i just this there should always be a mod on

Deleted User
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18:26 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i have seen the same thing tinight i looked for mods my younger bro come on this site, i checked for mod god knows how many times and there was none online i even tookaction myself and asked them if they would stop but i just got a load of abuse i would have reported them but there was that many of them doing it i wouldnt have been able to keep up with the names

i have applied to be mod on here because i know this goes on when mods aint online... im not tryint o rush my appication through this will prob do me no good but i feel it something that needs to be mentioned

i hope someone listens
Deleted User
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18:30 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Hopefully you did send a complaint? That will make sure that the users who were using the bad language are dealt with accordingly.

I've seen many posts like this and I'm sure the usual responses will be posted, but the usual repsonses are really the only responses, as those modearators do have a life to live, and not even they, like everyone else, have control over what happens in their life most of the time. So I think your idea of a roster is not a fair idea on the people willing to help out(remember it's voluntary) but it's practical to cut out all the people who use this site for the wrong reasons instantly.
But, the send complaint option is the most practical idea in thse scenarios and I don't think there is much more anyone can do, as it's just hit and miss really. It would stay that way with rosters or no rosters in my opinion for the reason that they simply have a life and the work they do is voluntary.

Edit: Typing error

Edited at 23:35 Fri 15/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 5
18:41 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
It comes with the responsibility sporting, if you apply for a mod with a site with so many people excpect responsibility.
Posts: 8,940
18:45 Fri 15 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Same old thing yet again. We cannot act after an incident has occurred unless you follow the send complaint procedure.

If someone is bothering you, simply do this then put them on ignore.

All staff are, as mentioned before, volintary and just members like everyone else, but without some of the options normal members have.

As always, if you have any issues with moderating procedures, please use contact us as instructed in the help section.

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