What Grinds Your Gears?
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06:17 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)
blimey do u feel better meeko lol
My bf complainde at price of redbull tescos used to be 0.89p its now a full £1 lol he werent to pleased lol
My bf complainde at price of redbull tescos used to be 0.89p its now a full £1 lol he werent to pleased lol
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06:19 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)
Im so glad she said something about her bf I thought it was a boy I was getting ready to come onto her!!! Lol jk....but I did think you were a guy.My apologies...redbull here is over 2 dollars for the smallest can over 3.79 for the bigger ones
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06:25 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)
You know what really grinds my gears when I have to do late shifts..
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06:28 Sat 16 Aug 08 (BST)
The larger cans are between 1.40 and 2.00 depending on whether u go to a supermarket or a petrol station.
Lol @ boy
meeko said:
Im so glad she said something about her bf I thought it was a boy I was getting ready to come onto her!!! Lol jk....but I did think you were a guy.My apologies...redbull here is over 2 dollars for the smallest can over 3.79 for the bigger ones
The larger cans are between 1.40 and 2.00 depending on whether u go to a supermarket or a petrol station.
Lol @ boy
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17:31 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
Well i kow what you mean tids
I hate it when people say they will stand by you through thick and thin,then do a runner
tidnab said:
ill tell you what grinds my gears...people who pretend they are your freind and when they have had enough of you, throw you away as if you was trash
two faced tossers in short
Edited at 22:55 Thu 14/08/08 (BST)
two faced tossers in short
Edited at 22:55 Thu 14/08/08 (BST)
Well i kow what you mean tids
I hate it when people say they will stand by you through thick and thin,then do a runner
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18:18 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
the things that grind my gears are, women, knuckle cracking, constant tapping, james jagger, old biddies who can't decide what to drink and make me stand there ready to pull half a lager they ALWAYS get! james jagger, arrogance is a certainty to get me riled, them cackling laughs that only occur when somethings not funny, computers when you've had a bad day, losing, not playing my best in rugby, james jagger, women! people talking about gruesome things as you're about to eat, people with no patience, ignorant <removed> who you politely let past in the street then they just ignore you, people who think they own the frickin planet, kids half your age that think they can get away with saying anything and everything, james bludy jagger, people who need a favour then when you ask them for one make excuses, spiteful ... people, attention seeking foooools! The worst ones are drunken idiots who think they've got the worst life an wanna cut their wrists with a spoon. A SPOON i ask ya!
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18:28 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
oh... stalkers, braggers, my brother, my cousin, the new extended deadline for the 6th harry potter film, the way film makers never usually stay truthful to books, the way people make stupidly long words for miniscule parts of the human anatomy that you need to learn in biology! the songs 'oh so quiet' and 'same jeans' the way i am soo inconsitant when playing this game, the way my computer can't read my mind, the way i can't read a womans mind. Thats actually nearly everything
18:34 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
LMAO @ That ^^^
Cars driving close to the kerb in the rain to splash the gutter water all over ya
Cars driving close to the kerb in the rain to splash the gutter water all over ya
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18:43 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
*takes a deep breath* I hate judgmental people, people who are critical of others with out even knowing them, people who isolate others just because they are just a little different, people who think so highly of themselves and put themselves ahead of others feeling left behind, feeling unaproachable, the people who make me feel that way, the government, ignorance, genocide, the people who don't care about the world and remain appathedic because they are to busy wallowing in self pitty, the trendy emo bands that promote it, death, high school, society in general, morals, ethics, brainwashing, the two party system, structured enviornment, rules, laws, love, trendy people, conformist, bible thumpers (people who shove the bible in your face as an answer to everything), People who think I'm cray people who hate me, disownership
No swearing on the forums please.
Edited by forum moderator mr_mcquiston, at 17:05 Mon 25/08/08 (BST)
No swearing on the forums please.
Edited by forum moderator mr_mcquiston, at 17:05 Mon 25/08/08 (BST)
18:57 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
people who think they are funny an are quite clearly not, you know the ones where people laugh at them not with them, or don't laugh at all yeah, people who kill animals or use animals to fight as fun beetroot<< What is the need for it??? females not having he ability to understand everything a female says or does, People who use drugs as an excuse to forget about their lives, it only works for an hour or too try fixing things it works out better... Other things i can not be bothered to type as i don't feel like!
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19:22 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
The people that call Great Britain England.
People who Bully disabled or special needs people.
Having my eyes gouged in rugby.
People who show no consideration towards others.
Groups of people who think it's right to shout abuse at you when passing, then once you see them one on one they try being all talkative and nice.
The welsh rugby team not fulfilling their potential.
Having to go on the biggest diet ever around this time of year.
When you physically can't give anymore when your needed.
People who don't understand what you go through in life to get to where you are.
Spoilt people that take things for granted.
Upset people.
People who work hard and do not get the recoognition they deserve.
Cheating and bad sportsmanship.
Edit for a typing error.
Edited at 00:24 Mon 18/08/08 (BST)
People who Bully disabled or special needs people.
Having my eyes gouged in rugby.
People who show no consideration towards others.
Groups of people who think it's right to shout abuse at you when passing, then once you see them one on one they try being all talkative and nice.
The welsh rugby team not fulfilling their potential.
Having to go on the biggest diet ever around this time of year.
When you physically can't give anymore when your needed.
People who don't understand what you go through in life to get to where you are.
Spoilt people that take things for granted.
Upset people.
People who work hard and do not get the recoognition they deserve.
Cheating and bad sportsmanship.
Edit for a typing error.
Edited at 00:24 Mon 18/08/08 (BST)
19:34 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
What really grinds my gears is
hightops said:
james jagger, james jagger, james jagger, james bludy jagger
19:37 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
feel better?
hightops said:
oh... stalkers, braggers, my brother, my cousin, the new extended deadline for the 6th harry potter film, the way film makers never usually stay truthful to books, the way people make stupidly long words for miniscule parts of the human anatomy that you need to learn in biology! the songs 'oh so quiet' and 'same jeans' the way i am soo inconsitant when playing this game, the way my computer can't read my mind, the way i can't read a womans mind. Thats actually nearly everything
feel better?
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20:13 Sun 17 Aug 08 (BST)
Listening to the general public on the phone at work really grinds my gears......and the price of petrol
08:39 Mon 18 Aug 08 (BST)
Lads driving past in the summer and squirting me with their water guns !!! (Wen its took me ages to do me hair too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
pitbull_pete said:
What Grinds My Gears?...Gear Grinding
Lads driving past in the summer and squirting me with their water guns !!! (Wen its took me ages to do me hair too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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10:49 Mon 18 Aug 08 (BST)
What grinds my gears is people with a corsa or something like that just playing drum and bass going round the village for 5 hours Like well my car is cool (show offs).
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