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Unofficial Game Play Thread (Renamed)

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Deleted User
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12:17 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Talk about tactic's, tips, anything to do with game play!

8 Ball US Golden Break

8 Ball UK Golden Break

9 Ball US Golden Break

How to cut the power

Edited at 17:23 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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Deleted User
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12:17 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
They aren't called that but thats what i call them.

Pocketer - placing they're balls on the pocket. when its safe to clear, clear
Blaster - slamming all the balls around the table off break - then goes for clear
waiter - not potting many balls while waiting for the opponent to clear most of the table
safer - keep potting until you can't pot no more then snookers
tapper - taps all the balls in 1 place making it hard to pot
random runner - takes 1 or 2 random shots then try to clear when the opponent has cleared most balls
fouler - sets up to rest his balls on your balls then makes a foul. (making it harder/more temping to clear for the other opponent)
speeder - Plays a fast game. trying to make you do the same and miss most shots.
slowdown - plays a very slow. trying to make you play slow and not to think about shots.

Edited at 17:19 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:17 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1. All ways look what ball your going for and what ball after that so set it up

2. Always take your time to line up the shot

3. Don't keep hiting the ball full power

4. Use back spin, forward spin and side spin

5. Practice all your weak shots on the practice table

6. When facing a player that plays fast slow the game down

7. Figure out your opponents weaknesses

8. When facing a slow paced player play really fast and they will give way

9. When playing a good player. your best way off winning is to snooker whenever possible and wait for a carry, then clear

10. Playing hundred's of games will not make you a better player! practising you weaknesses on the practise table for half hour or so every day does!

11. If you have carry, don't be afraid to pot the opponents ball to get a better position on your colours!
(remember, you can only do it for the first shot after you recieve carry)

Edited at 17:19 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:17 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
12. If you are struggling, like playing against someone very fast pace. use snookers and position your balls over pockets or rest on their balls to slow the game down and make them play at your pace.
(Eventually they will crack and most likly make mistakes)

13. Dont keep blastin the balls all the time cause it dont always work. and with funkysnooker they go in better if you hit them soft.

14. On the practice table, play a game against yourself. break and play until a ball goes in, and then remember whose turn it is; "red you" or "yellow you" it's the best way of bringing up situations that will really come up, and if you play enough games against yourself, you will practice all your weaker shots.

15. Its also good to try trick shots aswell.(you never know when your gonna be snookered)

16. practice trying to put the white in off (ie into the pocket) on every shot while on the practice table.
(you'll learn fantastic things about spin)

Edited at 17:20 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:17 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
- No matter who you're up against, play your own game. Even if your opponent is a newbie or a virtuoso, stick to your gameplan. Don't start playing in a way you're not used to.

- if you feel like you're playing worse than usual, don't worry. Happens to us all.

- You have to learn to miss. Sounds easy.
For example if you have three balls in a cluster, two are yours one is opponents.
Your balls are covering opponents so he cant pot it.
You have the advantage in the game. Dont go clearing all your balls up to look flash.
Miss a few on purpose, or tap them over pockets. When your opponent clears his up, then he is faced with the prospect of having to smash the cluster up, which 90% of the time should work in your favour.
Then you clear up/snooker (as you have balls left easy to snooker) to win the game.

Edited at 17:20 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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12:18 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
- Dont get over-awed by anyone on here.
The best can appear to play quick and make it look easy.
The best still make mistakes though, not often but it happens.
You will get generally two chances in a game against the very best unless they are on top form.
Just remember if they pot 6 balls straight off the mistakes will come, maybe only one but it'll happen.
If you think about your game you can take advantage and snooker them. Dont get frustrated thinking they will thrash you

- Pot 1 or 2 balls, then go for a snooker.
keep snookering every time its your shot and when they have 1 or 2 balls left snooker them again and make sure its not an easy 1.
then when they miss try your best to clear up!
if you can not clear up go for an extra snooker, then clear up when they miss.

Edited at 17:21 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,102
12:18 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Cant see any pics mate
Deleted User
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12:18 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
- If its your break go for a little break don't break it up so much.
just so the balls are touching.
if your yellow for an e.g. put your yellow on the black so its hard to pot the black for that other person.
so let them clear up but make sure you have a few yellows around the black and
when they want to pot the black its going to be hard for them so they will most probly smash the balls up or 'foul'.
so just try to pot all the balls you can, if you cant do that put a yellow on the black again or just snooker

- Another thing that can be useful
is to open your mouse settings and slow the reaction time down
(different drivers work different ways but most offer this function)
This makes cue control and positioning a little more forgiving.

Edited at 17:21 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:21 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
- The main important thing about Funkypool is the element of fun.
you cant have fun if your slapping yourself every time you miss an easy red into the middle pocket.
Try and practice these shots.
Also my tip is to play people who are higher ranked than you as you can learn a lot about the game from the way they play and in turn if you do happen to beat them it boosts your confidence.
Dont be shy, open yourself up and dont forget to participate within the chat rooms.
This will make you feel more welcome every time you sign in and can also give you a break when you are losing, knowing that you have some one in the chat room always helps.

- practice table and learn the angles to pot to perfection.
once u figure out how to pot well move onto power control positioinin onto next balls to pot.
snookering and even doubling.

- change the size of your screen on hard shots (make it big or small, it depends how you feel thats best for you)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:22 Mon 4 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
OK thread is now open I guess

Edited at 17:31 Mon 4/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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01:12 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Does anyone have any good tactics they would like to post?
Posts: 4,447
04:26 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't mean to be the one spoiling this or anything, but I can see a few flaws in those plans...

The best players learn to get the layout into their favour, no matter how bad it is. They will use every shot in the book if they are an aggressive player, to open up a surrounded ball by playing into it off a previous shot. That is something you just have to learn.

Secondly, good players don't just "smash" into clusters of balls that are not in their favour. They will make you do the work for them... ... They will find a way to snooker you on the remaining ball... trust me, they will.

And also, all of those tactics are for 8UK. You don't get carries on 8US, so you may have to write out 2 more sets of tactics, as the other 2 games are completely different (Tap snookers don't work in US8 and US9 etc).

Ah well, well done on writing that all out though...

Edited at 09:27 Tue 5/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:37 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Its an open thread you get to add tactics tips etc as well!

Edited at 09:41 Tue 5/08/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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05:04 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:

The best players learn to get the layout into their favour, no matter how bad it is. They will use every shot in the book if they are an aggressive player, to open up a surrounded ball by playing into it off a previous shot. That is something you just have to learn.

Secondly, good players don't just "smash" into clusters of balls that are not in their favour. They will make you do the work for them... ... They will find a way to snooker you on the remaining ball... trust me, they will.

I could not of said that better ratty *ive improved alot over 5 years*
Posts: 19
05:10 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Good thread.. but for the how 'how to cut power one' how does it work on laptops, coz it doesnt work for me.
Deleted User
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06:30 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_tennis said:
Good thread.. but for the how 'how to cut power one' how does it work on laptops, coz it doesnt work for me.

I'm not sure mate.
I use the mouse with the laptop
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:21 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
dark_acez said:

- No matter who you're up against, play your own game. Even if your opponent is a newbie or a virtuoso, stick to your gameplan. Don't start playing in a way you're not used to.

dark_acez said:

6. When facing a player that plays fast slow the game down

7. Figure out your opponents weaknesses

8. When facing a slow paced player play really fast and they will give way

9. When playing a good player. your best way off winning is to snooker whenever possible and wait for a carry, then clear

Bit contradictive.

I'd replace them all with: Forget who you are playing, work out it your own strengths and play to them. After all when you are at the table your opponent can't do owt.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:29 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
And if I may throw my hat in.

What seperates the top player from lesser players is not playing what you think you can do but, play what you know you can do.
Deleted User
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07:33 Tue 5 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
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Unofficial Game Play Thread (Renamed)

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