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14:23 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player -
2) Most Consistent Ranked -
3) Nicest Player -
4) Funniest Player -
5) Most Annoying -
6) Most Gracious Loser -
7) Most Well Known Player -
8) Favourite Username -
9) Least Favourite Username -
10) Funniest Username -
11) Player Who Brags The Most -
12) Player Who Brags The Least -
13) Most Talkative -
14) Favourite Friend ?
15) Player You Play The Most ?
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? Fun ,
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ?
18) Silliest Player ?
19) Smartest Player ?
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site -

Edited at 19:23 Fri 25/07/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,102
14:25 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
THIEF THIEF THIEF!!!! thats off an old thread!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:29 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - Bertie
2) Most Consistent Ranked - Dawn_patrol
3) Nicest Player - Emma *emma_85*
4) Funniest Player - Supermega
5) Most Annoying - Supermega :)
6) Most Gracious Loser - Stevie_boro
7) Most Well Known Player - Lars
8) Favourite Username - leveller89
9) Least Favourite Username - the_old_boy
10) Funniest Username - Sexysausage
11) Player Who Brags The Most -
12) Player Who Brags The Least -
13) Most Talkative - stellaman/Miss_steph/Paula.
14) Favourite Friend ? emma/shaun15/leveller89/Gothic
15) Player You Play The Most ? 800+
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? Rank.
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? lars/Raiden
18) Silliest Player ? winks
19) Smartest Player ? squeezy
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - Friendly. Good Player.
Deleted User
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14:30 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
mich_is_back said:
THIEF THIEF THIEF!!!! thats off an old thread!

haha I No, sly man heres me thinking you would do it, and you only no it cause of me
Posts: 1,102
14:36 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - Theres a bloody long list to name them all
2) Most Consistent Ranked - me LOL nah erm hmm hard one id say cityfan84 or smithbit or madmiketyson maybe
3) Nicest Player - recently its been weirdo_1
4) Funniest Player - _niallo_
5) Most Annoying - Not gonna mention anything would like to keep this a nice thread
6) Most Gracious Loser - Myself maybe? or any of my friends, or quick_pot theres a few
7) Most Well Known Player - squeezy or quick_pot
8) Favourite Username - Favourite of mine 30_01_90
9) Least Favourite Username - I didnt like my 15_m_lpool user it was boring
10) Funniest Username - Burnzybhoy (not bunrzybhoy)

Edited at 19:37 Fri 25/07/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,102
14:41 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
11) Player Who Brags The Most - _alex19933_ lol
12) Player Who Brags The Least - Not sure lol
13) Most Talkative - Weirdo_1
14) Favourite Friend ? All of em
15) Player You Play The Most ? weirdo_1 probs
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? Fun
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? any high rankers
18) Silliest Player ? ive done some silly things in my past
19) Smartest Player ? hmmm theres a few cityfan QP niallo gerry mike etc
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site -Fun loving and chatty
also not a bad player
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:51 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - janmb (helpful mod)
2) Most Consistent Ranked - blacksmith
3) Nicest Player - gjstorm
4) Funniest Player - stellaman (joke thread) haha!
5) Most Annoying - neil2008
6) Most Gracious Loser - gjstorm
7) Most Well Known Player - nick
8) Favourite Username - youngfudger
9) Least Favourite Username - mufc2008 (im a lfc fan) hehe
10) Funniest Username - squeezy
11) Player Who Brags The Most - neil2008
12) Player Who Brags The Least - hmmm not sure..
13) Most Talkative - bringiton
14) Favourite Friend - bringiton
15) Player You Play The Most - bringiton
16) Why You Play Them The Most - We have a lot to talk about..
17) Player You Would Like To Play More - ladysapphire
18) Silliest Player - dunno...
19) Smartest Player - spinner
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - I'm a rubbish player, but I can take a loss.
Posts: 1,102
14:54 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
dorito said:
1) Most Favourite Player - janmb (helpful mod)
2) Most Consistent Ranked - blacksmith
3) Nicest Player - gjstorm
4) Funniest Player - stellaman (joke thread) haha!
5) Most Annoying - neil2008
6) Most Gracious Loser - gjstorm
7) Most Well Known Player - nick
8) Favourite Username - youngfudger
9) Least Favourite Username - mufc2008 (im a lfc fan) hehe
10) Funniest Username - squeezy
11) Player Who Brags The Most - neil2008
12) Player Who Brags The Least - hmmm not sure..
13) Most Talkative - bringiton
14) Favourite Friend - bringiton
15) Player You Play The Most - bringiton
16) Why You Play Them The Most - We have a lot to talk about..
17) Player You Would Like To Play More - ladysapphire
18) Silliest Player - dunno...
19) Smartest Player - spinner
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - I'm a rubbish player, but I can take a loss.

like your style
Posts: 1,396
15:03 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - Ab_rfc
2) Most Consistent Ranked - ^^^^
3) Nicest Player - Ulkeldihno
4) Funniest Player - Mich_is_back
5) Most Annoying - Me
6) Most Gracious Loser - Me
7) Most Well Known Player -Lady_Sapphire
8) Favourite Username - Weirdo_1 Course
9) Least Favourite Username - U_lose I Dont Need Reminding
10) Funniest Username - Shroompuff*Makes Me Giggle
11) Player Who Brags The Most - Pitbull_pete Xo
12) Player Who Brags The Least - Lady Again
13) Most Talkative - mich_is_back
14) Favourite Friend I Got Lots :-)
15) Player You Play The Most Ab_rfc,
16) Why You Play Them The Most-To Try And
Learn :-P ,
17) Player You Would Like To Play More- Anyone !
18) Silliest Player Anyone Who Plays Me
19) Smartest Player Allornothing
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - Am Rubbish At Pool But Like To Make People Laugh

Edited at 20:06 Fri 25/07/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,102
15:51 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Woooo had 3 mentions! lol
however im not most talkative
Posts: 10,415
17:20 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - smithy, as hes not around probably mich
2) Most Consistent Ranked - i am! anyone who says different is a liar...i havent been out top 20 overall since i got there a year ago....smithy, rich, exchamp, ladys all stand out for me....niall when hes not banned also
3) Nicest Player - never heard Q_pot complain once!
4) Funniest Player - me, mich n niall are so funny ya duntknow
5) Most Annoying - anyone who plays uk and thinks they are amazing, especially steven =D
6) Most Gracious Loser - niall, gerry, mich
7) Most Well Known Player - either city or Q_pot...everyone on this site has heard off one of them =D
8) Favourite Username - burnzybhoy (that was hilarious)
9) Least Favourite Username - mich_is_back, i mean come on- stating the obvious or what.....:P
10) Funniest Username - _steven_, always makes me laugh when i type it and it says banned user =D
11) Player Who Brags The Most - __talented_- =S
12) Player Who Brags The Least - stupid question =S
Posts: 10,415
17:24 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
13) Most Talkative - kay, pete, paula
14) Favourite Friend ? smithy is my special beaver if he ever comes back...i swear i answered this already at the top =S
15) Player You Play The Most ? noone in love to play avidsylvian regularly though
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? he wont play me...he prefers intermediates :(
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? davidsylvian!
18) Silliest Player ? mich and niall for getting banned so often
19) Smartest Player ? arcade_fire is a legend!
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - I see myself as a godly figure to most people on this site, who are beneath me.....i am without a doubt brilliant and im sure my amazing personality makes people want to be me!

what a daft question :P
Posts: 1,102
17:32 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
LMAO mike! quite a few of them involve me maybe we should publicise our relationship! xxxxx mwah xxxxx

Edited at 22:34 Fri 25/07/08 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:34 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  

I'm the gracious loser, remember my philsophy , play for fun not for points.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:42 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player -Nick for making the site!!
2) Most Consistent Ranked -Cityfan he wins tournies per minute lol.
3) Nicest Player -I would say loving_aunti...the name says it all.
4) Funniest Player -Werido_1 is fun to play against
5) Most Annoying -hotstuby...Always destroys me in tournies haha
6) Most Gracious Loser -Most people on the site.
7) Most Well Known Player -Quickpot ,cityfan or ab_rfc
8) Favourite Username - Crap2 haha
9) Least Favourite Username -gg_wp_vul...thats just lazy
10) Funniest Username:I have no idea?
11) Player Who Brags The Most - __talented_
12) Player Who Brags The Least -ex_champ
13) Most Talkative- Can't choose
14) Favourite Friend-War_Wizard
15) Player You Play The Most-I get around
16) Why You Play Them The Most-Random room surfing
17) Player You Would Like To Play More-Cityfan84 for the challenge
18) Silliest Player-????
19) Smartest Player-Lady
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site -unreal
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:15 Fri 25 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Going on who i know over here

1) Most Favourite Player -madmiketyson
2) Most Consistent Ranked - ab_rfc
3) Nicest Player -egotisical
4) Funniest Player -crazzymadman
5) Most Annoying - pazz
6) Most Gracious Loser -ab_rfc
7) Most Well Known Player -quick_pot mmt gezza
8) Favourite Username - quick_pot
9) Least Favourite Username -pfft
10) Funniest Username: dadzsikpot lol
11) Player Who Brags The Most - __talented_
12) Player Who Brags The Least - madmike
13) Most Talkative- paula
14) Favourite Friend- sporting
15) Player You Play The Most- hothead bob
16) Why You Play Them The Most- get my posting on other name
17) Player You Would Like To Play Morefor the challenge - smithbit
18) Silliest Player-allornothing
19) Smartest Player- Spinner!
20) How Do You See Yourself As - A snook
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:06 Sun 27 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - in terms of watching _niallo_
2) Most Consistent Ranked - mmt, ladysapphire, ex_champ, cityfan84
3) Nicest Player - mr_mcquiston
4) Funniest Player - dragsta_2k8
5) Most Annoying - mckenzie, only player that i seem to have a problem with getting over the winning line.
6) Most Gracious Loser - the majority
7) Most Well Known Player - I don't know what this means.
8) Favourite Username - alan_jazeera
9) Least Favourite Username - unimaginative ones
10) Funniest Username - alan_jazeera
11) Player Who Brags The Most - tappa
12) Player Who Brags The Least - pool_bird
13) Most Talkative - pool_bird
14) Favourite Friend - they all good
15) Player You Play The Most - pool_bird over the distance
16) Why You Play Them The Most - dunno
17) Player You Would Like To Play More - _niallo_
18) Silliest Player - dunno
19) Smartest Player - dunno
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - Tempremental but handy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:01 Sun 27 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - too many to name
2) Most Consistent Ranked - cityfan
3) Nicest Player - quickpot
4) Funniest Player - alex19933
5) Most Annoying - colins
6) Most Gracious Loser - funkydave
7) Most Well Known Player - quickpot
8) Favourite Username - squeezy
9) Least Favourite Username - baggie lol
10) Funniest Username - dunno
11) Player Who Brags The Most - colins
12) Player Who Brags The Least - quickpot
13) Most Talkative - alex1933
14) Favourite Friend ? too many
15) Player You Play The Most ? alex and burnzy
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? fun
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? quickpot, cityfan, smithbit
18) Silliest Player ? dunno
19) Smartest Player ? ab_rfc
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - ok chap =]
Posts: 1,223
14:44 Sun 27 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - Many
2) Most Consistent Ranked - cityfan84/lady
3) Nicest Player - adidas
4) Funniest Player - mich_is_back, pool_bird
5) Most Annoying - jagz_sik_pot
6) Most Gracious Loser - the_viking
7) Most Well Known Player - nick
8) Favourite Username - egotistical
9) Least Favourite Username - manutd
10) Funniest Username - bumchin
11) Player Who Brags The Most - tally/burnzy
12) Player Who Brags The Least - cityfan84
13) Most Talkative - me lol
14) Favourite Friend ? again to many
15) Player You Play The Most ? burnzy,mr_wheezy,pool_bird (so many finals lmao)
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? Their good laughs
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? davidsylvian, squeesy
18) Silliest Player ? funkypool_
19) Smartest Player ? clooneman
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - Not a bad player and whos likes a good chat.

Edited at 19:46 Sun 27/07/08 (BST)
Posts: 4,762
15:07 Sun 27 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Me who brags the mosT? Woah.. Ermm okay *confused smiley*

1) Most Favourite Player - To many!!
2) Most Consistent Ranked - cityfan84 or ex_champ
3) Nicest Player - kev or rob
4) Funniest Player - Mich/Niall/Meeks
5) Most Annoying - Donny
6) Most Gracious Loser - " "
7) Most Well Known Player - cityfan/quick_pot
8) Favourite Username - dont know
9) Least Favourite Username - Dont know again
10) Funniest Username - bumchin
11) Player Who Brags The Most - _alex19933_
12) Player Who Brags The Least - quick_pot
13) Most Talkative - me , i need to stop lol
14) Favourite Friend ? Heaps
15) Player You Play The Most ? cityfan or jimfaebod or wheezy or alex lol
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? Dont know really
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? quick_pot/squeezy
18) Silliest Player ? dunno
19) Smartest Player ? dunno
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - funny, good player (at times) gets on with alot of people and well known I guess
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