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18:34 Sun 27 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - i dont really have a favourite but i like to play rob because i still learn loads
2) Most Consistent Ranked - rob/lady/smithbit
3) Nicest Player - quite a few
4) Funniest Player - stell
5) Most Annoying - nathyboy/maynard21
6) Most Gracious Loser - i'd say me tbh i'm that used to losing
7) Most Well Known Player - nick
8) Favourite Username - dorito
9) Least Favourite Username - unimaginative ones
10) Funniest Username - my_left_ball
11) Player Who Brags The Most - loads...
12) Player Who Brags The Least - loads
13) Most Talkative - alex
14) Favourite Friend ? alex, tom, charlie, robdut
15) Player You Play The Most ? charlie08
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? Fun
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? madmike
18) Silliest Player ? toffo
19) Smartest Player ? onua
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site -
a slight challenge, fun ish

Edited at 23:35 Sun 27/07/08 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:00 Sun 27 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - Smithbit
2) Most Consistent Ranked - Ex_champ
3) Nicest Player - To many
4) Funniest Player - Crazzymadman
5) Most Annoying - Donny_ (a while ago)
6) Most Gracious Loser - Cityfan84
7) Most Well Known Player - Quick_pot
8) Favourite Username - Madmiketyson
9) Least Favourite Username - 1ukeldinho
10) Funniest Username - Dunno.. erm, My_left_ball
11) Player Who Brags The Most - Tally
12) Player Who Brags The Least - Ab_rfc
13) Most Talkative - Justsumgirl
14) Favourite Friend ? Daniel the hitman
15) Player You Play The Most ? pinkyloo
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? Because she likes to be called Chunk!
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? Madmike (ranked)
18) Silliest Player ? Jagz_sik_pot
19) Smartest Player ? Spinner
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - The best player you will see on this site! and a nice lad to speak to.
Posts: 10,415
19:08 Sun 27 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1ukeldinho said:

17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? Madmike (ranked)

lmao- i got a bit sidetracked the other night when i went to meet my mate...totally forgot about that rce until i saw off work after tomorrow so well have some more races....starting with 8us, if i ever find any form again =D

and hightops- not sure if u wanna play me more to take points off me while im in a slump or cos im such a great person but either way cheers

mich- xx
Posts: 1,102
19:12 Sun 27 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
xxxxxLove-you!xxxxx lmao
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:32 Wed 30 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
hightops said:

8) Favourite Username - dorito
Edited at 23:35 Sun 27/07/08 (BST)

Awwww, I feel famous, kind of.

I'd rather be the best player than favourite username....I'll keep dreaiming.

Posts: 5,373
18:57 Thu 31 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
dorito said:
1) Most Favourite Player - janmb (helpful mod)

Wow, thanks for the kind words
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:46 Thu 31 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - cant decide... egotistical/crazzy/_benze_/cagey bee
2) Most Consistent Ranked -
3) Nicest Player - _benze_
4) Funniest Player - crazzymadman
5) Most Annoying - ...
6) Most Gracious Loser - cuequeen
7) Most Well Known Player - ...
8) Favourite Username - diddlywhack
9) Least Favourite Username - ...
10) Funniest Username - spork_lover
11) Player Who Brags The Most - sonic
12) Player Who Brags The Least - crazzymadman
13) Most Talkative - theres loads
14) Favourite Friend ? egotistical
15) Player You Play The Most ? egotistical
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? easy points ¬¬
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? kgb
18) Silliest Player ? ...
19) Smartest Player ? arcade_fire
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - probably the most inconsistant ever lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:38 Thu 31 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - aussieboy
2) Most Consistent Ranked - cityfan84 :|
3) Nicest Player - _gothic_
4) Funniest Player - LOL stell or paula :|
5) Most Annoying - Aussieboy
6) Most Gracious Loser - lleyton hewit
7) Most Well Known Player - cityfan or abs_rfc
8) Favourite Username - justsumaustraliankid
9) Least Favourite Username - ones with numbers :\
10) Funniest Username - ?
11) Player Who Brags The Most - dont know tbh
12) Player Who Brags The Least - cityfan,
13) Most Talkative - sheddon ;]
14) Favourite Friend ? N/A i have none :(
15) Player You Play The Most ? hardly play anymore
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? :|
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? nick
18) Silliest Player ? 8balldon
19) Smartest Player ? paula LMAO
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site - a complete pushover, random :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:58 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
pool_bird said:

15) Player You Play The Most ? egotistical
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? easy points ¬¬

"Noooooo, let's play friendlies this time!! i don't want to drop to intermediate" That's a direct pool_bird quote erm........honest ¬¬
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:46 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
18) Silliest Player ? Jagz_sik_pot

NOT VERY NICE 1UKE LOL i am quite silly
Posts: 9,456
19:30 Fri 1 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1) Most Favourite Player - has to be pool_bird, pinky, linz and potter
2) Most Consistent Ranked - never play it
3) Nicest Player - luke xx
4) Funniest Player - pool_bird ptttt
5) Most Annoying - as above thats 3
6) Most Gracious Loser - ab for sure but has he lost
7) Most Well Known Player - nick do the pink table for jo please ;-)
8) Favourite Username -pool_bird <ha6
9) Least Favourite Username - ______ < wtf
10) Funniest Username - winnits < hope it was one
11) Player Who Brags The Most - tally
12) Player Who Brags The Least - pool_bird <4
13) Most Talkative - jooodles
14) Favourite Friend ? all off them mwah xx
15) Player You Play The Most ? got to be pool_bird <ffs 5
16) Why You Play Them The Most ? Fun ,cos she great (made me says that)
17) Player You Would Like To Play More ? has to be potter love winning 8 ball
18) Silliest Player ? potter/mich (mwah x
19) Smartest Player ? chris - arcade
20) How Do You See Yourself As A Player And Personality On The Site

Edited at 01:05 Sat 2/08/08 (BST)
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