reverse killer idea !

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Posts: 17
09:32 Fri 18 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
arcade_fire said:
please can you just explain the rules in a bit more detail? the last person to play wins the points kitty? and the last person to play in the game must end the game by missing a pot (otherwise presumably the game would have continued)? if that is correct what is to stop you from just deliberately missing a pot to end the game and take the points?

i am sure i must have missed something crucial here

dam it you got me, thats a good point, maybe i will have to put more thought into how the winner is decided. thx for pointing it out
Posts: 5,373
11:23 Fri 18 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
dark_acez said:
Thats basically cheating in a way

Not if it's a game where this is the very point lol

When done in the current killer game tho, yes it is cheating. Big time too.

Just like it is not cheating to setup people for hard shots in the current killer game

Interesting idea, but not very much point on the current table really - it's simply too easy. Most of the better players can keep it going almost indefinitely, especially if given two shots on the break as well as lives/points back on the black like in killer.

And you would anyways have to measure shots, not just racks, otherwise the resolution is too low to separate the results.

Edited at 16:24 Fri 18/07/08 (BST)
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reverse killer idea !

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