Decent killer wins
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17:20 Mon 17 Nov 14 (GMT)
WOW - Extra-Ordinary - Superb game!!! Well done
and only for a gain of 1.3 ouch lmfao
dvz got his revenge
Killer Pool Ranked - dvz wins! (2 lives, potted 187 of 195, safe 12 of 175)
RANKINGS: dvz 908.6 (+1.3), fran_ 747.6 (-1.2), __unlucky__ 712.9 (-0.9), craigxfsx 552.8 (-0.2)
Killer Pool Ranked - dvz wins! (2 lives, potted 187 of 195, safe 12 of 175)
RANKINGS: dvz 908.6 (+1.3), fran_ 747.6 (-1.2), __unlucky__ 712.9 (-0.9), craigxfsx 552.8 (-0.2)
WOW - Extra-Ordinary - Superb game!!! Well done
and only for a gain of 1.3 ouch lmfao
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17:24 Fri 21 Nov 14 (GMT)
__maverick__ Killer Pool Ranked - __maverick__ wins! (2 lives, potted 6 of 8, safe 6 of 6)
RANKINGS: __maverick__ 763.4 (+3.7), pe1er1 669.1 (-1.9), sophiekimmit 660.6 (-1.8)
__maverick__ Killer Pool Ranked - __maverick__ wins! (3 lives, potted 5 of 6, safe 3 of 5)
RANKINGS: __maverick__ 759.7 (+3.8), sophiekimmit 662.4 (-1.8), pe1er1 671.0 (-2.0)
__maverick__ Killer Pool Ranked - __maverick__ wins! (3 lives, potted 3 of 3, safe 3 of 3)
RANKINGS: __maverick__ 755.9 (+4.0), sophiekimmit 664.2 (-1.9), pe1er1 673.0 (-2.1)
May not have been against the best of opponents (no offense) but the safety rating isn't bad
RANKINGS: __maverick__ 763.4 (+3.7), pe1er1 669.1 (-1.9), sophiekimmit 660.6 (-1.8)
__maverick__ Killer Pool Ranked - __maverick__ wins! (3 lives, potted 5 of 6, safe 3 of 5)
RANKINGS: __maverick__ 759.7 (+3.8), sophiekimmit 662.4 (-1.8), pe1er1 671.0 (-2.0)
__maverick__ Killer Pool Ranked - __maverick__ wins! (3 lives, potted 3 of 3, safe 3 of 3)
RANKINGS: __maverick__ 755.9 (+4.0), sophiekimmit 664.2 (-1.9), pe1er1 673.0 (-2.1)
May not have been against the best of opponents (no offense) but the safety rating isn't bad
03:14 Sun 23 Nov 14 (GMT)
Killer Pool Ranked - hustler_1987 wins! (1 life, potted 9 of 11, safe 3 of 7)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 614.7 (+16.5), fran_ 797.6 (-6.1), the__priest 725.0 (-5.5), dvz 876.1 (-6.5)
prob my best win ever
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 614.7 (+16.5), fran_ 797.6 (-6.1), the__priest 725.0 (-5.5), dvz 876.1 (-6.5)
prob my best win ever
01:32 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)
Killer Pool Ranked - silenthill wins! (3 lives, potted 8 of 8, safe 6 of 7)
RANKINGS: silenthill 697.4 (+12.7), __unlucky__ 712.9 (-0.4), kingdadcool 739.1 (-0.5), faust 718.5 (-0.5)
Posting due to the safety an pot success
RANKINGS: silenthill 697.4 (+12.7), __unlucky__ 712.9 (-0.4), kingdadcool 739.1 (-0.5), faust 718.5 (-0.5)
Posting due to the safety an pot success
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07:29 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)
Killer Pool Ranked - hamburgerboy wins! (1 life, potted 16 of 19, safe 5 of 15)
RANKINGS: hamburgerboy 680.1 (+22.3), alxima 785.4 (-0.6), kaperisk 714.3 (-0.5), _equality_ 653.1 (-3.2), vlad_putin 713.7 (-4.6), kris 713.8 (-0.5)
a day ago
not to shabby xD
RANKINGS: hamburgerboy 680.1 (+22.3), alxima 785.4 (-0.6), kaperisk 714.3 (-0.5), _equality_ 653.1 (-3.2), vlad_putin 713.7 (-4.6), kris 713.8 (-0.5)
a day ago
not to shabby xD
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03:22 Sat 6 Dec 14 (GMT)
Killer Pool Ranked - savannah wins! (2 lives, potted 10 of 12, safe 4 of 10)
RANKINGS: savannah 664.2 (+18.6), drummer58 633.7 (-3.0), strumpf 670.8 (-3.9), fran_ 789.3 (-5.7), turtle1560 828.9 (-6.1)
13 minutes ago
RANKINGS: savannah 664.2 (+18.6), drummer58 633.7 (-3.0), strumpf 670.8 (-3.9), fran_ 789.3 (-5.7), turtle1560 828.9 (-6.1)
13 minutes ago
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14:38 Sat 6 Dec 14 (GMT)
Played her the other day and she dunked the white all three shots,i fear those other four players need to go to specsavers.
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15:23 Sat 6 Dec 14 (GMT)
Well sean left so .... probably would of won if he wasnt playing a game
Played her the other day and she dunked the white all three shots,i fear those other four players need to go to specsavers.
Well sean left so .... probably would of won if he wasnt playing a game
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23:19 Sat 6 Dec 14 (GMT)
Well sean left so .... probably would of won if he wasnt playing a game If Sean didn't leave, the outcome would of been 100% different. I'm glad Sean did leave it made me winning possible
Played her the other day and she dunked the white all three shots,i fear those other four players need to go to specsavers.
Well sean left so .... probably would of won if he wasnt playing a game
22:21 Thu 18 Dec 14 (GMT)
Killer Pool Ranked - hustler_1987 wins! (3 lives, potted 8 of 9, safe 4 of 8)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 626.4 (+13.4), koster 646.2 (-4.1), kered276 672.9 (-4.7), supreme 776.2 (-5.9)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 626.4 (+13.4), koster 646.2 (-4.1), kered276 672.9 (-4.7), supreme 776.2 (-5.9)
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22:27 Thu 18 Dec 14 (GMT)
haha you filthy swine
Killer Pool Ranked - hustler_1987 wins! (3 lives, potted 8 of 9, safe 4 of 8)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 626.4 (+13.4), koster 646.2 (-4.1), kered276 672.9 (-4.7), supreme 776.2 (-5.9)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 626.4 (+13.4), koster 646.2 (-4.1), kered276 672.9 (-4.7), supreme 776.2 (-5.9)
haha you filthy swine
23:19 Sun 28 Dec 14 (GMT)
Killer Pool Ranked - hustler_1987 wins! (2 lives, potted 13 of 15, safe 3 of 11)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 617.6 (+15.1), _giants 694.0 (-5.1), poolbiird 688.4 (-5.1), bonfireheart 643.8 (-4.4), superman 663.7 (-4.8)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 617.6 (+15.1), _giants 694.0 (-5.1), poolbiird 688.4 (-5.1), bonfireheart 643.8 (-4.4), superman 663.7 (-4.8)
22:41 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)
Killer Pool Ranked - hustler_1987 wins! (1 life, potted 10 of 14, safe 2 of 9)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 633.8 (+13.6), samhessle 670.8 (-4.5), fagash_lil 533.8 (-1.0), wozzer20 670.4 (-4.5), kirsty_lou_b 529.1 (-0.8), andypandy124 693.3 (-5.0)
RANKINGS: hustler_1987 633.8 (+13.6), samhessle 670.8 (-4.5), fagash_lil 533.8 (-1.0), wozzer20 670.4 (-4.5), kirsty_lou_b 529.1 (-0.8), andypandy124 693.3 (-5.0)
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Decent killer wins
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