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Decent killer wins

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Posts: 5,373
12:14 Sun 17 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice ones dgen

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (2 lives, potted 21 of 22, safe 8 of 21)
RANKINGS: janmb 959.6 (+3.3), leafy 706.6 (-0.6), jerry 873.9 (-2.0), probe 820.5 (-1.4), raymondrfc52 569.4 (-0.2), girl 667.5 (-0.5), drummer58 742.8 (-0.8)

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (3 lives, potted 16 of 16, safe 6 of 14)
RANKINGS: janmb 956.2 (+2.2), probe 821.9 (-1.4), awb 612.6 (-0.3), jazzmatazz 818.0 (-1.4), djdanny07 674.5 (-0.5)

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (3 lives, potted 14 of 15, safe 4 of 13)
RANKINGS: janmb 954.0 (+2.7), colpepper 824.4 (-1.4), probe 823.3 (-1.5), max4321 642.4 (-0.4), diamanti10 714.0 (-0.7)
Posts: 38,097
12:23 Sun 17 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
nice one jan
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23:34 Mon 18 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Pool Ranked - cubs12 wins! (3 lives, potted 10 of 10, safe 6 of 10)
RANKINGS: cubs12 807.6 (+10.0), mappy4u 847.9 (-4.5), jimmyjamez74 880.6 (-5.1)
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05:43 Thu 21 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Pool Ranked - g_shot wins! (2 lives, potted 28 of 31, safe 5 of 27)
RANKINGS: g_shot 840.0 (+15.8), master_p00l 754.5 (-2.0), captainbozo 811.6 (-3.0), term8n9 684.6 (-1.3), bloodhound 673.8 (-1.2), _niall_ 849.0 (-4.0), thinman 721.3 (-1.7),

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19:28 Thu 21 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - g_shot wins! (2 lives, potted 40 of 43, safe 7 of 39)
RANKINGS: g_shot 862.2 (+6.8), davidmiklo 709.5 (-1.2), buzznuttly 775.9 (-2.0), jekson22 728.1 (-1.4), bloodhound 672.8 (-1.0), jimwhite 707.1 (-1.2), dave1983 671.2 (-1.0), fresh10 660.9 (-0.9), nick_111 692.3 (-1.1), simulaye 667.3 (-1.0)

great game
Posts: 5,373
12:32 Thu 28 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
nice wins Grace
Posts: 19,967
16:21 Sat 30 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - zantetsukenz wins! (1 life, potted 27 of 32, safe 6 of 26)
RANKINGS: zantetsukenz 757.4 (+16.4), duernberger 778.1 (-4.1), _mortice_ 860.9 (-5.5), tomrogan 857.0 (-5.5), kitchy999 671.3 (-2.2)
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13:02 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - jerry wins! (3 lives, potted 9 of 10, safe 4 of 9)
RANKINGS: jerry 902.1 (+3.2), probe 830.4 (-2.2), beefeater 710.2 (-1.0)


Finally virtuoso
Posts: 19,967
15:20 Sat 6 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - zantetsukenz wins! (2 lives, potted 8 of 10, safe 2 of 8)
RANKINGS: zantetsukenz 767.2 (+14.2), davidmiklo 806.3 (-4.5), kopiteking01 654.7 (-1.7), mappy4u 779.4 (-4.1), mos5 709.9 (-2.6), term8n9 675.8 (-2.1)
Posts: 19,967
15:51 Sat 6 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - zantetsukenz wins! (3 lives, potted 9 of 9, safe 5 of 9)
RANKINGS: zantetsukenz 768.5 (+1.3), raymondrfc52 563.9 (-0.7), cxavier 670.3 (-1.8)
dealt quickly with 2 low ranks for +1.3


RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - zantetsukenz wins! (3 lives, potted 16 of 17, safe 4 of 16)
RANKINGS: zantetsukenz 778.3 (+9.7), methemandus1 728.5 (-2.6), carpking 682.1 (-1.9), fired_up_cue 832.6 (-4.8)

another 800+ beaten

Edited at 22:10 Sat 06/02/10 (GMT)
Posts: 19,967
10:17 Sun 7 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
2 more pro's beaten

this ones for bigcjl who i accidently knocked out first
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - zantetsukenz wins! (2 lives, potted 16 of 18, safe 4 of 14)
RANKINGS: zantetsukenz 789.7 (+15.2), fangsang 796.2 (-3.8), jazzmatazz 825.1 (-4.5), drummer58 720.8 (-2.4), shepton 750.2 (-3.0), bigcjl 709.3 (-2.3)
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15:39 Tue 9 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Pool Ranked - rogan wins! (2 lives, potted 16 of 17, safe 4 of 16)
RANKINGS: rogan 801.6 (+5.9), andy_arends 749.9 (-2.5), vladc64 747.7 (-2.5), cool_dudie 685.7 (-1.6)

Should have been 17 of 17, missed a real easy pot. Still a good game though
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10:20 Tue 9 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Pool Ranked - rogan wins! (3 lives, potted 19 of 20, safe 8 of 18)
RANKINGS: rogan 809.1 (+13.5), brynawel7 669.8 (-1.3), guiness 700.3 (-1.7), virtuoso14 766.8 (-2.7), thehulk02 665.2 (-1.3), fish_head 694.1 (-1.7), centurions 721.5 (-2.1), slimeball

Too bad it can't fit everyone on in the results page, great 10 man game, everyone played very well, good game
Posts: 5,373
13:03 Mon 15 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sweet games Rogan

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (3 lives, potted 18 of 18, safe 8 of 17)
RANKINGS: janmb 926.5 (+5.9), alanjennz 780.5 (-1.3), steve986 771.8 (-1.2), sundancekid 797.0 (-1.5), fenner 781.7 (-1.3), mushroomdude 644.9 (-0.5), youdy22 620.6 (-0.4), sku

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (2 lives, potted 20 of 21, safe 6 of 18)
RANKINGS: janmb 929.9 (+3.4), marinara 765.3 (-1.1), fattony1979 686.6 (-0.7), samhessle 750.2 (-1.0), safeman 735.1 (-0.9), bobsleigher 671.0 (-0.6)

Edited at 19:04 Mon 15/03/10 (GMT)
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16:36 Mon 15 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - joker wins! (3 lives, potted 26 of 28, safe 10 of 23)
RANKINGS: joker 714.7 (+34.9), probe 856.9 (-1.8), colpepper 861.3 (-1.8), msaster 663.0 (-0.8), _the_mrs_ 630.0 (-2.2), guiness 657.7 (-0.8), david_smith_ 654.0 (-2.8), cord78 603.0 (-0.6), cobno 672.9 (-3.3), coaster 809.1 (-1.7)

Edited at 21:42 Mon 15/03/10 (GMT)
Posts: 5,373
19:01 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
And this is how a 1 hour (!) killer game looks like lol

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (3 lives, potted 40 of 42, safe 10 of 39)
RANKINGS: janmb 954.1 (+5.5), digidaz18 870.2 (-2.0), colpepper 824.9 (-1.5), natkingcat 721.2 (-0.7), _1_off_ 728.5 (-0.8), mturner 770.4 (-1.0), _i_know_ 674.5 (-0.5), dmna1
00:59 Fri 19/03/10
Posts: 8,539
07:38 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - blink182rip wins! (3 lives, potted 10 of 10, safe 3 of 10)
RANKINGS: blink182rip 728.8 (+1.6), johno88 667.1 (-2.3), lawseyd 659.7 (-2.2)

i no it aint great but i dint lose a life
Posts: 5,373
07:52 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice one

Slightly larger one, but too moderate opposition to really count for much:

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (3 lives, potted 28 of 28, safe 8 of 27)
RANKINGS: janmb 935.4 (+4.8), chris_lcfc 666.3 (-0.5), papparrazzi 755.1 (-1.0), max 706.0 (-0.7), chelc 761.1 (-1.1), what_a_fluke 672.1 (-0.6), fodaaa2 735.4 (-0.9), old_skoo

Edited at 12:54 Sun 28/03/10 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
09:22 Mon 5 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Not very good games at all, but someone apparently been mouthing off again, claiming I had never beaten them so guess I shall have to post these anyway

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (2 lives, potted 8 of 9, safe 4 of 8)
RANKINGS: janmb 926.0 (+4.2), killerking 845.6 (-2.1), scirocco 672.7 (-0.6), chalkie35 753.6 (-1.1), peteypro7 752.8 (-1.1)
14:42 Sat 03/04/10

Killer Pool Ranked - janmb wins! (2 lives, potted 28 of 30, safe 4 of 25)
RANKINGS: janmb 926.9 (+4.8), chalkie35 756.7 (-1.1), probe 819.9 (-1.7), scirocco 674.4 (-0.6), killerking 837.7 (-2.0)
14:09 Sat 03/04/10
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12:18 Mon 5 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice going Jan
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Decent killer wins

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