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Tournaments or win percentage or rankings ?

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Posts: 10,415
12:18 Wed 25 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
tournaments are a good pointer but some people (lordpool for one) dont play tournys.
Other people dont enter many love a tourny success rate to come in- pretty sure itd make my profile look better if nobody elses

win % is a good pointer as well. But it can be distorted to make you look good by only playing intermediates and guests etc.

Rank is a good pointer but can be distorted as said above.

All in all id say the best way to "seperate the rest from the best" is to play people and see if they are as good or better than their profile suggests

Edited by forum moderator martin_blank, at 13:13 Sat 23/08/08 (BST)
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12:36 Wed 25 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Tournament wins
Posts: 5,373
16:55 Wed 25 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
_alex19933_ said:
Tournaments require more skill because you need to come out tops out of say 60 people using skill.

I've seen tournaments with as little as 10 people, and if you are lucky you don't really have to be the best player in that tourny, you only have to play well (and/or be lucky) in the one match where you do meet a good opponent.

You can even win a tourny without being anywhere near the best player (my wins are a good testimony to that lol)

But of course, none of that happens over time. In average, the player having the best form of the day wins the tourny. It may be very much up and down from one day to the next, but in time, the better players obviously are the ones bringing home the tourny wins. Then again, none of that says much without also looking at the number of tournies entered - a number that is currently not visible (and possible not even recorded at all)
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16:58 Wed 25 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
a number that is currently not visible (and possible not even recorded at all)

Happy days
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16:06 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
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17:08 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd say Tournament wins. To go out and constantly go through a good few games to win a Tourney isn't easy, and those in the top Tourney ranks have had to enter so many times, and win so many games, against some brill opposition in the later stages.

I barely look at wins or Rankings, because wins is only really easy if you were one of the first players on Funkypool. As for Rankings...I don't really bother with them, as I don't play many ranked games, just tournaments. Also, with Killer adding to the rankings now, can't really do anything for the Tourneys.
Posts: 9,456
20:04 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
As a none frequent rank playing player i would have to say tourn wins for me!!!!! :-) but the early morning tourn games are a lot different from the UK time tourns as the amount of people is a lot less so hard to measure 100%!
, maybe you could have a tourns wins versus players that entered that tourn stat? e.g. bob wins 8UK with 50 people playing or pete wins 9ball with 5 people playing etc...., so the tourn wins is a lot harder to judge as such for examlination given above, rank is also a good way to measure a persons talent becuase even if they play a newbie they are consistantly winning games to keep them in the top rank, they still are proving they are still good at a certain game!

Win percentage is in a different league IMO all depends on the game type, you can see some old school players with a class %

ranting or whatever i put over now!!
Posts: 10,415
20:31 Fri 22 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
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05:59 Sat 23 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
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08:12 Sat 23 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts have had to be removed, as they were too personal and not useful. Please keep disagreements of that nature off the forums.

Edited at 13:25 Sat 23/08/08 (BST)
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08:27 Sat 23 Aug 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont see how it would help tbh, people can just get lucky in tourny wins and still have people who hardly enter into them and still be a great player.

At this moment in time i have 3 tourny wins in uk8 but i am 8th in ranking as i dont enter many tournys, my % is okay and i dont play inters etc but having the % of tourny win i cant see why it would be useful.
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Tournaments or win percentage or rankings ?

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