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Jumping on Funkypool

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Posts: 38,097
05:23 Mon 23 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
It would be good if nick can bring jumping into pool.

Real games have it and i think it would be good if funkypool had it as well/

Same goes for Swerving.

Post your ideas thanks
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07:22 Mon 23 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Needs a complete new server upgrade, and also it would need to be 3D which the game isn't at the moment.

Sorry not sure on the idea tbh.
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07:28 Mon 23 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
2D pool is better, jumping would be perfected at a point thus making snookering pointless and a lot more difficult.

Edited at 12:28 Mon 23/06/08 (BST)
Posts: 4,447
03:44 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
You DONT want to get me started on Jump and Swerve shots...

sm_rat said:
Im sorry, I have always been a valiant campaigner AGAINST jump and swerve shots...

To start, it requires a 3D game engine. This would considerably slow down and increase game loading.

Also, 2D pool is what I joined funkypool for...There are plenty of 3D pool games around, but I love it in 2D...

And, my argument that is being constantly used by me, is that it would make the game too easy...

Run-outs in all game types would become a thing of the past...In essence, funkypool would become a "Breaking game". If you have a break that guarentees a ball down, then a run out is inevitable...

A run-out is a true achievement, but they would be the most common events when people master Jump and Swerve.

Im sorry, but Im ready to battle it out in an arena if Jumps and Swerves get implemented.

Personally, if they were, FP would be less appealing, and you would probably lose me...
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05:07 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
swerving would be good , though in "real pool" i thought jump shots are not allowed .
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10:02 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
dangerdave said:
swerving would be good , though in "real pool" i thought jump shots are not allowed .

It's allowed in pool, not on a snooker table.
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13:36 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I think its an amazing idea and it will add to funkypool's sexyness :P
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18:35 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah, like stated; allornothing, ladysapphire, cityfan, quick_pot; it'd take them a day to master the shot and then there'd be no chance of beating them unless you cleared up from the break, to be honest.

Also, the dimension problem does come into context once the skill debate is over, too, so, I highly doubt this. Perhaps if it was possible and tournaments didn't have it enabled, but when making a game people could enable it, then that'd be fine. It just seems too much effort for so little prize, though.
Posts: 5,373
18:39 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Completely agree with rat on this one. Keep it 2D
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18:52 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree partially, keep it 2-D but how bout making spin realistic e.g. not being able to backspin whilst stuck up against a cushion, only topspin if stuck in the pack etc?
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18:54 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
sheepboy said:
I agree partially, keep it 2-D but how bout making spin realistic e.g. not being able to backspin whilst stuck up against a cushion, only topspin if stuck in the pack etc?

That idea is a great idea! Would make game more intense and add an extra difficulty level to the game. Great idea.
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18:56 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks, i like to be of some use
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19:23 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I talked about this with nick about a year ago.
There is a way to make jump shots and keep it at 2-D but the effects wont be that good.

My idea was to make the white ball bigger as you put the right amount of spin on
So it gives the effect of it jumping on the table but there as got to be a + and a - to everything
If nick added what i said he will need to make it tricky.
Basically it will be like doing the Golden Break and that isn't a 100% chance you'll do it.

It will take a lot of work to get it right maybe..
He might have to change the spins the power and so on.

I agree partially, keep it 2-D but how bout making spin realistic e.g. not being able to backspin whilst stuck up against a cushion, only topspin if stuck in the pack

Thats a nice idea, that will be hard to add into the game (i think) might be a lot easier on 3-D not to sure about it tho. just see what nick has to say..
Posts: 8,940
19:27 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
This has been mentioned many many times, and whilst it may be popular with some regular users, there are several problems.

The requirement of a 3D game engine (as opposed to disply) is a factor, as is the impact on the games playability (both learning curve and lasting appeal)

I've always believed that swerve, jump, restrictions on cue ball access by balls/cushions, chalking, miscues, etc are great features if the userbase were to grow enough to support a "simulation" version, but not suitable for the core game.

Remember, these features are freely avaliable in other games, but you're playing this one
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Jumping on Funkypool

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