Say A Sentence Without Using The Letter S
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15:00 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)
potty art fine parce que the pete maybe named a delinquent!!
15:04 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)
Well done!
I cant think of anything to put without that dreaded letter
I cant think of anything to put without that dreaded letter
Deleted User
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16:45 Sun 5 Oct 08 (BST)
pmsl don't starttttttt that again pete
paula.... brown wafer?? :O:O
paula.... brown wafer?? :O:O
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03:35 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
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03:40 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
i dont know that, do you if you do then gratefully enlighten me
17:23 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
Zo thiz iz a thread where we zay a zentance without uzing the forbidden letter in the title? Lolz... zo here we goez with thiz im not zure if im the firzt one to dizcover that the forbidden letter iz commonly replced by the letter z by zuch people like jagz when he waz here zo im going to be doing that in my quezt az im zure no one elze haz and it iz not againzt the rulez becauze it doeznt ztate any rulez :)
Zo how iz everyone today then you all feeling good had a good weekend and all that jazz?
Dont really know what to do to fill up the remaining 940 characterz but i will try my bezt to fill it all up zo noone can beat me unlezz they change the title and forbidden letter to contain a z azwell az the already forbidden letter!
755 to go now zhouldnt be too hard becauze i have decided to do it thiz way inztead of juzt leaving that letter out becauze replacing it iz eazier and iz more well thought out if you azk me and adam (madmikety?on) therez another way i could have done it put queztion markz on it inztead of z's like i did in madmike'z name up there...
Thiz iz really getin boring now and with a crying baby bezide me itz doing my head in more than it uzually would... WOOOOOOOOOOO juzt got a text about a party im going to on the weekend zhould be a goodun
Anyone watch corrie tonight im watching it again becauze my zizter did before now my mum haz got it on it doez my head in really but it iznt that bad to be honezt oh here we are clozing in on lazt of pozt bye
Zo how iz everyone today then you all feeling good had a good weekend and all that jazz?
Dont really know what to do to fill up the remaining 940 characterz but i will try my bezt to fill it all up zo noone can beat me unlezz they change the title and forbidden letter to contain a z azwell az the already forbidden letter!
755 to go now zhouldnt be too hard becauze i have decided to do it thiz way inztead of juzt leaving that letter out becauze replacing it iz eazier and iz more well thought out if you azk me and adam (madmikety?on) therez another way i could have done it put queztion markz on it inztead of z's like i did in madmike'z name up there...
Thiz iz really getin boring now and with a crying baby bezide me itz doing my head in more than it uzually would... WOOOOOOOOOOO juzt got a text about a party im going to on the weekend zhould be a goodun
Anyone watch corrie tonight im watching it again becauze my zizter did before now my mum haz got it on it doez my head in really but it iznt that bad to be honezt oh here we are clozing in on lazt of pozt bye
17:40 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
Didnt take that long, but to watch corrie twice i do agree!
19:11 Mon 6 Oct 08 (BST)
im about to watch corrie from friday pmsl
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Say A Sentence Without Using The Letter S
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