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New dedications thread 2

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06:00 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
7:44PM 22nd May - 9 Ball - sharkgeetee ran the rack:
I would like to dedicate this run out to...

zapp (whos still trying to get a run out)
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08:15 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i dedicate my 15th run out to pot_the_lot & 14danny14 for there good sportsmanship in the games
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15:38 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
id like to dedicate winning my first us 8 ball tournament since returning to the game to all my mates on here, will try to list them and sorry if i miss some out, madmiketyson, cityfan84, quickpot, smithbit, burnzybhoy, alex19933, talented, sporting, 9ballskill, blink182, the goonies, and finally to my opponent in final kingape ggs m8 was v close games to be honest, thanks everyone :D:D:D im back
Posts: 8
15:47 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I dedicate my stats to quick_pot.
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19:55 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i would like to dedicate achieving 151 Seven Ballings and the virtuoso status from before to virtuoso107,paula,quick_Pot,sporting,dan,stella,jon,kev,smithbit,
_alex19933_,_psmon_,pr1ncess,cuequeen and to everyone on this site.
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20:25 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Dedicate uk tourney win and few runouts lately to meeko for bloody stalking me non stop , dave_c for being awesome, madmike and dan
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20:29 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
well done carl and niall

keep them comin boys

Posts: 493
20:34 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
_niallo_ said:
Dedicate uk tourney win and few runouts lately to meeko for bloody stalking me non stop , dave_c for being awesome, madmike and dan

(1) He's not exaggerating about the stalking.

(2) He is exaggerating about how awesome I am.
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20:52 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
9ball tourney (no idea why I been playing it though) dedicated to p0t_n00dle, blink182rip and pool_bird suppose, popping in and out due to connection problems.

Jeez, I suck at dedi's.

You wanting a mention dave?

Might as well...dave_c too, aalig141988 for logging in half cut and asking me daft questions. p0t_n00dles service provider that helped a bit ;-)
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20:54 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
colins said:
9ball tourney (no idea why I been playing it though) dedicated to p0t_n00dle, blink182rip and pool_bird suppose, popping in and out due to connection problems.

Jeez, I suck at dedi's.

You wanting a mention dave?

Might as well...dave_c too, aalig141988 for logging in half cut and asking me daft questions. p0t_n00dles service provider that helped a bit ;-)

well done colins m8

keep them comin

Deleted User
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20:59 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
allornothing said:
i would like to dedicate achieving 151 Seven Ballings and the virtuoso status from before to virtuoso107,paula,quick_Pot,sporting,dan,stella,jon,kev,smithbit,
_alex19933_,_psmon_,pr1ncess,cuequeen and to everyone on this site.

congrats carl for gettin to virtuoso, well done mate
Posts: 493
22:28 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
colins said:
9ball tourney (no idea why I been playing it though) dedicated to p0t_n00dle, blink182rip and pool_bird suppose, popping in and out due to connection problems.

Jeez, I suck at dedi's.

You wanting a mention dave?

Might as well...dave_c too, aalig141988 for logging in half cut and asking me daft questions. p0t_n00dles service provider that helped a bit ;-)

Well when I asked niall for an evil dedi, he said I was awesome =S I was gonna pm you and say well done but wasn't sure if you'd run away or not...

Maybe the next "in" thing will be to dedi things to me?
Deleted User
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23:03 Thu 22 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
dave_c said:
_niallo_ said:
Dedicate uk tourney win and few runouts lately to meeko for bloody stalking me non stop , dave_c for being awesome, madmike and dan

(1) He's not exaggerating about the stalking.

(2) He is exaggerating about how awesome I am.

Hahaha I only stalk him, because, even though he won't admit it, he loves me really and would be soooo sad if I didn't stalk him!!!

Posts: 8
03:01 Fri 23 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
8 Ball US torny win to:
Sharkshooter for the support

Thanks guys!
Posts: 8
03:09 Fri 23 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
First golden break to
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03:15 Fri 23 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
g_star_dude said:
8 Ball US torny win to:
Sharkshooter for the support

Thanks guys!

Woooooo well done Fazz congrats mate!!!
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03:19 Fri 23 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
5:13PM 23rd May 2008 - 9 Ball - sharkgeetee potted the 9 ball on a golden break
I would like to dedicate this golden break to...


And also to...
miracle_boii who is still trying to get a golden break
Deleted User
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04:15 Fri 23 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I Dedicate my 8 ball uk tournament win too!

2pro_hmd, pjvedder, poolviper, talented, colins, ste_efc, cityfan84, adidas, _armsrace_, allornothing, ab_rfc, quick_pot, smithbit, _slick_, _nick87_, calpurnia, ladysapphire, king8ball1, ex_champ, nic_k, sharkgeetee, blink182rip an g_star_dude !!!
Posts: 38,214
06:55 Fri 23 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
allornothing said:
i would like to dedicate achieving 151 Seven Ballings and the virtuoso status from before to virtuoso107,paula,quick_Pot,sporting,dan,stella,jon,kev,smithbit,
_alex19933_,_psmon_,pr1ncess,cuequeen and to everyone on this site.

Well Done Carl ~ Your doing great
Posts: 8
10:20 Fri 23 May 08 (BST)  [Link]  
sharkshooter said:
I Dedicate my 8 ball uk tournament win too!

2pro_hmd, pjvedder, poolviper, talented, colins, ste_efc, cityfan84, adidas, _armsrace_, allornothing, ab_rfc, quick_pot, smithbit, _slick_, _nick87_, calpurnia, ladysapphire, king8ball1, ex_champ, nic_k, sharkgeetee, blink182rip an g_star_dude !!!

Thanks mate well done!!!
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