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pauseing friendly or ranked games idea

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Posts: 177
18:22 Sun 10 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have you ever been in a friendly or ranked game and your front door knocks? or you are bursting to run to the little boys/girls room but you know if you leave it may cost you the game or worse ( rank points) as you quickly leave your computer chair you can hear those intimidating timer beeps.

Well i come up with a little idea i think may help you out. i think it would be a nice idea if you where able to pause friendly or ranked games for a certain period of time both player would have to agree with the pauseing of the game and for that period of time the game can be paused for and a maximum pauseing time of 5 mins then the game will resume.

any feed back would be great

Edited at 00:24 Mon 11/02/08 (GMT)
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20:52 Sun 10 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
it is a good idea however lets face it, 9 out of 10 cats wouldnt accept the request out of spite, inpatience or just the chance to gain 2 shots and win.

I think alternatively a 3 min timeout that couldnt be declined that could be used only once per frame, (or maybe once per hour to remove mis-use) and during this intermission the player who hasnt paused can leave without forfitting points! this way its both sporting and doesnt ruin tournament progression!

I'm just 1 guy, i'd like to see this implimented, but what does every1 else think.................
..........Agree?/disagree?/variation of yer own?
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01:47 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I like the idea there about the 3 minute time out. Yes, use it once per hour and it should slow down the amount of games been won on default.

Maybe in tournament games we can have a 30 second time out that each player can use per frame....30 seconds isnt that long and can be used for a quick duck to the loo, getting a glass of water quickly or needing more time to figue out a shot.

I like the idea, has been mentioned once or twice before but I like this plan
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09:41 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
good idea, like it how people wouldnt be able to use it all the time, and maybe to stop misuse you can only use on your break, as people may try and disrupt your break
Posts: 1,630
09:55 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great idea, something i need lol.

On xbox live i think it is, on pro evo (probably other games too) you get 3 pauses in a half (something like that) of 60 seconds each.. Maybe something like that should be introduced

Oh and also, you can opt for the pause at any time, but if you click the 'pause' button, it will be paused on your next shot.

Edited at 15:57 Mon 11/02/08 (GMT)
Posts: 10,415
10:28 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah thats a good idea- love the intro to the thread sounds like an advert for something on tv
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11:39 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
It would be too much work for it's worth. If you need a toilet then go once you finish that game. It'll be 5 minutes max so I don't see a problem there. That's unless you have an weak bladder. If your expecting the door bell to go or the phone to ring then why not create a game with a 3 minute time limit.
Posts: 1,630
12:17 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
But if you're not expecting it?

And also, the highest limit is 90 secs.. maybe higher that an idea?
Posts: 112
19:16 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Still, if your at the door your not gonna run in every minute to rush a shot and run back out are you?

Edited at 01:16 Tue 12/02/08 (GMT)
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20:11 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
We always keep our door open like everyone else should except for at night so I don't have this problem. Also I always carry the phone around with me so again I have no problem. Why not open loads of programs and crash you computer. Then go to the toilet and by the time you come back your computer will respond again. I can't see this idea ever being implemented to be honest.
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09:56 Tue 12 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good idea but as has been said, both would have to agree!!
Posts: 1,630
14:15 Tue 12 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
west89 said:
We always keep our door open like everyone else should except for at night so I don't have this problem

So any old person strolls in your house?
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14:22 Tue 12 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes, there will be times where you have to use your 90 seconds due to someone at the door...but even if you didnt get back in 90 seconds, thats may still be enough to just keep you in the game rather than 0 time out. You may get a lucky random shot or something after the 90 seconds has finshed.

sometimes people have to leave for reasons beyond their control and the 90 seconds helps getting more games complete, doesnt make every game complete
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19:26 Tue 12 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
west89 said:
We always keep our door open like everyone else should except for at night so I don't have this problem. .
u dont live in the uk do you
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19:50 Tue 12 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
He lives in Waffle land.
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20:14 Tue 12 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
is that next to pizza world?
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20:20 Tue 12 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
About ten miles to the east.

And I do indeed live in the UK but we've never had any crime in our area (at least for a long time) A mixture between not having many people around of which most are policemen, two big dogs, a local hero (waffleman) and a long walk to our front door.
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05:13 Wed 13 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
so...getting back on track, (not flippen WAFFLES!), I could see this idea turn into reality within a few months.

im not sure what type of programming needs to go into this but i am sure that it is very similer to programming a 'Push Out' call in 9 ball.....should this idea come in sooner or later...i think very soon would be good (without rushing)
Posts: 10,415
07:05 Wed 13 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
so...getting back on track, (not flippen WAFFLES!), I could see this idea turn into reality within a few months.

im not sure what type of programming needs to go into this but i am sure that it is very similer to programming a 'Push Out' call in 9 ball.....should this idea come in sooner or later...i think very soon would be good (without rushing)

why did you give a timescale for it again- your not an admin- did u "program" the 9ball push out shot... how do you know
Posts: 8,940
13:30 Wed 13 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've always been against the idea of pausing the game, since i get impatient enough with 10 seconds!

However, while reading this i changed my mind.

A pause agreed to by both players would be fine, but only if the table were hidden during that time, so it could not be abused by someone getting their protractors out to get out of a tricky snooker (for example).
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pauseing friendly or ranked games idea

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