What Video Games do you Play?
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15:46 Fri 1 Feb 08 (GMT)
Just wanted to know what video games you play.
Sorry for the typo.
Edited at 00:19 Sat 2/02/08 (GMT)
Sorry for the typo.
Edited at 00:19 Sat 2/02/08 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:47 Fri 1 Feb 08 (GMT)
I play Battlefield 2 online at the moment with my ps2
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02:03 Sat 2 Feb 08 (GMT)
Currently playing Halo 3. Completed the campaign a couple of times, trying to get all the skulls. Also just bought Lego Star Wars TCS - great fun and hilarious as well
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18:22 Wed 6 Feb 08 (GMT)
Is that even possible???
Sorry, i'll move this to Computer chat!
Edited at 00:47 Thu 7/02/08 (GMT)
mike1993 said:
I play Battlefield 2 online at the moment with my ps2
Is that even possible???
Sorry, i'll move this to Computer chat!
Edited at 00:47 Thu 7/02/08 (GMT)
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19:25 Wed 6 Feb 08 (GMT)
tenchu wrath of heavean what a game yum yum
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01:15 Thu 7 Feb 08 (GMT)
i also play that, do u play online tansan?
tansan said:
Soldier Of Fortune 2
i also play that, do u play online tansan?
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06:53 Thu 7 Feb 08 (GMT)
Dynasty Warriors series, used to play final fantasies but recent ones have been pathetic. 7 and 10 were awsome. Anything football/soccer, or racing but not that nfsu malarkay. Toca and Gt games are good. Recently been obsessed with the wii but I put it back in its box after i smashed my girlfreinds jaw virtually off her face.
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07:12 Thu 7 Feb 08 (GMT)
The games i play online:
Project Gotham 4
Forza 2
Call of Duty 4
Pro Evo 2008.
I'm gunna start playing gears of war online after i've completed it.
Project Gotham 4
Forza 2
Call of Duty 4
Pro Evo 2008.
I'm gunna start playing gears of war online after i've completed it.
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15:04 Thu 7 Feb 08 (GMT)
pro evolution 2008 on pc
football manager 2008
football manager 2008
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15:06 Thu 7 Feb 08 (GMT)
anybody know if final fantasy tactics war of the lions on the psp is any good?
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10:56 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
PES2008 (PC)
Football Manager 2008
Championship Manager 3 (98/99)
Championship Manager 4 (01/02)
Football Manager 2008
Championship Manager 3 (98/99)
Championship Manager 4 (01/02)
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16:49 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
Hey mr_mcquiston what do u mean is that even possible?
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17:26 Fri 8 Feb 08 (GMT)
To play battlefield with your PS2, never knew it was possible...
Edited at 23:27 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
Edited at 23:27 Fri 8/02/08 (GMT)
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13:39 Fri 15 Feb 08 (GMT)
Ive gone back retro and am playing breath of fire 3 on the playstaton,i love that game
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13:50 Fri 15 Feb 08 (GMT)
You play Zelda too! <3 Love that game. Ocarina of Time was the best, though!
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13:55 Fri 15 Feb 08 (GMT)
Just got Oblivion for the PC, been told it's going to take over my life for a short while...
Been on Dynasty Warriors 5 on the ps2 along with burnout 3.
Looking forward to going home next week, may get the NES out and play Duck Hunt
Been on Dynasty Warriors 5 on the ps2 along with burnout 3.
Looking forward to going home next week, may get the NES out and play Duck Hunt
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What Video Games do you Play?
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