New Dedications Thread!!!
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19:05 Wed 16 Apr 08 (BST)
Wooooo wd huni *blushes* xx
I'd like to dedicate my 3 9ball golden breaks tonight to mr_criminal....just for being you huni *mwah* xxxx
war_criminal said:
I would like to dedicate my 6th GB on 9ball to Orchy for being a fantastic opponent and such a lovely person... love you babes *mwah* xxx
Wooooo wd huni *blushes* xx
I'd like to dedicate my 3 9ball golden breaks tonight to mr_criminal....just for being you huni *mwah* xxxx
19:06 Wed 16 Apr 08 (BST)
woooooo wd pinky me truffle now dont let them grind u down keep winnin there tournys woooooooomwa xx n gets bucket for ^^^ above
Edited at 00:21 Thu 17/04/08 (BST)
pinkyyloo said:
woooooooooo i dedi my 9 ball to bluey luv ya lots xxxxx
crazzy ty for everythin xxx
linzi,horse ab, presh
fastboysam ty ggs
n coolballs good final
crazzy ty for everythin xxx
linzi,horse ab, presh
fastboysam ty ggs
n coolballs good final
Edited at 00:21 Thu 17/04/08 (BST)
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19:28 Wed 16 Apr 08 (BST)
I was cheering in my head, I swear!
Woohoo Steven lol
misterchyme said:
i dedicate my 8 ball tourny win toooooo mari who did her voodoo lol, katie, mellow yellow, sandi, jess, and whoever else i forgot lol woot its been awhile
Edited at 05:22 Wed 16/04/08 (BST)
Edited at 05:22 Wed 16/04/08 (BST)
I was cheering in my head, I swear!
Woohoo Steven lol
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19:40 Wed 16 Apr 08 (BST)
Wd huniiiiii -hugs- <3
allornothing said:
woooooo finally done it.
i would like to dedicate my 3rd back-to-back tournament win and achieving 100 tournaments wins overall now to everyone on this site and especially to nick for a great site.
i would like to dedicate my 3rd back-to-back tournament win and achieving 100 tournaments wins overall now to everyone on this site and especially to nick for a great site.
Wd huniiiiii -hugs- <3
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20:32 Wed 16 Apr 08 (BST)
i would like to dedicate my uk ball marathon tournament win to dan,pr1ncess,_psmon_,sporting,jon,steph,stella,paula,smithbit,jason,
babealicious,kev,ben and to everyone on this site.
Edited at 01:32 Thu 17/04/08 (BST)
babealicious,kev,ben and to everyone on this site.
Edited at 01:32 Thu 17/04/08 (BST)
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20:46 Wed 16 Apr 08 (BST)
Dedicate my 8ball speed tourny to smithbit for being a special beaver...Lol
22:41 Wed 16 Apr 08 (BST)
ill dedicate my uk tourny win to sandi, rjc, melons, rachel0712, onua, allornothing for a great final and all mods and admin
03:01 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
Well played Pinky!! Woooooo
pinkyyloo said:
woooooooooo i dedi my 9 ball to bluey luv ya lots xxxxx
crazzy ty for everythin xxx
linzi,horse ab, presh
fastboysam ty ggs
n coolballs good final
crazzy ty for everythin xxx
linzi,horse ab, presh
fastboysam ty ggs
n coolballs good final
Well played Pinky!! Woooooo
05:32 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
WAH HOO PIGGY BOO! WD Carl *HUGS* Thanks for mention
I sooooooo wanna post a dedi...only i cant win PMSL
allornothing said:
i would like to dedicate my uk ball marathon tournament win to dan,pr1ncess,_psmon_,sporting,jon,steph,stella,paula,smithbit,jason,
babealicious,kev,ben and to everyone on this site.
babealicious,kev,ben and to everyone on this site.
WAH HOO PIGGY BOO! WD Carl *HUGS* Thanks for mention
I sooooooo wanna post a dedi...only i cant win PMSL
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07:16 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
I dedicate my marathon win to:
07:21 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
Omg you lie! How did u win?! I mean,... well done Mr. Spandex!
misterchyme said:
i dedicate my 8 ball tourny win toooooo mari who did her voodoo lol, katie, mellow yellow, sandi, jess, and whoever else i forgot lol woot its been awhile
Edited at 05:22 Wed 16/04/08 (BST)
Edited at 05:22 Wed 16/04/08 (BST)
Omg you lie! How did u win?! I mean,... well done Mr. Spandex!
07:22 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
Way to go!
janemba said:
ill dedicate my uk tourny win to sandi, rjc, melons, rachel0712, onua, allornothing for a great final and all mods and admin
Way to go!
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08:34 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
Grats Ste domination or wha ?
ste_efc said:
I dedicate my marathon win to:
Grats Ste domination or wha ?
08:43 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
OOER! Me? WOO HOOOOOOOOO PIGGY BOO! Ta Ste, and well done mate
ste_efc said:
I dedicate my marathon win to:
OOER! Me? WOO HOOOOOOOOO PIGGY BOO! Ta Ste, and well done mate
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09:16 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
I would like to dedicate my 17th 9 ball run out to Orchy bbbaby xxxx *snogs* love you huni xxxx
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10:53 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
Well done matey!
blink182rip said:
id like to dedicate my 8th us8 golden break to:
s0n1c cos it was agenst him
ronaldo1987 for congrats
and also all my m8s on ere
s0n1c cos it was agenst him
ronaldo1987 for congrats
and also all my m8s on ere
Well done matey!
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11:24 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
I would like to dedicate my 31st 8 ball US run out to:
morgain, cal, chris, chris, danny, kev, gerry, alex, sam, 2pro, zak, zanadoo, glynne, katie, mari, stelios, Jo, pool_fool, orchid and all mods and admin
morgain, cal, chris, chris, danny, kev, gerry, alex, sam, 2pro, zak, zanadoo, glynne, katie, mari, stelios, Jo, pool_fool, orchid and all mods and admin
13:03 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
Woooo Tally!
When you ever gonna stop??
__talented__ said:
I would like to dedicate my 31st 8 ball US run out to:
morgain, cal, chris, chris, danny, kev, gerry, alex, sam, 2pro, zak, zanadoo, glynne, katie, mari, stelios, Jo, pool_fool, orchid and all mods and admin
morgain, cal, chris, chris, danny, kev, gerry, alex, sam, 2pro, zak, zanadoo, glynne, katie, mari, stelios, Jo, pool_fool, orchid and all mods and admin
Woooo Tally!
When you ever gonna stop??
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13:15 Thu 17 Apr 08 (BST)
When I get my 100th US 8 7 balling and 10th US 8 gb
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New Dedications Thread!!!
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