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10:17 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
Thanks mate, many more to come
adidas said:
i dedicate my us 8ball golden break to.
rob, lisa, jo, al, gerry, tally, carl, paula, dan, keith, madmike, james, ryan, ste, ste efc, nick87, kim, linz, crazzymadman, davyb1, mich and katie_bug.
all the mods and admin
rob, lisa, jo, al, gerry, tally, carl, paula, dan, keith, madmike, james, ryan, ste, ste efc, nick87, kim, linz, crazzymadman, davyb1, mich and katie_bug.
all the mods and admin
Thanks mate, many more to come
10:36 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
I dedicate getting another 9 at mini golf to ajmb92, horse10000, blink182rip, pinkyyloo, linzi86, quick_pot, _nick87_, cityfan84, the_goonies, presh_86, crazzymadman, phonixmonkey, gamble2 and smithbit.
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11:34 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
I would like to dedicate my uk tourny win to:
inspiration for the support all the way through the tournament , ex_champ, allornothing (learnt loads from him last night and it worked in this tournament, thanks), and the lot of ya reading this! also phillyclarke for a very close and exciting final
Edited at 17:35 Mon 11/02/08 (GMT)
inspiration for the support all the way through the tournament , ex_champ, allornothing (learnt loads from him last night and it worked in this tournament, thanks), and the lot of ya reading this! also phillyclarke for a very close and exciting final
Edited at 17:35 Mon 11/02/08 (GMT)
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11:46 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
woooooo well done al
ab_rfc said:
I dedicate getting another 9 at mini golf to ajmb92, horse10000, blink182rip, pinkyyloo, linzi86, quick_pot, _nick87_, cityfan84, the_goonies, presh_86, crazzymadman, phonixmonkey, gamble2 and smithbit.
woooooo well done al
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11:56 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
I dedicate 9 ball wam-bam tourney win to jo - for taking my mind off other pressing matters lol - to gamble2 for watching final - and also to pinkyy, crazzy, horsey, linzy, bluey and any other y on funkypool
Edited at 17:59 Mon 11/02/08 (GMT)
Edited at 17:59 Mon 11/02/08 (GMT)
12:00 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
wooooooooooo well done chris nice to see ya bk and winnin
arcade_fire said:
I dedicate 9 ball wam-bam tourney win to jo - for taking my mind off other pressing matters lol - to gamble2 for watching final - and also to pinkyy, crazzy, horsey, linzy, bluey and any other y on funkypool
Edited at 17:59 Mon 11/02/08 (GMT)
Edited at 17:59 Mon 11/02/08 (GMT)
wooooooooooo well done chris nice to see ya bk and winnin
12:01 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
wooooooooo very well done abs
ab_rfc said:
I dedicate getting another 9 at mini golf to ajmb92, horse10000, blink182rip, pinkyyloo, linzi86, quick_pot, _nick87_, cityfan84, the_goonies, presh_86, crazzymadman, phonixmonkey, gamble2 and smithbit.
wooooooooo very well done abs
13:56 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
wooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo i dedi 8 ball tourney to noodle ul ggs also to..
bluey, linzi, and luke for support xx
crazzy where was ya eh n to horsey,abs,blink,adidas,potty,chris
and any1 else i no woooooooooooo
bluey, linzi, and luke for support xx
crazzy where was ya eh n to horsey,abs,blink,adidas,potty,chris
and any1 else i no woooooooooooo
13:59 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
wooooooooo welldone kim
and chris and ab abd kev and any1 else thats won
and chris and ab abd kev and any1 else thats won
14:27 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
Well Played Pinky, also Ab woooo show me golf, WP Kev woooo
Sorry i missed it Pinky had to pay the milkman (no not Adidas)
Sorry i missed it Pinky had to pay the milkman (no not Adidas)
14:34 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
I dedicate getting a 9 in mini golf to everyone i know you know who you are woooooooooooo
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14:40 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
well done kim and nick.
crazzy answer the door when i call please, you owe me 3 weeks milk money lmao
crazzy answer the door when i call please, you owe me 3 weeks milk money lmao
15:56 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
wooooooooooooo i wanna dedi my 9 ball tourny win to the following.....
pinkyyloo..wat a star she is mwa xx..874 :O
linzi86..played her part bless her lad
and horse10000,arcadefire,blinky,presh,grotty and luke for pm and martin14 ul in final soz if i 4got ya
pinkyyloo..wat a star she is mwa xx..874 :O
linzi86..played her part bless her lad
and horse10000,arcadefire,blinky,presh,grotty and luke for pm and martin14 ul in final soz if i 4got ya
16:04 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
Wooooooooo blue mate wp, cant wish for a nicer mate on here
16:22 Mon 11 Feb 08 (GMT)
twinkle twinkle well done bluey i did tell ya name was on it well done xx
blue_eye_boy said:
wooooooooooooo i wanna dedi my 9 ball tourny win to the following.....
pinkyyloo..wat a star she is mwa xx..874 :O
linzi86..played her part bless her lad
and horse10000,arcadefire,blinky,presh,grotty and luke for pm and martin14 ul in final soz if i 4got ya
pinkyyloo..wat a star she is mwa xx..874 :O
linzi86..played her part bless her lad
and horse10000,arcadefire,blinky,presh,grotty and luke for pm and martin14 ul in final soz if i 4got ya
twinkle twinkle well done bluey i did tell ya name was on it well done xx
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