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practise any hole on golf

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Deleted User
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17 years ago  [Link]  
i would like to hear your thoughts on being able to practise any given hole on golf, hole 9 for example i know 1 shot is achievable because other people have done it, the best i can get is 2 and this is mostly luck on the first shot finishing nicely. I find it frustrating that i have to play all the other holes before i can practise this one, also does anyone have any tips on how to get a hole in one on hole 9.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
i agree with what you're saying there are some that i would like to practise and it annoys me that i can't practise the ones i'm not good at i think that you should be able to choose to redo you're shots when you are practising
Deleted User
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17 years ago  [Link]  
ok being able to redo any hole is also a good idea although as this would still be in a game (even though only practising) im not sure how this would effect the scores, as in theory a player would be able to redo every shot untill they had a perfect score, there would need to be a limit to the "redo" i think.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
I understand where you are coming from, but that's why you can set the game to one player and play by yourself. You can practice that way, although yes, you must go through all 9 holes before playing again. But hey, at least you can practice all of them, then.
Posts: 10,415
17 years ago  [Link]  
it would be nice to just select a hole and be able to practice that hole though
Deleted User
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17 years ago  [Link]  
I agree......Totally agree......Just say, the ninth hole is theonly one u need practise on....u need to go all the way through agen to play it.....and u still might mess it up coz ur mouse kicks in or smething lol
Deleted User
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17 years ago  [Link]  
sean2211 said:
i would like to hear your thoughts on being able to practise any given hole on golf, hole 9 for example i know 1 shot is achievable because other people have done it, the best i can get is 2 and this is mostly luck on the first shot finishing nicely. I find it frustrating that i have to play all the other holes before i can practise this one, also does anyone have any tips on how to get a hole in one on hole 9.

also what about golf tournaments?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
A good idea but it's true you have to go all the way to every hole but it's not that hard for the last 1 I did it twice now But still a good idea
Deleted User
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17 years ago  [Link]  
Thank for your views anyone else have an opionon??
Posts: 1,977
17 years ago  [Link]  
i think mini golf tournys are a good idea but i think that its more knowing how to do each hole than anything else.... once i know how to get a hole in one on a particular hole then bout 8 times out of 10 i get it first time, so really the final may well come down to a draw everytime.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
i see what you are saying high tops i am the same i can get a hole in one on the first 8 most times but nobody can get them all everytime and if the final is a draw then just play untill there is a winner i dont think it would take more than a couple of games to find a winner
Posts: 1,977
17 years ago  [Link]  
well if its those who are getting 9's then you never know lol
Deleted User
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17 years ago  [Link]  
high_tops said:
well if its those who are getting 9's then you never know lol

so thts pple getting a hole in one on every golf course !
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
how about we just change the courses as the golf is no longer fun to play! may be another 9 new courses to replace the current ones we could stick them together to make an 18 hole tourny! dont think the chances of a hole in 1 every game would be so high then!.....................................ramblings of a mad man i know but just a thought
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
how about add another nine holes and keep the old ones and then you can choose between which nine you want to play. and as what daveygee said you could put all the holes together and make one big course
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practise any hole on golf

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