posting problems

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:57 Thu 6 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have found in the past few days that when I try to post something on forums, when i reach the 1000 character limit, when I click, a message comes up saying 'amount of characters exceeded. 1000 charcters aloud, you have 1003'. That is when I still have 5 characters left on the character counter at the bottom of the screen.

If I knew how to post a screen shote, I would to show you guys what it actually says and where it is. Have not done one for a while.

Has this ever happened to anyone else??
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:31 Sat 8 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
please give it a rest mate... is it really that important? why keep making these threads?
Posts: 8,940
15:37 Sat 8 Dec 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
djstevieb - if you dont have something constructive to say, dont say anything. This type of post is exactly what this forum is for. The more, the better.

Regarding the problem in hand, what seems to happen is that formatting characters are not counted by the counter sometimes, hence why you are actually over 1000, but the counter isnt quite there yet.

Make sense?
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posting problems

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